Saturday, 9 March 2019

Want to forgive.. but...

I want to forgive 
But can’t 
Does that make me a bad person 
Or is the capacity to forgive and share
The simple fact is that I do marginally care. 

Do I wish that person harm? hell no
I have been hurt by that person far too often 
And challenges face I refute to speak to them 
As I pray for my own understanding 
I’ll find a solution through a social standing.

Words are like scars 
And when directed towards you, and you show no pain
Sorry, the hurt will hit you 
And occasionally touches like a stain. 

I do love 
But there is no connection 
Sometimes refusing to talk to that person
Is your own form of protection.

I believe in god 
And the commandments is to forgive 
As long as I pray for that person(s) 
Then I shall always live.

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