Tuesday, 21 June 2022

It starts with a prayer

A prayer can take you there
“Where?” you may ask
Your passage of discovery
A hope within sight
A great example with a shining light.

God is good all of the time
A beckon of light and perennial hope,
Teach the youth a sign of kindness
Not this persistent turbulence where things have now changed for the worst
Show them patience and defiance 
Stemming the devils attack with a stern alliance.

You are kind
Remember love has always won,
Anger is a soluble to destroy
God love you, to humble and deploy.

Look at today
Beautiful and bright,
Often noises of carnage takes place 
Yet the love of encouragement is a method these days frowned
I rather show joy of a smile and avoid political rift 
Speaking as a middle aged man whose words contain true grit.  

22nd June 2022

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