Monday, 27 June 2022

In a world…..

The world needs love…
Not this “he said and they said” remarks,
Judging others by clothes that they wear
As long it follows Gods path, he shall graciously care.

The extremity of humans
Through this current arguing trend,
And the pace of these conversations 
Doesn’t allow a solution to transcend.

People don’t care anymore,
It’s rush, rush and rush again,
They receive an email and immediately respond…
Reactive working derive from emergencies unknown 
Not this argumentative hoax, that isn’t part of the Kings throne.

We are getting tired of this nonsense
Be patient, outraged brokenness is there
Worry about money, especially in a world that does not care.

It’s finding attainment 
That solace we can all capture to rejoice,
As long we try to find a solution, there is always hope through the Father’s humble voice.

28th June 2022

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