Tuesday, 19 March 2019

A Poets Eye

Where did this come from?
I never had faith before, or if I did, then I did not accept
Then one day BAM! It all came into effect.

I cried to the heavens 
My plea was to see god,
I did not believe, I do now
The words of poetry arrive from me as I bow...

Only the lord can provide you with a literacy gift
He presents the opening to you 
Nothing magical just a stream of faith
Puts you in attainment and with spiritual fountain 
Your heart is now flourished as you are able to climb the highest mountain, 

I don’t write for acclaim, that comes from the lord
People who do not understand, there is that say of free will, 
I prefer to believe in the highest of high
Touch my soul as the heavens open up from the joy that I cry. 

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