Saturday, 31 March 2018

Do not blink

Do you think I care? 
Do you think I am calm?
Do you think I want to stay? 
I would like a happy ending to make me feel special
Yet it’s intervention that decides
As I look to pontificate and often surmise.

I want to love 
And I want to care 
I want to embellish beauty 
For those who stare.

I have the ingredients to show humility 
God decides the time 
I need to be patient with I 
A happy ending can also end with a cry.

Be positive my dear 
Be nice to your wants,
Crave the unconditional want 
And god decides the will 
The feeling inside is so surreal.

I love you god 
And I know you plan for me what is best
I know there are challenges to foresake
Hence Christianity saves my humility and break.

Jason Andrews 
(C) copyright 
31st March 2018

Gods blanket

God holds you 
And starts your path again, 
Sad news for those left behind 
Yet the calling is a spiritual depend..

Saying goodbye 
shall unfold a new hello,
We shall meet again 
For gracious and humble stow.

Like a dove flying carefree through the air
Gods calling,  Austin is now at rest
Our dear lord shall give him the very best. 

A blanket of warmth 
Linger in the skies above 
Welcoming a soul to empower 
A new spiritual chapter that devour.

Hold my hand, child of mine
I shan’t let go as you are now at peace.
The solitude of the earth has been left behind 
Dear lord Jesus, please look after Austin’s spirit above
For now in harmony with eternal love.

To Austin RIP x

Follow your...

Believe in you
People will but the ultimate needs to come from me, myself and I. 
I am young at heart too 
Just a little slower and ready to challenge 
Life does not stop still for us
Treat with a power to hold strong 
The passage of life means you belong.

Experience counts for lots
The feeling from the heart needs to follow,
Don’t allow yourself to get sucked into negativity
When you pick that up, learn to capture your humility.

Be nice to your heart
Be nice to your dreams 
Be realistic in what you believe, 
Learn to know yourself more 
But do not go to the level where you are self consumed,
Prosper and avoid any unhealthy swoon.

Time to hold 
Time to be strong
Time to raise the bar
When all is quiet in life 
You venture into something far.

Challenge the mind 
Challenge your strength 
Challenging your intelligence 
Challenging lengths.

Be nice to others 
As they are to you 
Look to the future and flourish 
Giving doesn’t have to be wanting, it just makes you nourished.

Jason Andrews
1st April 2018
(C) copyright 

Friday, 30 March 2018

Stay strong and challenge

Never lose your soul
Never lose the time
Never close your eyes 
Bring on  gods glory, divine.

Don’t be scared of love
Don’t be scared of what you bring,
As long it serves gods purpose 
There are moment we can gleefully sing.

Love is power 
Love us strength 
Love encapsulates the all mighty god
For where he lays us, is where we should stay 
Moving forward...the evil tyrant shall be always at bay.

Bring the lords will to your heart
Those who do not believe, we welcome more
Glory to the almighty Jesus Christ our lord, 
The persecution and resurrection gave us eternal life 
We shall exude the word held 
And no longer feel we have to dispel. 

Darshna for you 🙏🏽

Rid pride

The word simply hurts the spirit
Middle word of ‘I’ is pride 
And no “I” in team,
I need to move on as non believers have no steam.

I am not aiming to offend 
I pray all shall be protected if you believe,
You won’t look back
And you won’t feel ever deceived.

The world is gods faith...
For he defends these trying times 
Help me lord as all are suffering with angst and anger 
“Hold my hand I hear him say,
“I’ll sort out the devil 
And keep that one at bay”

The proud mentality once destroyed my soul 
My fight is from the devils attack
I put the armour of god 
For that has my back. 

I am not low 
I am just scared 
A flavour from what’s to come 
I follow in obedience 
Now the devil can “‘ave some”

The victory is won. We just simply need to believe 


I need something to do
I feel calm, I have a coffee talking to god
My father calms me down 
I know he has my back as forbids me to drown.

The change will happen,
Not sure what to do? 
God has a plan
As long I follow in obedience
I will stay a broken but resonant.

The dice I had to roll
Brought good and indifferent people to my path
What am I suppose to do when the negativity is aired my way?
God my protector and my lord 
Am I scared? No, I have god in my life
Doesn’t matter what happens when the spirit protects your soul 
My heart belongs to Jesus, no one else 
I need my dads shoulder to cry on 
As I look up to the mountain of Zion. 

Stay blessed x🙏🏽

Jason Andrews
30th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Tortured soul

Never knew where to turn 
Never knew where to stay
Low? Couldn’t been lower 
Yet I fight with the reserves to possess
I will face this battle and overcome the test.

Scared! Inflicted by myself
and people I thought that cared,
I am now flourishing, working hard 
Those who I thought had my back
Well... they are gutless as I no longer lack.

People you felt saved your soul
At least I now know where I stand 
Anyway, my story ends good
2 angels protected my soul, in which I thought my parents should.

Now Jesus has hit me with all the glory to Obide
Looking here and there for a saviour to protect
Welcome the lord into his arms
The glory is great and welcome fate.

Be at peace with god 
And all anger shall deflect into a different place,
The humility of the lord 
Is captured through the breaking of sins
Those who judge, shall not win.

Jason Andrews
30th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Our beautiful Lord

A time to reflect the crucifixion and resurrection of the lord 
For he died for our sins 
And recaptured our ultimate win.

“Hard to understand”others may say,
The Lord is our shepherd 
As the devil shall eventually decay.

We are far from perfect 
Despite efforts we look to capture,
Endless journey to go forth and find
A glorious victory, from the love that is kind.

I cry to see the world in its current state
People barging and aggressing too much 
People not as important 
As treatment derails 
We need to regroup and focus, if everything fails.

Love is love 
And hate has no place 
The love of our lord as Jesus is king
Glory to the higher power and accept what’s within.

Jason Andrews 
(C). Copyright
29th March 2018 

Positive breeds positive

Clearly the words say it all
Hitting a positive theme
Doesn’t always need to be a dream.

Go out there, learn from mistakes 
Avoid politics, if you can
Personally there needs to be a ban.

Sorry if I offend, just my point of view 
Moving forward and not prolonging a debate
Can become unbalanced, and lead to unknowing fate.

Be positive with your wants
Be clear with your needs 
If you are unsure, 
Speak to someone and assured,
If they are not around, then pray and hold onto your strengths
For they clearly have there lengths.

Aim for the stars 
If they are not realistic to achieve 
Look towards another goal, 
At the end of the day 
A defeat doesn’t need to be a blow. 

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright 
29th March 2018

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Do not know the story, but...

I don’t know what happened
But I am there for you,
You do not need my presence 
You just need my soul.

Love is forward thinking
And that is the gift I give to you,
Even if you have it in spirit
I am there too, as I try to feel it.

From the heart I care 
I have no magic wand to banish the past,
All I can do is release these words 
As these moments too have a limit to last. 

I care and that won’t change
I can only hold your hand or give you a hug
These are gods gifts to care for a friend 
Love, only love are the essence from the message that god sends 

Jason Andrews 
(C) copyright 
29th March 2018

For my friend 😉

My auntie

Almost 21 years since my auntie left to go to heaven,
It’s her birthday today,
She would have been 73 
A Wonder Woman shining over thee.

She was beautiful, calm and polite
Yet do not cross her 
She knew how to stand up to a fight.

MND was the destroyer which took her away
She was funny and lived the life that was judged her way,
She was calm and humble 
All goodness exhalted from her stay.

I recall a poem I wrote for her when she reached 50,
A subtle and humble words expressed 
To have her in my life did not embrace us any far less.

28th March a day which belonged to her, 
And you, my cousin I love you more than you know
Auntie Denise always made us a cup of tea 
As the fieryness simply blew away 
and humbleness took its place, Auntie Denise, happy birthday from the minds eye
That I shall always see. 

“A special day Auntie x x”

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright 
28th March 2018


Looking blankly into space 
Feeling at peace and no distraction around
Heavenly Father you comfort my surround.

I look at the skies and now feel inner sanctum
Feeling humble with the truth even if pass lies did come from my mouth
As long I follow in obedience to the lord
I acknowledge I am protected by the sword.

The world is currently turbulent through beligerant sin
We cannot stop from all the intentions that attack
We try and try until the bitter end 
This is gods message we humbly send. 

“Gods gift is a humble beginning”

Jason Andrews 
28th March 2018
(C) Copyright 


New Start

New job 
new ties
You shan’t be far away
As a new challenge lays.

Wishing you well 
Brace new beginnings,
Learning to open a new career door 
Shall enhance further more.

Stay strong in heart
Be calm in body and mind,
So deserving this new beginning 
Shall pertain an elevation, constantly bringing.

We see the world for what it is
And give it all our heart and soul when challenges loom
I wish you a roaring success in what you need
As this new chapter shall blossom, like a seed. 

 “All best Sue aka hun. It sounds a good team over at Stephenson house” x x J 


Don’t let the rain hold you down
Yes it’s negative, and puts on a damp frown
Do look at these words and reflect, 
This is simply a day you can capture your Zeal
Once that manifests, everything is surreal. 

Yes the weather can dampen the mood
And yes, I do a little exercise before I transcribe these words
Rather do that, and release a moan 
To have guile eliminates a groan.

I know we live in extraordinary times 
Money is tight 
People are aggress
I too have my lows 
I rather move forward and accept the blows.

I serve a higher power 
This isn’t at all for me, 
To do something for someone else is more rewarding 
Even if appreciatibg from their end is far more distorting.

The weather started these string of words 
Be calm in spirit 
Even when the anger explodes 
You defend your council and stay strong 
Even these  times we are challenged, yet we do belong. 🙏🏽💪🏽😉

“Thank the weather for this poem” Lol

Jason Andrews 
28th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Sunday, 25 March 2018


What’s the logic to hurt the future,
Hit where it hurts has no place..
Love is where is at, not a gun powder trace.

They are children 
And if you are struggling to hold the fire,
Please keep still for a minute 
And seek help with a little desire.

Please don’t point the gun 
What service shall it deliver, 
Be strong with your heart
Don’t let evil dither. 

Beat the bullets 
The law clearly needs to change,
To run riot with a weapon to destroy
I rather pray, hold still get rid these pointless toys.

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright 
25th March 2018

For #AMarch4OurLives 

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Positive words

You are great 
You are bright,
Move forward with conviction 
Make it a welcomed addiction.

Avoid the negativity that surrounds 
Even if you live In the same abode,
There is always a quiet space to go
If not? put the headphones on and just simply glow.

You are nice
And you are sweet,
People shall make fun of these words
Then what do they know, the same, and retreat. 

Love your heart 
Do a walk half hour or, hour a day,
You are just as worthy 
As positive words are the ones that need to stay.

“Well I am a realist and the world is difficult at this moment in time!”
If you follow that line, just let it be
Then your eyes won’t belong to you, can’t you see?

(C) Copyright 
23rd March 2018

Friday, 23 March 2018

Thank you sister

Thank you for your words
Words of wisdom and of peace
You are a light at the end of the tunnel,
You deliver to me a spiritual feast.

Your random tandum nature 
Is refreshing like a river that flows
Bringing out the best
Lifting with all our zest.

Love thyself 
With a breathe that elevates the soul
When the days arrive and lowest ebb hits the heart,
Unravel these words 
As the essence from you is where it’s starts.

May the rest of your life show our smiles
As brother and sister this is where we stay
As long the longevity of life arrives 
We shall evolve as well as keep ourself at bay.

To my sister x love Bro

Jason Andrews
23rd March 2018
(C) Copyright 


A Genius
A victim 
A artist with a snooker cue in his hand,
Now entering a relaxed stage when playing 
Knowing how to attack in the battle faced
A 147 looms, a title to taste.

The magic produced 
Purely spellbound and amazing 
Gliding the swing of the cue with extreme ease
The gifts delivered are somewhat a tease.

The balled potted delivered with sheer aplomb 
The magnitude of expectation managed with skill and finesse 
This young man more often than not comes through trying tests.

The balls crunched in the pocket 
In the timely manner exude,
This isn’t make believe
It’s Ronnie in the snooker mood.

5 world titles and hopefully more to see 
The ultimate competitor 
The only person who can beat him...  is he.😉☯️

For Ronnie from Jason 

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright
23rd MRcg 2018

What do you want?

If I was asked now, 
by those who I feel who are close,
I would be open with the words of slay
Guardians would say “it would be nice if you settled down”
I say, “why doesn’t the question arrive my way?”

I may want something different?
I may want quiet and total peace,
People who are programmed with thoughts
Do not think logically, and apprehension is soon caught.

Clearly we are all different 
But the manor of the message comes from within,
Have I done wrong for not tying the knot?
Isn’t the happiness inside your godly soul the ultimate prize?
Guardians can sometimes send a message of surmise.

The important feeling is happiness 
And what works for you,
If people are calm and do not judge 
Then you have the harmony to keep it real
As it’s your life, control it, that’s the deal. 

“I was controlled once, now I have broken the chains, I hav3 to stay happy and strong, that’s where I belong”

Jason Andrews 
(C) copyright 
23rd March 2018 

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Humble pie

We like to think we are humble
I know I try my best to follow that path,
You may or, may not have a source of income?
And try to balance the work, life and fun. 

We are all different 
Some nosy than others,
Some just chilled, and  don’t really care
Some inquisitive yet friend afar, that’s me to share.

Personally taking an interest is a balance,
I personally care to a point,
Yet I am no journalist 
Where I don’t need to understand when a persons nose is out of joint.

I just want people to be content or happy 
I do not always need to know why they are who they are,
I have a personality to deflect those who are not my type
As life can be very complicated if you become really ripe. 

I don’t do gossip 
And don’t care much for it too,
As long as you are ok with me 
Then I am ok with you too.

Jason Andrews 
22nd March 2018
(C) copyright 

Tuesday, 20 March 2018


Never look back 
People will try to keep you there
Be strong for yourself 
And show that you still care.

People have riled my spirit 
Upset the sheer fibre of my soul
I am now moving on
As dependency is no longer a blow.

Be strong 
Stay smart 
Naysayers need to avoid
Bat back those who start negative stories
Enough goes on in life, as look towards gods glory.

Look to the moon and stars that shine
they are there for you to bliss 
A hug and gentle glare 
Be humble to the chippy grin 
As we all look to avoid unnecessary sin x  

Jason Andrews
20th March 2018
(C) copyright

Happy birthday Sophie

Hello my dear 
A celebratory toast belongs to you
May you enjoy this momenteous occasion
From the humbleness derived from the skies which flew.

May the day be great 
May the day appear bright,
May the occasion look after you
Acknowledge this time is to reflect
Your good nature we capture, and detect.

A kind soul
And gossip queen to find 
Nevertheless you heart is open... and beautifully kind 

A drink and a piece of humble pie to rejoice
Look to the stars and back 
A good, loyal friend. 
For me, you are definitely that xxx

Happy birthday Sophie
Love Jason & family x

Jason Andrews 
20th March 2018
(C) copyright

The spirit looks over.

The spirits looks over
Peace and harmony are entwined
Those who we both lost, this is for thee
Our hearts and joy on this occasion now makes us joined, and free.
The humbleness of god
And the angels looking over our souls,
Our love for you on this most glorious of days
Welcomes our friends and family, for whom we are delighted to stay.
May love be rejoiced
And their souls balanced in heaven,
The joy they have brought to our hearts
This occasion, and these words are humbly the start.
My mother’s voice I can hear
And child looking over their dad on this special day,
From all the beauty we embellish from our hearts
a blessing gave to my  now husband when he asked my mother
this day is rejoiced and symbolised of their natural loving grace
we all ascend towards a glorious place.
Thanks Mum x
to Lesley in memory to her Mother Best Wishes.

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright
14th March 2018

Our time and our anniversary

Many years together like a flowing stream

Beautiful and ageless through the times,

Working through many days which have brought us joy and smiles

Having 2 beautiful children which has made this journey so much worthwhile.


We have worked hard and deserve the happiness god brings,

we look to our future furthermore

Humble grace, glorious on an open shore.


We have done our best

And come through many tests

We are a great team in the making

Complimenting each other strengths

And nurturing the difficult times we held

Encompassing the glory we have both yield.


With strength, love and great communication

We have many more celebratory years to capture,

Reaching the end of our careers

Where we can focus on our love, through many more years.

For a friend.

Jason Andrews
(c) Copyright
16th March 2018

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Why not?

Naysayers, which’s means those who say: “you can’t do that?” 
Why not? I am here to live my dream
Do not hold me back
Or I shall let off the steam.

Encourage my actions 
And if I fail?
Then appraise that I have tried,
I have no time for naysayers.. even if I’ve fried.

Deep words! I know
But am I scared, just a bit..
Then working through the rejection and pain
Makes you strong as you banish the stain.

Be around positive people
You know, those who have your back,
Realism, optimism and pessimism have a fine line between 
Be true to thyself, no one walks in your shoes...
Know what I mean? 😉 

Jason Andrews
18th March 2018
(C) Copyright 

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Diabetes - you own it!!!

Living with a condition where maths is involved
Culminates a path where I need to remain strong
Working out the numbers from the foods we eat 
Is keeping me alive and that doesn’t include the heat.

Diabetes is a lifestyle change 
Not just for Christmas,
Test your sugars first
And workout what you need to eat 
Then there is the recording, no mean feat.

Ketonacidisis I look to avoid
Yet there will be slip ups
The art, don’t beat yourself up with a void.

Be strong, be focused
You own the condition, it doesn’t own you
What I mean? 
It’s quite simple, you are responsible for a serious disease
But with good discipline the situation can be a breeze. 

“Talking from experience, and it’s not all about being careful, science and methodology is involved”

Jason Andrews 
17th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Fighting off hate

A flesh thinking concept 
Aimed to hurt morals and souls,
The idea to hate 
Is like a predator aiming for bait.

Sport is where you balance the theory of of wasted energy
As safe guards are instilled,
The point to deflect that feeling away
Shall induce a calmer which is welcomed to stay.

May worlds embrace
May wars be withheld as end days need peace,
We say we want a happier place
Yet no one faces that area to trace.

What have we created 
As the big book said this would happen,
Sadness shall deliver hate...
For me, as long I raise a smile my mind is in a better state.

Jason Andrews 
17th March 2018
(C) copyright

A new chapter

Delight can sometimes be a fright
Yet god never sleeps
His heart for you sometimes weeps.

These words are powered by the lord
I freely express a spiritual journey
You are open, balanced and loving 
Show the world what you can do
You have the guile and happiness to express and banish the blues.

Mistakes will happen
But learning is the key,
We know this, most of the time 
It’s the time we don’t know, is to diminish the concubine.

Be strong in will 
Balanced in heart
Refresh your motives 
You have the girls, and you are that smart.

Be true, be sweet and ignore the naysayers from the heart,
Stay open and beautiful in body, heart and soul
The path of true happiness always has somewhere to grow.

“Stay blessed Jenny” x

Jason Andrews 
17th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Friday, 16 March 2018

Angels ascend

Angels ascends
The glory starts
We live for moments each passing wake
We all have something to offer,  and be at stake. 

The mind and heart face many a trial
Yet with strong pray to the lord
This spiritual journey is worth so much while.

The heavens open
The angels sing 
The power to the glory
This is the pinnacle love story.

The gifts we are given
The moments we cherish with faith,
Say your prayers 
As you shall deflect the path of the unneeded spiral stairs.

Work hard 
And live with joy and peace,
Manage the chaos that artist arrives your way
As the spiritual shall always love you, 
on this spiritual lay.  

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Glory of hope

You face trials 
Hardship and pain,
The cowards that talk behind your back
Yet pray is something we should not lack.

We face ups and downs 
Trials and tribulations 
Learning to overcome a difficult time 
We look and pray as all shall be divine.

We go out and socialise 
Especially when needing to be courageous from the difficult times we face,
This means we shall not give up hope
Working through a difficult untimely slope.

Push, and push yourself more
People can be your help or, guide you to fall down
I suggest to the skies and, avoid the politics presented 
Embracing spirality rather than embue the recented.

Jason Andrews 
15th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Heaven and earth

Sugar low
Humble blow 
The earth shall continue to rise
We look at the world, 
And there is no end of a surprise.

God brings you joy
God brings you peace
Gifts brought from god
To be used at the very least.

Bring peace to the heavens
May enlightened glory derive from the higher power
Looming over our heads like a protected tower. 

Love the heavens and the earth 
They have so much to contain, 
We are simply an instrument relating to these words
May the education bring you faith and joy,
What’s on heaven and earth is enriched, as there’s no ploy.

Jason Andrews 
14th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Monday, 12 March 2018

Sins washed away

I believe 
I try not to deceive
Yes, I make mistakes,
Don’t we all?
Yet the example to go to God is to simply avoid the fall.

A new look life to embrace
The second coming of Christ,
Those who do not believe 
Just give him a chance 
I have embellished the glory, at a glance.

I was broken 
Fighting to understand my life,
Now it’s left to god to control
I can’t do this on my own 
I have faith like a Gaelic warrior Sloan.

Cry to the heavens 
Broken in heart 
Control belongs to god 
I am his child 
from being a servant, to then becoming a disciple
Learning to let go
As the lords story, is to assist for all of us to flow.

Jason Andrews 
(C) copyright
13th March 2018

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Mothering Sunday

The hardest job out there
To raise a family and carry a child for nine months,
Working through your patience and trying to say the right things 
Being a mother does not chirp out a sing.

One day at a time 
You see your children grow towards a path,
Learning to aspire and see a goal
A mother’s job is to nuture, and to glow.

May the blessing of a mothers efforts 
Bring not to judge their child,
Learning to stay in control
And flourish their child’s dream and the balance to let go.

May the heavens protect you on this special day
And be spoilt by those children you brought on this earth,
A wanted a challenge, a delightful birth.
The journey isn’t straight forward 
some mums are calm yet testedwith patience,
The balancing act to empower their children’s gifts
Despite a few lapses, this day belongs to all mothers around the earth
A glorious moment, a glorious worth xxxx 

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Chinese whispers

A few words are then said, 
And all taken out of context
“They said this and they said that”
Be careful you then become friends with a ferocious bat...

Can’t stand the stirring
Keep that away from me 
I too sample my four season 
Yet talking about others is an unhealthy spree.

You wouldn’t like the same to happen to you
You are being naughty, hence my distance from thee
If you choose to ignore me
That’s sad, yet I am a person with a past
Judge and ya shall be judged... gossiping words never last.

I am a one man band  
And surely won’t  make friends from words I have said.
Think about it, if the tables were turned
Wouldn’t you be upset from the words You have read.. 

“Stay blessed”
Jason Andrews 
9th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Friday, 9 March 2018


Call me ignorant 
Or call me sensitive 
I genuinely love and care
True, I cannot take away your problems
I truly care, even amidst the torture to share.

I can’t imagine how Christ felt when he was sacrificed for our sins
Just the thought of hurt when someone’s ignores me is so huge 
Feels like an hard punch to give bruise.

I suppose I won’t feel different 
Nor would I feel sad when wanting to do good,
Yet don’t dismiss me 
Nor should I do to thee,
Humbleness and openness can show a glint 
Love only love is verse of the big book... clearly a hint.

Confess with all of your heart, mouth and soul
Be true to thyself, and stay strong when the enemy attacks
We are all short from the higher grace of the all mighty 
Don’t be hard on yourself 
as standards are not aligned with each other
Love, just love the world like a sister and brother.

From over sensitive me xxx

Jason Andrews 
9th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Behind your back

Call me sensitive 
I feel someone said something about me
An emotional deflections which riled my soul,
The forgiveness in love and mercy you should never let go.

There are people who think they are clever 
Yet the wool cannot be  pulled over my eyes,
I shall deflect with cunning and wit
My eyes may look wired, but I too can be a git.

I would say very little 
And the consequences I say which derive 
I am stronger than you think
From that I shall not sink. 

I am getting older 
Therefore I am getting stronger,
If you talk behind my back
I can only call you gutless 
As well as literacy ficklest.. 

None of us are perfect 
Yet some need to be told when mischief enters their minds
I am strong in power, yet humble in soul, 
We shall deliver message that awaits
Yet I am a great believer  of fate.

Jason Andrews
8th March 2012
(C) Copyright 


Wednesday, 7 March 2018


No one can control me
Only the spirit in the sky has the final say,
You can suggest what I should do
But the aggression of control needs to remain at bay.

I may have strength above and beyond 
Yet the issue is in me and not you,
Your control may have good intentions 
Yet it’s my perception which is key
As there’s a humble child of god evident to see.

I may take words the way I shouldn’t
Yet there are skills to encourage your soul 
Let me be me and as shall remain as you
Today I’ll start again, no need for a clue.

Be nice to your heart 
As the aim is for myself to do the same too,
Stay focused on god 
As the days of negativity, shall be avoided inside of you.

Jason Andrews
8th March 2018
(C) copyright 

Monday, 5 March 2018

Dude.. where were you?

Dude where were you?
I thought you were my friend?
Someone who cared for me and my family
And someone I could more often depend.

Please... no excuses 
You’ve done what you have done,
If it’s all about you?
Then leave me be
Selfish mentality can simply flee... 

My loyalties are so different from yours
Your meaning of our friendship states what you can gain,
Man, you disappoint me 
As I have experienced a family loss 
And your friendship and lack of support results as a cost..

I would have been there for you man 
Esoecially if the roles were reversed,
I would have stepped up and been there,
As the meaning to being a mate is get on with it, and care. 

I shall be civil 
As I hope the words I say mean something to you
If your have a caring heart, 
But then again I now see you for what you are,
Hence my need to be civilised and remove myself far.

To Dee
From J 

Sunday, 4 March 2018

70s poem

The decade of glitz 
Earth, wind and fire 
A time when great people were born 
Alas King Elvis legacy unexpectedly scorn..

The new seekers brought us to life
And Jason King figured out many a conundrum to bring to justice.
A time where flared trousers were fashionable 
And afros hit a new beautiful height 
And glam rock delivered a shining light.

Connors and Borg were the princes of the tennis court
And pans people danced to a merry tune,
“Showing your age!”
I shall hear
Yet I am proud to be born at a time where things were taken less seriously
Rather than not knowing, and less mysteriously.

So much more I could say,
Cat Stevens sang Rubylove
And Elton John chanted crocodile rock,
And there were only 3 channels on the tele
An era where love held its own
And Nixon brought  watergate scares
Yet the 70s encouraged youngsters to capture a trade
And the dawning of the 80s enlightened the stage. 

Jason Andrews
3rd March 2018
(C) copyright 

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Learn to love yourself...

Reach a goal
Touch your heart,
Love thyself 
Words from the start.

Bring this day Forth
Look into the mirror and beautifully see,
Love only love 
In your eyes love yourself, and simply be.

Love the soul
Love your mind 
Start humble in peace 
You are the loved one, at the very least.

Never be scared 
Speak and shout out loud,
For those who judge are blind to see
That’s why you love yourself as it’s a feeling to set you free.

Love the gossipers 
Yet love yourself more 
You are the one to live day by day 
Say to your friends, love paves the way.

Pray to god 
And love your lord with all your might,
Love is power,
Love is key, and do not live your life in someone’s eyes,
Hence judgement is the key towards demise.

Love your smile
Love the good you do,
If someone does not like your way,
Just pray for them 
And the love for you, shall always make you feel ok. 

Jason Andrews
3rd March 2018
(C) Copyright 


Stuck on a train for god knows how long
Virtually seeing your destination 
Yet the time to arrive just sheer gestation.

We almost arrive to Lewisham
yet the rails faced its biggest struggle, 
We were standing up on a train and nowhere to turn
This is when community plays it’s part, and you’ll get to learn.

Stuck on a rock and very hard place
Amusement was very much needed 
Jokes flowing, reminiscing the past music and TV shows, 
Working through an awkward time, positivity needed to show.

Wit and humour, along with very tired feet 
challengers aside we struggled to keep the show going
Yet, with forth given faith
We overcame a battling wrath. 

😉 this symbol to trying to stay positive, is simply the only way
Speaking to complete strangers to make wrong into right
Leaps our faith to avoid unnecessary plight.

I don’t need to send a global whassup message 
With a point proving goal,
This was a time we helped each other on a very damaged train
As community and focus kept our community sane.

Jason Andrews
3rd March 2018
(C) Copyright 

The 2nd March a train from London Charing halted just 20 metres to Lewisham Train Station. The weather was cold and abismal. The purpose of the poem states a Community stuck together,  during a 2 hours and 30 minutes halt. With gods grace and faith we pulled through” 

Thursday, 1 March 2018

80s poem

A time where politics took its toil
Children didn’t have social media or tablets to depend
There was a pen pal from far away to transcend.

The amount of people is not as high as today,
So relaxing more often than not, has its place. 
A wimpy burger was a child’s breakout treat,
And there was ‘spitting image’ on the tele 
Where rubber puppets would play politicians and celebs that were in the public eye
“You cannot be serious!” Was often shouted from McEnroe and Connors..
More often than not they would share tennis honours.

Sports scores were less than today 
Liverpool dominated football
As others would frequently fade away
The back pass rule they mastered to keep opponents at bay.

‘Love thy neighbour’ was on the box
And top of the pops was gave us  Friday night musical fun.
“Multicoloured swap shop” and “tiswas” entertained the child’s desire.
Bubble gum smiling appeared on the kids faces,
And then the filo fax brought us the YUPPI
Now that’s was when the mobile phone was a mere puppy.

I could go on and on with memorabilia of yester year to voice, 
“Shut up ya face” was my first 7” record 
As songs hit fun notes with zany trials of glee,
Quirky statements and sign of the times 
This era was fun yet there were bigoted times too
The vibe of this poem is to express the past for better rather than seeing blue.
Being positive is what we all crave 
This era has so much to give with their wit and speed,
Yet the 1980s had something we all craved, and  more often need.

“Do you remember those days??” 

Much love 

Jason Andrews
1st March 2018
(C) Copyright

Love yourself more than you can accept

People can be fickle, And there are those who are considerate and polite, There are those who are smothering, when the other person can’t se...