Monday, 18 March 2019

Forgive and forget. Prayer version

Forgive and forget 
And learning to move forward,
Praying for forgiveness is key 
Yet the trials and tribulations is a test to see.

“Leave me alone”
“Don’t talk to me”
Protection to avoid a conflicting state 
The Lord’s Prayer is an antidote, very much served on a plate.

Learn to move forward 
Learn to leave the past behind,
Balance in conversation 
Yet that clash is hard for mediation.

“Leave me in peace”
Boundaries put up to defend your soul
Moving forward is so pivotal 
Yet praying to heavens wake can be so spiritual.

My guard is often up
My trust has been hurt with great aplomb,
Tears have welled when people loved have stabbed my heart 
Yet prayer and kindness to you reigns true
No one needs to feel devalued, please see the kindness in you.


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