Sunday, 31 March 2019

Preserving health

It’s your life 
We all know this,
Others may try to control you
But remember you control the seed to your destiny, 
A fate worth living 
Managing health by accord, is most giving.

You will buy the latest accessories 
And yes.. you need to live and enjoy your life 
Yet the aspiration to do exercise may be low on the list 
Due to endurance and boredom it may possess
Yet it’s the outcome that gives you strength 
Giving you a earthly quality by all lengths.

We all have the capacity to be strong 
But that comes from breaking weakness to its full
Facing adversity in the face and taking consequences to match
It’s your health ladies and gentlemen 
Isn’t that we meant to catch?

Glass half empty, or glass half full!!!
Knowing if enough is enough is key 
From work, social and spiritual life 
In the glory to be humble and set free...

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