Thursday, 15 September 2022

The weekend arrives

You must give yourself a pat on the back
The weekend you have reached,
In God you are humbled, and his word is always there to teach.

Stay focused on him
I say that time and time again,
This world saw him arrive first and he shall be last to leave
Stay humble in his mercy, you shall find a reprieve.

Think of those who struggle to survive day to day,
Do you pray for them?
If you do? Then keep up with the momentum
His protection is through your prayer, where he touches damaged intention.
Be kind in you,
Be kind in your love,
Be kind in his mercy for all does eventually past,
Procrastination doesn’t get you anywhere fast.

A pray is caring for you and others,
We are here, a family, sisters and brothers,
Remember, we shall rejoice with encouragement through his light,
He shall protect you eternally, stay with his pray, through this spiritual fight.

16th September 2022  

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