Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Reaching out

All you need to do is pray
Its quite uplifting, and keeps you at bay.

May the Lord shower and protect
He shall always be perceptive and correct,
May the tears break through, this is time is for you
The humbling Father who has always been inside
The almighty protector who flicks the devil to the side.

He is there
So Why be angry?
We ain’t meant to live forever.
We are suppose to reach his kingdom…
So repent, 
this is the message his Son boldly sent.

He loves you all
And you… yes you! The person who is reading this right now,
What’s the point being despondent?
Does that truly help?
Personally you need to surrender and lay it down 
If you rely on the hope of man, you may hinge of tears from a clown.

7th August 2022

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