Thursday, 2 June 2022

To our Demetrious…with love

Hello cuz 
Birthday greetings to you,
Here’s a poetic hug from these words I release  
I wish you a joyous birthday, in the least.

1966.. that was the year
England won the World Cup,
People were less argumentative and provided more love;
Politics left to those who knew 
And greetings coming your way from this family that always loves you.

Always in our heart
Always asking how people are;
Moving forward towards a brighter future 
Gadgets personified,  for which has always suit you.

Stay blessed and humble
God has your back,
Prayers heading your way
Thank you cuz on this most humble, and blessing of days.

“Happy birthday Demetrious..lots of love”
Jason xx and Divine xx

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