Monday, 19 September 2022

Common grace

Bless you 
You awake to see the day,
We have all face struggles to overcome,
Some haven’t made it, when the ship ran its course
Going towards a line when they feel remorse.

You have the desire to move 
Then the next day something changes,
Don’t be too hard in yourself
I say that to myself all the time 
Looking towards the day when your prayers shall define.

Difficult circumstances will always be there
Doesn’t make it right, especially when in the mist
Yet through common grace we learn to assertively dismiss.

There will be people who won’t like the way you respond
Yet you are you, and they won’t change too
Pray to God for them, as their anger or vendetta shall not win
As long we are humble to you Lord, the devils efforts shall be put in the bin.

20th September 2022

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