Sunday, 3 March 2019

Growing up

I felt I had the short straw
People who know me know what I mean 
I don’t mean to discredit the unnamed individuals 
As words are spiritually said, andvfelt from what I had seen?

Yes I wear my heart on my sleeve 
And I can account for many wrongs that I’ve done 
Yet in reality I don’t feel I am a bad Person 
I was controlled, that’s no fun.

People can read between the lines 
And no ones life is truly perfect 
Yet those responsible fell short of helping 
Hence, when I was young I felt I was yelping!

I did not kill or went inside for an offence and, if I did you should have a bolt to hold onto to?
My release comes from writing a poem from my heart
The anger has now been removed (but sometimes tested) now where do I start?

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