Monday, 18 March 2019

Heaven never stole

My yiayia (Nan) heaven never stole
It was her time to be at peace
Loved her children
And loved her grand children too
Love is the word, and Yiayia, that’s from us to you.

Love was her name 
No definition entwined 
Captured the hearts of those that she met
Never spoke English 
Yet those barriers were broken down, and set. 

The time that she went 
My heart wanted to go too
Yet she is looking over me through gods widely grace 
A time to reflect and foundations from her base,

I miss her, unquestionably that won’t change
A kind warm person, no rudeness about others left her lips 
She was our pearl from the lord and so great to see
One of a lifetime, as I know in my heart she is living free. 

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