Thursday, 7 March 2019

Never Doubt

Look towards you 
Never doubt the belief you have
Some will say “just get on with it”
Some overthink and conflict the decision
Make it as logical as you want
Ignore the remarks just follow your heart
The outcome will prevail, coming from the start.

Believe in you
People have many ways to say what they want 
People will try to control your outcome, 
The decision is yours, fail or success 
Every task shall have obstacles you need to confront 
Take a step back, ignore others around 
If they are calm and chilled, then listen 
Sometimes these things are simply a premonition. 

When you have been controlled like me
You find the faith to overcome what once tried to break you,
Believe, stay strong, better or for worse
Negativity needs to be erased 
Even your loved ones can be going through ‘a’ phase. 

The fact we are all different 
From all walks of life 
I made a conscious effort to refute the negative feed
Go with your heart and therefore, go with the scattered seed. 

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