Thursday, 16 June 2022

Keeping it simple

In a consumerist society
Which could often lead to recover in a transient of sobriety.
What does that mean?
Partying to access…from where you eventually lose focus of
This world has already lost its common sense and made us a little soft.

Learning to pray and moving with grace
There is a Father who loves you unconditionally and wants you very close,
The humbleness in strength shall bring out your best, from your inner most.

Need to drink to have fun?
Or say a prayer to wish others well?
A gathering isn’t about calling others a ‘bitch’
That conversation I prefer to ditch.

Yes you need fun to chill
Yet in a world where arguments are a common trend,
And that laughter has turned politics upside down and on its head
Please… say a simple prayer… it’s that simple, just before you go to bed.

16th June 2022

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