Friday, 15 March 2019


The world will judge
Yet you need to stay strong
Decisions about you can be fickle
You know yourself better, and you won’t succumb to become brittle.

A glorious message unfolds
A message a king in born 
the protector from those who hurt 
Yet Matthew’s passage in 5:44 shall echo a spurt. 

We open our hearts and the lord will hold
No matters how timid you feel
The strength holds you inside, 
Those who dislike you will try their best to break
You have a stronger spirit which deprives any harmful fate.

We sing, we enjoy and we reap the rewards of prayer 
Yet it’s the obedience of the almighty 
Arids anything that’s so plighty.
Touch my heart and the spirit refills 
Love you, hug you and bring you close 
If you sheerly believe, that will mean the most x

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