Monday, 20 June 2022

Light minded

It’s difficult these days to be light-minded
Looking towards a heart that’s balanced and kind
The blessing from somewhere we all need to find.

I prayed to God; and he does answer my woes 
Yet others can trip you up, wanting you to fail,
Now this is when prayers fall into it, as you look towards a harmless sail.

God is so kind, he takes away the fear
Don’t get me wrong? You can become anxious when the devil tricks you in the mist, 
Try to be open and ask for help
Don’t let pride take over, which causes a yelp.

Light minded souls are great to be around 
Yet Mental health is the fever, where it can start, brokenness in a fight I lost when I was blinded
and openness to God’s love is where you need to become sighted.

20th June 2022

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