Saturday, 30 March 2019

That word.... no

Often subjective
Frequently used as preserving 
May need to say “no”to those who aim to drain you
A good word sometimes, when others pursue.

That negative word can hold you back
Cruel to be kind, that’s where  “no”can be used
A balance  outcome to prevent political feud.

It’s when a “no” is said when positivity needs to be recite 
You aim with good intentions, yet those who are negative start each phrase with that word,
That is subjective, guarded and absurd..

Politics is “no mans” land 
A place where the subject is taken away from folk,
To get into the habit of saying the “no” word
Has no place in my vocabulary for negative reason,
Only said if preservation needs to remain intact
That’s not only life, that is a matter of fact

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