Friday, 15 March 2019

Benefit to believe x

Believe in the message or not 
When you believe in the highest power,
You wonder why things happen in this day and age
It’s because the attacking of the serpent through vexatious words
Looking onwards, none of what I say is truly absurd.  

Judge and ye shall be judged
People who struggle with faith we still love,
They won’t understand and this isn’t about intelligence, purely focused on faith
Love of the lord does deflect any type of wrath.

Love is powerful 
And yet these are challenging times 
I am upbeat and believe in the almighty
I feel comforted from what praying does 
It fills you up and keeps you strong 
A time to relish and time to belong.

Be kind to your heart 
Be merciful in your grace 
Putting you in a position of humility 
And attained in the goodness we can all embrace.

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