Saturday, 23 March 2019

A moment to think

We question a question
Or become the person that knows 
Either way the outcome is the same 
Especially when each of us grows, and then sustains.

I prefer a direct outcome 
Flannelling an answer is not my style, 
I am logical and clearly focused 
Yet sometimes the facts can cause more of a hocus pocus.

Why panic?
Sometimes that’s easier said than done,
I rather stop, stay still and understand a situation 
Not knowing does not help the cause
People may try to ruffle your feathers, that’s no good
I rather have patience, that’s where the outcome should.

Life is full of surprises 
We all know of this 
It’s how you manage your higher faith and prayers to up above 
None shall be foresaken when there is the power of love. 

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