Tuesday, 20 March 2018

The spirit looks over.

The spirits looks over
Peace and harmony are entwined
Those who we both lost, this is for thee
Our hearts and joy on this occasion now makes us joined, and free.
The humbleness of god
And the angels looking over our souls,
Our love for you on this most glorious of days
Welcomes our friends and family, for whom we are delighted to stay.
May love be rejoiced
And their souls balanced in heaven,
The joy they have brought to our hearts
This occasion, and these words are humbly the start.
My mother’s voice I can hear
And child looking over their dad on this special day,
From all the beauty we embellish from our hearts
a blessing gave to my  now husband when he asked my mother
this day is rejoiced and symbolised of their natural loving grace
we all ascend towards a glorious place.
Thanks Mum x
to Lesley in memory to her Mother Best Wishes.

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright
14th March 2018

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