Sunday, 31 March 2019

Never lose hope

Never lose hope
Never lose life
Pray forever and a day 
The protection shall often come your way.

Remember there is a father who loves you
A humble and powerful presence which does not delude,
A spiritual awareness no one can intrude.

Be the best person you can be
If others judge
Then their rigidity is narrowed 
Never ever feel you are harrowed.

We all know nothing lasts forever
But love shall always be there
Stop, don’t speak and rationalise your thoughts,
Remember there is a holy father who can guide you and for provide you.
Knowing the beckon of hope will eventually arrive 
Glory to the lord, from where we shall all survive. 

Preserving health

It’s your life 
We all know this,
Others may try to control you
But remember you control the seed to your destiny, 
A fate worth living 
Managing health by accord, is most giving.

You will buy the latest accessories 
And yes.. you need to live and enjoy your life 
Yet the aspiration to do exercise may be low on the list 
Due to endurance and boredom it may possess
Yet it’s the outcome that gives you strength 
Giving you a earthly quality by all lengths.

We all have the capacity to be strong 
But that comes from breaking weakness to its full
Facing adversity in the face and taking consequences to match
It’s your health ladies and gentlemen 
Isn’t that we meant to catch?

Glass half empty, or glass half full!!!
Knowing if enough is enough is key 
From work, social and spiritual life 
In the glory to be humble and set free...

Saturday, 30 March 2019


Never feel undervalued, 
We all serve a purpose in life,
There is only one supreme power
As long as you believe,
you shall always receive.

With belief through prayer you shall overcome 
Gods greater calling 
Shall always prevent you from falling.

Even when you feel low 
God is right their,
This spiritual journey you endure 
Belongs to your heart and so much more.

To look to the heavens and then look towards the stars
Pray and pray some more 
The spirit shall never understate you 
Just love, and then some more 
A hug from god shall make you soar. 🙏🏽


All shapes and sizes
Different colours and creeds 
Accepting we are all different in what we should do,
Learning to move forward with acceptance and clear view 
Humility with faith is where you find the clue.

Be humble and be nice
Clearly obvious, or is it so?
My human desire is to be kind
Moving forward with eyes wide shut
There is no “no’s” and there is no “but”.

We may clash
We may learn from one another
It’s life, the best place to pray
Will you move forward? Or start a new day?

Love will overpower hate 
Learning to move forward is never a debate
A debate is where balance needs to instilled 
Personalities are varied, like we all know 
Praise the heavens, that’s where we will flow.. 🙏🏽

That word.... no

Often subjective
Frequently used as preserving 
May need to say “no”to those who aim to drain you
A good word sometimes, when others pursue.

That negative word can hold you back
Cruel to be kind, that’s where  “no”can be used
A balance  outcome to prevent political feud.

It’s when a “no” is said when positivity needs to be recite 
You aim with good intentions, yet those who are negative start each phrase with that word,
That is subjective, guarded and absurd..

Politics is “no mans” land 
A place where the subject is taken away from folk,
To get into the habit of saying the “no” word
Has no place in my vocabulary for negative reason,
Only said if preservation needs to remain intact
That’s not only life, that is a matter of fact

Thursday, 28 March 2019


To be selfless 
Is to be giving and humble,
And becoming selfish 
Can often lead to a stumble 

I prefer to give 
Yet balance is what I aim to offer
I can say no
Yet that is for preservation and reason
Learning to capture goodness for any cohesion.

I like to give 
That’s a calling from the lord,
People from faith often like to supply 
Humble giving shall never warrant a sigh.

Here is my hand 
Paved with silver 
Yet I have nothing unless I provide with my loving care,
Forever my brother and sister
And teach the selfish ones to be there, 

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Reach out

I write spiritual poems 
All which are desired to reach
The essence is to find faith 
Therefore, avoid angst and allow the spirit to teach.

It arrives from having a moment, and the lords requests I write prophetic words
All from faith finding 
None of this is ever blinding.

Belief is my protector 
God is my blanket, and more,
To be rich in spirit, is to hold true 
Heavenly Father, thank you for your pursue.

You inspire me to write 
And reach out to touch for one for and all
Only you can exhibit my gifts 
As you are the almighty who can gracefully lift.

Leave me at peace

To move forward 
Can be the most hardest thing to do,
To resent and be angry can be easy option,
With aggression and vigorous strain
Is like an difficult stain.

People that love you can say horrible things 
Moving on and leaving the past behind 
One of the hardest challenges  
And something you do not look to find.

People with controlling behaviour 
Can shock the automunnity of those they love, 
What do you mean? You you may want to ask 
The shock tactics can shock the body 
The potential of harming and making that person shoddy.

I express these words with articulation and feeling 
Rather than shou pt at that person who has no way to reply 
Despite their best efforts, leave me be as I move forward.... without the cry. xx

To be called...

People may call you strange 
People may not understand your ways 
You are unique 
You are beautified and special in the lords eyes
Humbleness through his  prayer 
Shall never become a goodbye through the spiritual layer.

What do I mean? You may ask?
We are all made differently 
We all have skills that others don’t posses
Doesn’t mean you should be treat far less!.

This means you a beautified by the lords calling
You shall exude, flourish and should never be stalling.

I was called “strange” once by a work colleague 
I replied calmly and quickly : “Ironically I thought the same about you.”
Yet gifts arrive from the father above and littered like scattered seeds
These are your attributes which you must accept, a gift indeed.

Love but do not like

One of the most contradicting sayings there is
To love someone does mean you have to like them, is that right?
Words and opinions always come into the fray
Honesty is the true love, from what we say.

“Cruel to be kind”
Humility and prosperity,
We generally all like to wish others the best
Yet when it comes to someone you love, 
Opinions may clash and likability could turn out less

The art is to work through the opinions and feelings 
Respecting others point of you,
For example, I dislike politics, and other may not agree on religion
Yet it’s faith I look towards as religion can be legalistic 
Hence my faith in spiritual growth is rather more realistic!!

To dislike does not mean you do not love?
To love is the most powerful tool to provide,
If others take advantage, then stop, as there is a time to say “no”...
Words I have said could be contentious and there to disagree
As long I am being honest, then isn’t that being open and free??


Monday, 25 March 2019

Loving the father

I am not shy to say I love you lord
You are everything 
3 in 1
The almighty father 
The glory and endless run.

To pray to you I feel so at peace
Coming towards you will have it’s trials
Yet the protection to derail the evil spirit
Is a base of defection as well as reflection.

Never lose faith with the father
The one and only god.
We all shall fall short of total glory
That belongs to the lord, the BIBLE and the endless love story.

Never be shy to say what you feel about heaven and earth
Following in obedience is protection in itself 
Praying and staying faithful to our father
Is a passage I truly cherish, and rather 🙏🏽 

Never doubt

Never doubt your love 
Never doubt the way to capture what is kind,
Never prolong the inevitable   
Never throw the comments which you’ll find.

Never be angry
For that is a waste of time,
Even when you are angst
Learn to move forward, the latter you shall never receive a thanks.

Love with all your heart and soul
Of course you’ll make tough decisions, from there discern and pray
Humbleness shall arrive, and you’ll eventually have your say.

Love those who dismiss you, even though it’s hard
Remember you will always have a protector 
From that salvation you shall never be barred.

People that don’t understand you

There will be people that judge

That’s a natural reaction caused

I prefer not, as gods vigor shall pause.

People shall stir rumours

It’s a natural human trait,

People pushing buttons 

Well, the response is silent, and that’s their fate.

We aim to try 

And we aim to succeed 

People that don’t get you 

Well? It’s the answer to their question which they need to supersede.

If you DO NOT destroy human life, or instill  emotional harm

Then that’s a good person

A person who prays can hold true

The glory of your salvation never needs a clue.

“Only god”🙏🏽


The day starts here
Moments arrive out of the blue
Balance concepts to bring others together 
Now this is your time 
To turn the page and  view
Bring forth the next stage of any pursuits.

You will be missed 
And from me, the thanks you’s are endless 
“Live life and prosper” your leadership is outstanding 
And you leave a legacy so astounding.

This is never a goodbye
This is simply a call, email or text away
Your strength is defined by your care 
Compassion  to lead us which I appreciate that you shared.

This is a time to reflect 
And a time to move on
A courageous movement to make this work
At a time where others lack care 
You leadership in humility, is something so rare. 

“Stay blessed Merv” x

Saturday, 23 March 2019

A moment to think

We question a question
Or become the person that knows 
Either way the outcome is the same 
Especially when each of us grows, and then sustains.

I prefer a direct outcome 
Flannelling an answer is not my style, 
I am logical and clearly focused 
Yet sometimes the facts can cause more of a hocus pocus.

Why panic?
Sometimes that’s easier said than done,
I rather stop, stay still and understand a situation 
Not knowing does not help the cause
People may try to ruffle your feathers, that’s no good
I rather have patience, that’s where the outcome should.

Life is full of surprises 
We all know of this 
It’s how you manage your higher faith and prayers to up above 
None shall be foresaken when there is the power of love. 

Health Demands

Looking to improve your health
Then how much do we do?
 A run? brisk walk? or athletic feat?
“I suppose i need to do more” 
Yes, the serotonins is your treat.

Looking after your body is priceless 
and sometimes for whatever reasons is the aim
I had mental health issues which harmed my journey 
Yet again with obstinacy and guile 
I managed to pull through this trial,

Your health is your beckon of hope
A faith finding friend 
Love the aspirational desire to make health the one you depend.

I live in hope we listen what the physicians say
Avoiding to go off the trails 
Even though we have been in those trying of places 
Just focus on the bigger aim 
And make sure health is your bestest friend, even to contain. 

The sweet taste of Brown sugar

Call it an “infatuation”
Call it a “preference” or “taste”
Call it “you like what you like”
Call it the enchantment from where “you might”

The skin is silky smooth 
The most beautiful women out there
Not decrediting my own skin
But the beauty is a little more than within.

Think about it!
Beauty will arrive in all shapes and sizes
But the beauty of the femme Brown sugar frequently entices.

I say these words with warmth and consideration 
Our eyes light up when we see what we prefer
Yet the look of brown sweet sugar is nothing I want to deter x x🙏🏽 

Look into the light

Things have now become faster
People are now running at sheer speed
No patience in others
There is a limit in the number of scattered seeds.

Loving your journey 
At least embrace what you have achieved,
Looking to impress the boss?
I rather be happy within myself, indeed.

Pace can be your friend 
But patience is your humble skill,
Stop, look back, no haste is needed
You are a blessing of patience, interceded. 

Look into the light of the world
Remembering the beauty you possess
Hold my hand my dear friend, you are a shining light of hope
Like I said before embrace your prayers 
the benchmark in the faith in which you cope.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

My story

Can’t say I’ve been an angel 
And I can’t say I’ve been totally bad,
I can say I have made mistakes
But then again, that could be said by us all
I am now stronger and resilient to any fall.

I can say my childhood wasn’t the best 
I can say forgiveness is key
Struggle with a guarded heart
Then again when I am flying I stand the test apart. 

I could say “why me lord?”
But  now I believe in faith   
Born into a Cypriot family, and tested to say the least
Sometimes I get angry, then I pray, that’s my release.

God is my protector 
And he is yours too,
Brace the heavens above 
At the end of the day it’s all about spiritual love.

Thank you

The most simplest word to say
Yet humility in the gratitude we relay,
Without question you will be missed
As long as you visit ..,you’ll remain on the list!

Your diligence 
Timing to achieve any goal set
Comes from your words “if I don’t know, I can learn”
A tributing  factor from where you are stern.

Enjoy your new role
You shall clearly excel, 
You should hold your head up high 
As we know you have ample belief 
We will no doubt miss you, 
From the  skills here wonderfully released.

This isn’t a goodbye
So please keep in touch,
Your contribution has left its astonishing mark
You really did well 
In new a beginning you shall clearly embark. 

Bless you dear

Title: Bless you dear 

Thank you Sister 

My eternal friend 

Love to your family

From where i know I can depend.

Stay blessed and focused

You are going to do so well,

This is the start of a new story

From this moment god sends you glory.

Love your heart

And feed into your soul,

Become humble in spirit

The lord loves you desire 

Brace the almighty with your entire.

Hugs and more hugs for my sister 

Closing a door refreshes a new open path

Learn from what you see,

My sister and great friend 

A child of god I totally understand 

A goodness of humility you’ll never withstand. 

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

A Poets Eye

Where did this come from?
I never had faith before, or if I did, then I did not accept
Then one day BAM! It all came into effect.

I cried to the heavens 
My plea was to see god,
I did not believe, I do now
The words of poetry arrive from me as I bow...

Only the lord can provide you with a literacy gift
He presents the opening to you 
Nothing magical just a stream of faith
Puts you in attainment and with spiritual fountain 
Your heart is now flourished as you are able to climb the highest mountain, 

I don’t write for acclaim, that comes from the lord
People who do not understand, there is that say of free will, 
I prefer to believe in the highest of high
Touch my soul as the heavens open up from the joy that I cry. 

Monday, 18 March 2019

Forgive and forget. Prayer version

Forgive and forget 
And learning to move forward,
Praying for forgiveness is key 
Yet the trials and tribulations is a test to see.

“Leave me alone”
“Don’t talk to me”
Protection to avoid a conflicting state 
The Lord’s Prayer is an antidote, very much served on a plate.

Learn to move forward 
Learn to leave the past behind,
Balance in conversation 
Yet that clash is hard for mediation.

“Leave me in peace”
Boundaries put up to defend your soul
Moving forward is so pivotal 
Yet praying to heavens wake can be so spiritual.

My guard is often up
My trust has been hurt with great aplomb,
Tears have welled when people loved have stabbed my heart 
Yet prayer and kindness to you reigns true
No one needs to feel devalued, please see the kindness in you.


Heaven never stole

My yiayia (Nan) heaven never stole
It was her time to be at peace
Loved her children
And loved her grand children too
Love is the word, and Yiayia, that’s from us to you.

Love was her name 
No definition entwined 
Captured the hearts of those that she met
Never spoke English 
Yet those barriers were broken down, and set. 

The time that she went 
My heart wanted to go too
Yet she is looking over me through gods widely grace 
A time to reflect and foundations from her base,

I miss her, unquestionably that won’t change
A kind warm person, no rudeness about others left her lips 
She was our pearl from the lord and so great to see
One of a lifetime, as I know in my heart she is living free. 

Open minded health

People will judge what they don’t understand, 
Be honest, you are beautiful 
You are kind 
Don’t resent as others won’t  understand 
You are trying to make your life work
You are good and go and let that other person judge, or meanlessly lurk.

May the love for your health be strong 
May the love for trying become your healer
There will be people who will go out to dam
Your job is to reply and say “fascinating...not!!!”
Roll your eyes as you hold the beauty you have already got.

The aim to be the better you
You don’t have to conform because you don’t fit ‘the’ click
Be happy in what you want to do
Negativity is a place to don’t need to enter 
You are a child of god and will continue to get better.

Be humble 
Be loved 
Be kind 
And become healthy and don’t rush for no one’s wants, 
That’s why arguments happens and wars are caused 
Now balance your heart through a timely cause.  

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Birthday Wish

Birthday can be celebrated or have a few words to rejoice
So capture the eco feeling from the beauty of Africa,
Pioneering clothes of a non-biological desire 
Embrace in your career which is to show your passion on fire..

Enjoy your day 
As this an occasion you humbly understand, 
A milestone or just another day
You are with the lord who is happy to listen from what  you say.

May the fashion incentive flourish
May the love of god go deeper into your soul
Always remember he is with you 
Through your clothing aim 
is empowered by a spiritual gain.

Love your life 
And may you love many more ahead,
The inspiration to turn the African eco clothing alight
Will come with gods love and all his merciful delight.  

Faith for you...

Getting on with life
Getting on with your faith, 
Learning the barriers to overcome 
Learning to move forward, and then some.

Your god is priceless 
Your god is dutifully kind 
Your god is merciful and great,
Your god is the reason why we all can relate.

Beauty to the lord 
Beauty to the kindness he instills 
The message of goodness 
The humbleness to confess.

Love is the power 
Love is mountain we climb
Love when embraced is your protector 
The spirit about is your perfector x  

Saturday, 16 March 2019

The purpose of prayer

Ostracised or merely judged? 

Peoples perceptions are none of your business 

Yet with prayer we hold true

The Worship to the lord delivers many a clue.

I pray is to encourage 

I pray for concern 

I pray to enlighten

I do not pray to ever frighten.

The Lord’s Prayer is your strength

Defeats any weakness when you struggle, 

The power of prayer is your redeemer

The Worship to the almighty 

Makes anything more slightly 

Be blessed with prayer

Draw strength and deflect others judging state,

People who are quick and impatient 

Will try to hurt you with their pace

Stop and stay still, that’s why Praying is meaningful and the exceptional deal. 

Friday, 15 March 2019


The world will judge
Yet you need to stay strong
Decisions about you can be fickle
You know yourself better, and you won’t succumb to become brittle.

A glorious message unfolds
A message a king in born 
the protector from those who hurt 
Yet Matthew’s passage in 5:44 shall echo a spurt. 

We open our hearts and the lord will hold
No matters how timid you feel
The strength holds you inside, 
Those who dislike you will try their best to break
You have a stronger spirit which deprives any harmful fate.

We sing, we enjoy and we reap the rewards of prayer 
Yet it’s the obedience of the almighty 
Arids anything that’s so plighty.
Touch my heart and the spirit refills 
Love you, hug you and bring you close 
If you sheerly believe, that will mean the most x

Benefit to believe x

Believe in the message or not 
When you believe in the highest power,
You wonder why things happen in this day and age
It’s because the attacking of the serpent through vexatious words
Looking onwards, none of what I say is truly absurd.  

Judge and ye shall be judged
People who struggle with faith we still love,
They won’t understand and this isn’t about intelligence, purely focused on faith
Love of the lord does deflect any type of wrath.

Love is powerful 
And yet these are challenging times 
I am upbeat and believe in the almighty
I feel comforted from what praying does 
It fills you up and keeps you strong 
A time to relish and time to belong.

Be kind to your heart 
Be merciful in your grace 
Putting you in a position of humility 
And attained in the goodness we can all embrace.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Comfort in words

The world is faceted with different challenges 
People riling others with banter or pace
The world is complex yet it’s the individuals balance 
Which does not need to become haste.

To break and refill is an endurance no one wants to face 
but when you do, you start to grow and start to understand more
The skills and mercy captured
Eqiupts you as you become enraptured.

Warmth and  love is where it starts and ends
The wanting to be at peace 
Is a message we all need to learn at the very least.

Love is joy
Yet love is also power
Remember during challenging times
Pray to god as he won’t forsake 
The glory to the king 
Is how we all become one and embrace what we make....

Wednesday, 13 March 2019


Enjoy your peace
Enjoy your love 
Enjoy your family 
Embrace the beauty which makes you all happy.

Pray everyday 
Look to the skies and then grin
Beauty of seeing the family is like no other kin.

Enjoy the sun
Or just enjoy a drink with a nice slice of coffee walnut cake,
This is the time to rejuvenate 
Shall put you in a better spiritual state.

Peace on earth
And a new climate to relate
This is your time to rest
Slowly, slowly as do want you want to do 
Clearing the mind, as this is simply about you. 

Monday, 11 March 2019

Hope is your....

Hope is your salvation
Hope is your quest 
Hope is your partner 
Hope is your zest.

Never lose that feeling 
People may say other things to sway,
You will pray for an answer
As hope is your pray.

Hope is your lover 
Hope is your glory from god
Hope is your redeemer
Hope is your beamer.

When all falls 
Hope is your wish,
And hope is your granting 
Love is the answer
As hope is your enchanting x 


My Poetry

My poetry is protection 
My poetry is love
My poetry can be political 
The latter I rather shove. 

My poetry hugs a soul
My poetry is a gift from the lord 
My poetry does not belong to me 
My poetry is for my brother and sister to see.

My poetry captures hearts 
My poetry is a humble message that needs a voice
My poetry is my best friend 
My poetry calms me, especially when I transcend.

My poems wants to love 
And fight away any hate
My poems are never a derivative 
My poems aim never to be negative.

My poems shall instill Joy
And bat away any haste 
My poetry wants to love you
And enter you into that loving place.  

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Strength of character

Whatever happens in this life 
You are good
You are kind 
If others beret you 
You have the love that won’t forsake you.

Believe in your words 
No matter how obvious or calm they are 
You are a child of god 
No matter how abundantly far.

Fight for the love of Christ 
Love the passion he has to give 
Love forever when moving forward 
Love the attributes that are humble and toward. 

Love gods grace 
Who loves the skills he provides 
Forever love is your power and strength 
Balanced harmony in gods grace 
Eyes wide open and never subside 
Gods glorious passage is an amazing ride. 

Bless thy name

We all need to be blessed 
This isn’t an issue  
It’s a spiritual zest.

When the lords word aims towards your soul
The spiritual blessing lifts you high
The tears poured out removes the anger which leads to a sigh.

A blessed day is the connection from gods love
His blessing, his grace, his mercy and the entire earth shattering place, 
Words understood 
Or never at all
Believe in the blessing, especially through gods call.

Love thy neighbor 
Stay at peace 
The blessing from the highest power has a place to reach 
A wonderful blessing is a glory 
Captured from the greatest love story.  


Nice, a humble and touching word 
Harmonises beauty 
A glorious grace
Embellishing brace
Arrives to you to a spiritual place. 

Nice is beautiful
Nice is your destiny
The Energy is nice
With the words incaptivated 
Love your name “nice” and provides you with a vice.

Nice to yourself
Nice to your heart
The word encourages life, love and hope
The essence is to climb further towards a glorious rope.

Nice of glory
Nice of mercy
Nice whirl to make our eyes roll
Nice to move forward as love is never slow.

Hold onto it

Believe it or not 
There is always faith
Challenges and persecution shall always will be there
Just look to the heavens and believe that he is waiting to bear. 

If you don’t believe, but you remain angry
Try it? let someone pray for you
Your bitterness and anger shall kill 
Yet a prayer, with love, is your heal.

Whatever you believe 
Whatever you hold true
Be the best version of you
You are worthy
You are kind
You have potential to love and grow
You have humbleness to show.

Be focused and stay strong 
Be kind and the light shall shine,
Love your energy 
For those who do not understand what I say 
Read the BIG book and the glory shall arrive your way. 

Saturday, 9 March 2019

What have you done...

Sometimes these words need to be said
As long they are relayed with a supported plan 
Rather thank a vexatious hard hitting hand.

We are all on a journey
Some take their chances, some do not
Learning is pivotal and free will
The aim is not to hurt yourself from past decisions 
If people remind you of your past, 
remember moving forward now become the task. 

I have been told many a time, achievements which I have pushed aside. 
But hasten words were often relayed
I now dismiss that person, even though I do love them
Balance, protection and your own harmony are key
Learning to pull through, and set yourself free. 

Yes, a repeatable number of words
Personalities that clash your spirit 
Praying is my protector 
The higher power is included in that perfector.

A gift

I can’t explain it 
A message comes from above 
It could from anything 
A sad time, or through a smile 
A word just needs to said 
A spiritual message is eventually led.

I can walk down the road 
And I feel the Holy Spirit hitting my heart 
It may be a person feeling woe
I sometimes digress and then wholesomely flow.

Words written are from the heart 
There are messages of spiritual transcend 
I am working through my demons
As the lord protects me from messages treasons.

I am not angry 
And people will undoubtly judge what they don’t understand
As long I am faithful from the lords gift 
I will embrace the humbleness from its spiritual lift. 

Want to forgive.. but...

I want to forgive 
But can’t 
Does that make me a bad person 
Or is the capacity to forgive and share
The simple fact is that I do marginally care. 

Do I wish that person harm? hell no
I have been hurt by that person far too often 
And challenges face I refute to speak to them 
As I pray for my own understanding 
I’ll find a solution through a social standing.

Words are like scars 
And when directed towards you, and you show no pain
Sorry, the hurt will hit you 
And occasionally touches like a stain. 

I do love 
But there is no connection 
Sometimes refusing to talk to that person
Is your own form of protection.

I believe in god 
And the commandments is to forgive 
As long as I pray for that person(s) 
Then I shall always live.

Patience with yourself x

The word simply a test to us all
The limit of the attribute
Can lead us to a fall.

If your time is limited 
Or you don’t understand some things do need to take there time 
Patience is a skill 
The harmony from it can become surreal.

I have a long term condition that teaches me to be patient 
I can’t function any delivery without a balance of time 
Deadlines are futile 
And timing can cause a rile.

The Balance of time 
No stone goes unturned,
Be patient with your needs 
And relish the challenge of scattered seeds.


The hardest thing to do,
Difficult to comprehend 
Hard to understand 
The bigger person fights through the emotion 
And captures the mercy of god with humble devotion.

Prayers to those you try to forgive, is a powerful trait
Bitterness and anger scolds the spirit 
Yet it’s that forgiveness through spiritual growth 
Learn to evolve from gods highest grace 
Believe me, you become more patient and avoid any haste.

Prayers, spirit and gods love 
Forever move forward and humble like a dove.

Be nice 
I struggle with peace, especially with those I love
Nosest and gossip has no place in my life 
As long you are okay and avoid the dramas of strife. 

An almighty prayer

What else can I say 
A brother prayed for me
A long, long prayer 
Blew me away to shed the devils dare.

My head is still buzzing
It’s all good though
I feel as light as a bird
I don’t want to laugh, just pray 
All will be beautiful in the cold light of day.

Wow!! I am still reeling 
A magnificent choice of spiritual words went inside
Prayer is so powerful and so full of love 
My heart is filling from the beautiful sky above.

It can be cloudy, raining, sunny or very cold 
The joy of that prayer we all should have a piece,
We are all worthy to have a great existence 
A great to rejoice in the lords name
Pray from a distance those who want to cause harm 
The Lord’s Prayer will holds you, never scold you 
Just believe and be at piece, you are very deserving at the very least.. 

Friday, 8 March 2019

Your life

Simple analogies 
Simple verse 
Learn to love yourself 
Never become coerces.

You are kind
You are thriving
You are humble 
You shall continue striving.

I recall a person once saying to me
“I want to sit you down and tell you where you went wrong”
I said “what!!!” 
You never ever be told that
Scars will eventually appear 
and from that time onward resentment can be quite severe.

This is where prayer is so important to find
Not only it’s strong, the outcome is kind
Despite the hurt and grief I occasionally feel inside
The journey to move forward shall never subside. 

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Testing faith

Testing your faith possesses many challenges to the soul,
No one can ever be perfect, 
And if someone says that, they are deluded 
And would say things which are pretty precluded.

Not saying people are bad, or not to be trusted 
The divine faith to get closer to the highest power
Let go, say a prayer, leave it to the mightiest of high
Words of faith have their place 
Look in the mirror and you won’t only see your face.

When words of deceit are hit through people that care 
Pray for them, even if it’s hard 
Stay strong and leave it in your father’s hands 
Believe it or not, there are always better plans.

Do you best, if you fall down please pick yourself up
Someone is there, you may not feel or see it,
I have been there where I had nowhere to turn 
Pray every day, believe me, the spanner of life will eventually turn. 

Man in “The Pram”

My friend calls it  ‘The Pram’
Wheelchair, trolley or no legs working speedster 
He is a motivation and far more important than the tower of Pisa!!

He motivates people 
He looks for no acclaim 
He is his own driver  
He is there always, and his workouts contain a brilliant desire.. 

He is my friend 
My rock when things have gone wrong 
He does like his politics
Yet he is humble and has a beautiful place to belong.

A great example
A hard working soul 
Exemplary motivator who keeps it real
The sheer words are so surreal.  

If we had more like my mate in “the pram”
The world would be a better place 
He might contest anything raised
But he is my friend and lays a foundation in the words that are laid. 

For JT 

Living daily with Type 1 Diabetes

Living day to day with a condition like this
Mathematical equations and balancing your life,
That’s before you start work or pay any bills...
The condition is chronological, methodical and calculating attained 
Not forgetting difficult people that need to be refrained.

Calm and balanced
The sugars test starts off the day,
Then followed by what you are going to eat 
And appropriately injecting away, eliminating any type of defeat.

Then there are the hypos or hypers, which has the same feeling
Looking towards a magical ingredient to make your pancreas work
Alas, there may be hope...
Stay positive, and remember, the subject of type 1 diabetes won’t ever go down a unassuming slope.

People can make it hard 
Confrontation does not help the cause 
Needing to remain strong 
And prevent anything else to prolong. 

Never Doubt

Look towards you 
Never doubt the belief you have
Some will say “just get on with it”
Some overthink and conflict the decision
Make it as logical as you want
Ignore the remarks just follow your heart
The outcome will prevail, coming from the start.

Believe in you
People have many ways to say what they want 
People will try to control your outcome, 
The decision is yours, fail or success 
Every task shall have obstacles you need to confront 
Take a step back, ignore others around 
If they are calm and chilled, then listen 
Sometimes these things are simply a premonition. 

When you have been controlled like me
You find the faith to overcome what once tried to break you,
Believe, stay strong, better or for worse
Negativity needs to be erased 
Even your loved ones can be going through ‘a’ phase. 

The fact we are all different 
From all walks of life 
I made a conscious effort to refute the negative feed
Go with your heart and therefore, go with the scattered seed. 

Blessed.. with challenges x

Focus on your life
And the spiritual growth is starting to fill
The glow on your face shows a strength
You were once broken, now you are ready to go the entire length.

“Call yourself a Christian?” 
Words frequently said to you
Yet you are human, and on earth, during challenging times 
As long as you pray, you shall never be denied.

People will look to barrack you 
And yes sometimes banter is thrown in the mix
The drive of faith worship is an area that shall always be fixed.

Look at life 
Look at the way it is now
I am happy, and yes, areas of my existence could be better
And if someone berets your personality, 
remember your faith, that shall keep you intacted
That’s not made up, that’s a simple fact 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

No connection

“I don’t understand them?”
A word often said about others you are around,
A difficult comprehension 
Towards those you rather not surround.

This message isn’t to release any harm 
Or inflict damaged words 
No aggression, just a lack of understanding 
Therefore, try to avoid that person to enter into your mind 
Learn that you are you, and they are who they are
Nothing lasts forever, best to pray from afar.

Bring your best thoughts forward 
The connection may be possible to grasp,
Yet on occasions you are blinded from their way
At least you maybe able to relate to this poem,
Especially from what I say.

Connection to the higher power is key
A spiritual growth shall set you free, 
If you don’t understand, then get someone to pray to where you want to reach
From humble beginnings is where you look to teach.🙏🏽

Stress and Chaos

I’ve said these words many times before
The velocity of life is more than we can handle 
Yet chaos is many peoples friend 
Hence learning from it is something I can’t transcend.

People dying of heart related disease
Could be a bad diet? or stress to the heart
I am trying to remain positive and do love life,
Stay humble and peaceful 
Not this reaction way that’s deceitful.

I suppose life will pose a challenge 
Yet the message I release today is about stressing the heart,
Autoimmunity shocked causing cells to be destroyed
This is your life, not to be toyed!

Money tight, jobs at risk
Pressure put on the heart 
Pray, stay at peace 
Being a little laid back can give a positive... at the very least. .  

Sunday, 3 March 2019

The truth to be bold

No liar and no cheat
We embrace the good times 
And face challenges to awake
The goodness for all that is humble never appears to break.

We have all fallen short 
No stone goes unturned, 
The journey of life can be beautiful 
And then again face the emotions which are so dutiful.

Energy of life 
Energy to capture 
Work through the biggest demands faced
And be at peace with no contrived haste.

Be humble 
Stay close to god 
Look to the skies and say a prayer 
Look towards humility and never ever flare.

No liar and there is no cheat
Even if wrong has been done 
Learn and take the consequence to repence
As long as you strive and going forward, all shall eventually becomes sense. 

Maybe I don’t understand?

Connection with a person can sometimes fall short
You analysis, leading to judging 
Now your brain is beginning to start an assault.  

Sometimes I feel judged because I say want I want to say
Yet I am sensitive from the response
My cross to bear 
Well... I am not talking to those who glare !!!

As I grow older and my opinions are becoming more ridged 
People will underestimate me for the views I may have 
They are not damning, I suppose it’s my issue there is no connect
Yet my life, or anyone else’s isn’t perfect.

Some have the nice car, family, house and no money issues to worry
As long as your faith is strong and that you pray 
Connection with the higher power I’ll guarantee will stay. 

Growing up

I felt I had the short straw
People who know me know what I mean 
I don’t mean to discredit the unnamed individuals 
As words are spiritually said, andvfelt from what I had seen?

Yes I wear my heart on my sleeve 
And I can account for many wrongs that I’ve done 
Yet in reality I don’t feel I am a bad Person 
I was controlled, that’s no fun.

People can read between the lines 
And no ones life is truly perfect 
Yet those responsible fell short of helping 
Hence, when I was young I felt I was yelping!

I did not kill or went inside for an offence and, if I did you should have a bolt to hold onto to?
My release comes from writing a poem from my heart
The anger has now been removed (but sometimes tested) now where do I start?


The word gives you guile
The words brings you strength
That, along with prayer
Shall accomplish many things at length.

Hope makes you see the light
The light makes the impossible happen
Bring that prayer to the table 
And avoid “he and she said”
Those words need to be kept away from our beds.

When all fails 
Hope is the only grace we hold onto to
A power of belief  brings us to that better place 
And encapture your life, and to avoid any haste.

Bring the forth the joy
Bring the happiness towards a better time
As long there is hope there is love 
Nothing else matters, 
only what you see from the skies above. 

Saturday, 2 March 2019

A second breathe

We are good at what we do
Our actions motivate the endorphins for where we pursue.

We drap into the gym feeling lethargic and bleak
We end up feeling a stronger person and now not so weak.

Our time in life there is no going back
People much younger are in their beds whilst we aim to win,
The energy we generate reaches a goal
More importantly touched others deeper soul.

Keep trying 
And keep pushing hard
Look towards a positive power that we continue to reach
As long there is humility,
There is so much more to teach. 

Does it matter?

People shall judge 
People will also make  hasten remarks
Does it really matter where the words embark

Many a time anger will suffice
A reaction is what they want
And human nature makes you feel a little taunt.

Does the perception matter?
Does the love come through 
Isn’t love the important thing
Rather than someone showing aggression, or sin.

Hold strong 
Hold light 
Be positive 
Attraction of sight.

Perception can cause a minor harm 
As long there is love
There is an element of charm!!!

Faith in you and in others

When a word is said 
It may feel like a punch to the stomach
Or hug to the chest 
Looking at life we all need to stay blessed.

I said to a friend “why is  chaos so popular at this time”
I received no answer as this is the reason the world has turned a little blind.
Don’t get me wrong I am positive and will keep trying
I just feel, like many others around 
To aim to feel humble as well as profound.

Bless this faith 
Bless this part of life
Pray and stay strong 
The chaos has nowhere to belong.

Love is your salvation 
And opening the heart us key
As long as chaos refutes 
Then calmness will stay inside of me. 

J x

Friday, 1 March 2019

A good luck message

I pray for my friend 
Believe it or not it’s a heavenly message we send,
Study through faith 
And learn that principle, the acronym called P.O.L.I.C.E. 
The belief I have in you, 
that’s what you pursue.

Believe in you
Remain calm with humble trait,
The best you shall deliver 
shall prayfully move towards a good endeavour.

You have belief 
You have the skills
The aspiration to believe 
Shall make this experience a worthy relief.

Be strong in your talents 
Your goal is to achieve 
Focus and move forward that’s what you do
Humble detection, that’s in the clue.


The pace of life is extreme and hard to sustain
Chaos is nearly everyone’s friend 
how on earth are we able to depend?

The irony no one is doing anything about it,
Politics is unhealthy and contrives it’s true purpose tosupport 
Blaming others for their own mistakes 
Look closely and remember the allowances that breaks.

Why the chaos?
Why the ‘he said and she said’
Why the lack of patience for each other
Being nice is a dying trait 
That’s why lack of focus leads to this state.

Love is the power
Love is the key
The intensity level
Doesn’t set anyone free.

I suppose there always need to be a mix 
A place where various characters need to blend,
As long there is a ‘healthy balance’ we can always humbly transcend. 


Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...