Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Love but do not like

One of the most contradicting sayings there is
To love someone does mean you have to like them, is that right?
Words and opinions always come into the fray
Honesty is the true love, from what we say.

“Cruel to be kind”
Humility and prosperity,
We generally all like to wish others the best
Yet when it comes to someone you love, 
Opinions may clash and likability could turn out less

The art is to work through the opinions and feelings 
Respecting others point of you,
For example, I dislike politics, and other may not agree on religion
Yet it’s faith I look towards as religion can be legalistic 
Hence my faith in spiritual growth is rather more realistic!!

To dislike does not mean you do not love?
To love is the most powerful tool to provide,
If others take advantage, then stop, as there is a time to say “no”...
Words I have said could be contentious and there to disagree
As long I am being honest, then isn’t that being open and free??


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