Thursday, 29 September 2022

When he speaks….

When he speaks 
Don’t turn away….
He has lived and is instilled in your heart
The Devil is not permitted to stay.

There will be a voice 
A calm one that you will need at that time,
Human spirit can subside
The Heavenly Father is taking you on an almighty ride.

You never left me
Actually it was I that left you behind.
Thank you Father for saving a wretch like me, I have nothing else to hide.

So what will materialism dirt provide?
A moment of happiness? 
A shallow prize that I’ve already lost
Feeling like debris cemented to the concrete floor
Remember, God has your back, and that’s meant to the core.

30th September 2022

When he speak

When he speaks 
Don’t turn away….
He has lived and is instilled in your heart
The Devil is not permitted to stay.

There will be a voice 
A calm one that you will need at that time,
Human spirit can subside
The Heavenly Father is taking you on an almighty ride.

You never left me
Actually it was I that left you behind.
Thank you Father for saving a wretch like me, I have nothing else to hide.

So what will materialism dirt provide?
A moment of happiness? 
A shallow prize that I’ve already lost
Feeling like debris cemented to the concrete floor
Good has your back, and that’s meant to the core.

30th September 2022

Your life in Faith

Looking at faith 
What do you see?
Family or friends? 
The one God totally transcends?

The victory is his
The devil has lost,
His son’s crucifixion, came at the ultimate cost.

You are humbled with God
You are magnified with his love,
You are humbled in his presence 
And you are illuminated through his decadence.

You may cry
But that pain will leave
You are accepting brokenness 
And soon you shall believe.

No one has failed me 
I have repented and gone forth,
As long I hold you close to me
I am humbled in your grace 
A time where one day I shall always know what to face.

29th September 2022

Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Almighty hope

You have a choice
You too also have a voice
A powerful desire to shout out a prayer
And that the father is always here.

Thank you Lord for providing us hope
Focusing on us when we are down, high or aligned
Your humility within us, is not at all blind.

Be kind to you
You deserve that in the least,
Work hard but but do not fey,
The prayers inside of you need to be constant in order to stay.

Clutch the hope you relish
And pray for others who are blind to what they cannot see,
There is no bereft towards, it’s just that you would like them to repent
Through your amazing son, which you sent.

29th September 2022

Praying for one another xxx

I pray for you all the time
God’s in your heart
And that’s the start of the rhyme.

You are loved by God each and every moment
May the heavens open all the time from the words that I hope
There is never a moment he shall let you go down a slope. 

Hear me from the very heart
I believe in you,
Whatever goals you look towards.. please stay humble and then ensue.

We all have faults 
That’s part of life,
Accepting is part of a balance to know he is there
Remember this… it’s from him who cares.

28th September 2022

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

No matter

No matter how bleak 
No matter how damned,
Even if others speak poorly of you
God is the one who has the final say,
He says you are brilliant, beautiful and shall receive humility abundantly inside
Go to him, he shall deal with your pride.

Remember man can (and will) put you down
And yes there are Angels he brings to your light,
You are humbling now child, where this is more than just a fight.

You remain humble,
Turn the page TODAY
Try not to speak ill of others 
Remember?? They are your sisters and brothers.

Yes, I repeat these words time and time again
It’s never a message you can lose total hope,
Thank you for your life, the sinful debt will be paid 
Love through the almighty Father, you are no longer enslaved.

28th September 2022

Hold my hand

Please hold my hand 
Tell me it’s going to be okay,
God you are my protector, my bodyguard and shield 
I felt Lord, and just wanted to yield.

I love to love
My tears start to well, they keep leaving my eye
I love you lord
I am breaking and never want to say goodbye.

I really need a hug
Nothing to be ashamed of there,
As long as I pray, I know I can imbue what I share.

Love is key 
I felt really free,
Right now I feel I am in chains
Blessing you with prayers, and hugs is what you retain.

27th September 2022

Monday, 26 September 2022

Light at the end

No matter what you see
God’s inside of you to guide, even confide
Ultimately you are his for you to learn
There is always scope to discern.

Keep your held high
Exercise to get the heavenly juices released,
Humbleness in the Father causes an overjoy.
This life is your’s to hold up high
Look and speak to him, he will share the humble cry.

A friend asked questions 
“Why this and why that?” 
The world will one day show its light,
It takes a joint effort, to overcome the spiritual fight.

Never leave God
He will never leave you,
Despite the pain you are suffering he will comfort you with grace
Humble beginning, a cup of tea and the great news of God, in its place.

27th September 2022

Dropping your phone

I was in a rush
And dropped my phone,
Something now which appears so required 
But the use I rather be reluctant, than desired..

Texting and walking 
Actually now I am sitting down,
The problem with this system, it’s prone for mistakes 
It’s better praying to God, that’s where I awake.

Yes I’ve posted this poem
Yes, it’s a point to avoid risk,
Yet pace with these things are temporary 
As well as lacking focus which shouldn’t be hereditary.

Quickness needs to be moderate 
I rather not be unwell, when pace can be avoided 
And loving God is the focus we all need
Thank you for balancing our hearts, especially  when it comes from the information these phones frequently feed.

26th September 2022

Sunday, 25 September 2022

People do care…

When in need? An Angel does arrive
The world isn’t that bleak
Especially for all the love which you seek.

May love hold us together
Thank you brothers and sisters, you were the ones who held my heart
God is so much inside of you, and you never thought to depart.

Keep moving forward
Those are  the words explained to I,
Especially when tears are running down my cheeks, as I felt I wanted to say goodbye.

You are brilliant 
Resourceful and welcoming children of God,
A time where I thought “here I go again, here to pick up my pieces on my own”
You are so humble and loving, whereby you taught me that I never ever need to be on my own.

“Thank you Lewis and Deborah 
26th September 2022”

When I cried

I cried
Almost died 
Felt suffocating 
And needed a drink
No chance for being a inebriating.

I couldn’t breathe
Nor could I believe,
Trying hard to sustain,
God’s inside of me, where my heart contain.

I need to vent
But can’t do it where I am now,
I am struggling to make this work
But I refuse to go berserk.

I want you to understand me
But if you don’t, that’s okay,
As long there is a Father out there, then hearts of hope shall pave the way.

25th September 2022 

Saturday, 24 September 2022

All things possible

In the eyes of the lord
All things will suffice,
I love you Father 
I love you more and more each day
I am humbled by your presence, I know you will always stay.

I love you Lord
I love you each time we meet,
I am trying to stay calm and still
I know you are beautified and surreal.

I hold you close to my heart
I know we shall cherish, and never depart,
I am an acquired taste, but you make me feel loved
There is humility in us all where none of us are shoved.

You’ve presence is king
You bring joy to God’s loving sing,
I struggle day to day, Like us all
Here’s my hand love, I shall refuse to stall.

Jas xxx
24th September 2022


I know I can love
And thank the lord I love him first,
It’s like drinking water, There is a time where I have thirst.

A break to the heart
A tear of a clown,
I thought this was going to be easy,
Yet I started to linger a frown.

Be kind to your dreams 
Be kind to you,
Be kind to your wants and wishes
Never feel less deserving, for others have already start to dismissing.

My tears are real
I know yours are too,
I really want a hug and kiss right now, yes definitely from you xx

Jason for Di xx
24th September 2022


Friday, 23 September 2022

I now know you

Perplexed and confused
I was losing my faith, as I didn’t believe in you.

I was hurting 
through others deceits 
I wanted to lash out, and be in retreat.

I love you Lord
Despite the endless pain,
I wanted to punch and take the consequences back
I need you inside of me
Where I know you shall not lack.

You are my pillow
My comfort and spiritual gain,
You are the one who knows me so much 
Your warmth and truth is within your touch.

23rd September 2022

Past, present and the future

Looking at the past you rush, especially when you are young 
Then when you are young, you looking to a career, status and glorified fame,
In the midst you lose focus and often delve into angst to sustain!

Thank you lord for letting us remain focused 
We lose sight when you are not around,
You are so plentiful, which sheerly I look on and where I am astound.

We are young, we recover so easy
Lacking empathy for those who still train and keep on trying,
There is hope when God takes us away from a struggling world, 
Closer to God is where youth is restored
You never lose humbleness, nor you should be come bored.

Thank you lord
You are sovereign and ultimate king,
You bring so much to my heart, than money can bring.
You provide me with perspective which age does not always allow,
And you provide us with with abundance of love, through the humility which I humbly bow.

23rd August 2022

Thursday, 22 September 2022


You can’t own it
You can’t tell it to stay,
You only do your best with the time you have 
Rather feel sombre, or slightly tad mad.

Time to get the bus or train?
Doing your best for what task you’ve been set,
Need to be positive with time 
And don’t let it overcome what you are due to die with diligence, through sublime.

Be kind to your needs 
Be mindful with the time you have,
It’s all works through the power of God,
His timing we could never master 
And you can’t accelerate what he doesn’t want to go faster.

May time be precious in your wake
And his love comes to us all from this passing day,
And what we should reflect mostly on,
Let God’s seconds be our time from where we belong.

23rd September 2022

Birthday poem

Happy birthday 
Wishing you well,
Blessings to you Vicki 
From this poem I uniquely tell.

Wishing you a day of sheer embrace
A place of humbleness,
A place we release to say merely belongs to you,
Prayers are heading in your direction 
As the calmness of greetings looking at your aim for consummate perfection.

Enjoy this day
These words are yours to digest,
And not to pontification nor to digress.

Enlighten this day for thee,
Blessings in your direction 
Happy birthday to you in this celebration.

“Happy birthday Vicki…”
Have a great day
Love Jason and family 

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

A door opens

You wonder what’s going on
All appears right,
Stay calm in his presence, and embrace the spiritual insight.

May God hold you tight,
May the anger once enraged deflect to a point of grace,
Learn to encourage one another, in a fulfilment that you shall face.

All in a season
They never stay the same,
May God lift you higher 
As your prayers have purpose and cut through the fickle mire.

The challenges await
Some out of your comfort zone,
Turning left, right or straight ahead 
Keep going forward, from these words that I embed. 

22nd September 2022 

I can’t regret

We have all made mistakes 
Some more serious than others,
May humbleness be imbued 
And your past left to rest
God is the light, protector and slate cleaning best.

I lived in terror when growing up
But loved by a loving Nan, Yiayia we called her in Greek
Looking at her beautiful face made life less bleak.

God is my light
He brought Angels down to perfect,
Angst, nerves which attempted to be instilled
My words could not be directed to the parental path 
There are  wise words to aiming to hear
God is your cornerstone, his story is worthy to endear.

You can hold his hand
You know it’s worthy of his time,
What’s done is done, no more hurt and no more pain
There is a spirit so cumbersome, he has put the lamb across the slain.

21st September 2022

If only I know what I know now?? ❤️🙏🏽

If I can relive this life, I cherish more now than ever
I thought my path before knowing you God, was far more clever.

Now I have nothing despite the following I say…
Friends who guided…
Yet in you Father, you have provided.

I recall when I cried because I never knew,
Now I have you close
which I can ensue.

Be kind to your dreams 
Live this life, which you are no longer scared,  
I can now can take the pain, turmoil I dreaded and feared 
Thank you Father as I now know how to defeat 
Guidance through prayer a rids the devils deceit.

Bless you
21st September 2022

Tuesday, 20 September 2022


It’s great when it’s good
And when it’s bad, you wonder how you got into that state.
Peoples perceptions can hit home
Yet through a prayer to God, you know you aren’t alone.

In a world which struggles with love
And ‘lip service’ is apart of most people’s version of God,
Remember, this world belongs to one higher source,
Believe in him, you’ll eventually feel no remorse.

People can drag you down,
Pray afar, that’s the action to take,
I go to the gym every day, I need my serotonin and time with God, otherwise I’ll eventually break.

Be kind to you,
My patience will eventually wear thin,
That’s maybe I am human, and too grow weary,
This world is damaged enough, so try to avoid becoming dreary.

21st September 2022

Angels wings

You may feel broke
Like wings clipped to an Angel way up high,
Then there’s the spirit of God, from where the breaking arrive.

An Angel will guide
Provide you with free will to restore
The love of his children means so much more.

Repent and love
Trying not to sin again, 
Sinning for the sake of human gain,
Learn to pray first, that initial behaviour I say will soon refrain.

May the Angel’s shine their light
May God’s servants take to your hearts,
Love is the only way forward, and the only way to show
Blessings from his hope, from where the Angels flow. 

20th September 2022

Monday, 19 September 2022

Common grace

Bless you 
You awake to see the day,
We have all face struggles to overcome,
Some haven’t made it, when the ship ran its course
Going towards a line when they feel remorse.

You have the desire to move 
Then the next day something changes,
Don’t be too hard in yourself
I say that to myself all the time 
Looking towards the day when your prayers shall define.

Difficult circumstances will always be there
Doesn’t make it right, especially when in the mist
Yet through common grace we learn to assertively dismiss.

There will be people who won’t like the way you respond
Yet you are you, and they won’t change too
Pray to God for them, as their anger or vendetta shall not win
As long we are humble to you Lord, the devils efforts shall be put in the bin.

20th September 2022

It’s worth your while

A new beginning 
I promise we shall be alright,
Nothing to worry my dear, 
God’s has this to hand, as this education that shall commandeer.

It’s a door that opens 
And I shall return to give you a hug,
There will be information to embrace 
And one day this shall take me towards the career I look forward to trace.

I will exalt
Love what I do,
Yes, there shall be struggles 
But you know I shall ensue.

Thank you for giving me this chance,
I will give it my best shot, and afterwards I shall have a dance.
May the love from these words hit home
And celebrate this outcome… as I shan’t be alone.

Love Mum, Demi 
19th September 2022

An Almighty prayer for our queen

The passing of a queen 
A true leader of all this time,
A time for reflection 
During this time of procession.

May this country unite
It’s not about race… simply culture we ensue,
The time of God’s presence, provides us with a humble embue.

We don’t need to be angry, mad or unsure
This is a time we loved this beautiful Queen,
Her presence, her decisions need not be in-between.

As time passes 
We need to leave our mark to lead,
We love you, your majesty 
Your time serving, exemplified, cherished and wonderfully led
We say goodbye to our Elizabeth, and God bless you from this humble message read.

“R.I.P. mam 🙏🏽”
19th September 2022

Sunday, 18 September 2022

A glorified peace

No longer still
I have reached a place of peace,
A time I know love shall always reign,
Do not fear as I depart
The lord will protect both you and I,
If you cry? then repent and one day we shall meet
Love to you and families, where I want us to greet.

There are journeys we all need to face
A place of retribution
Which endures a life with God, and a place of no confusion.

Sorely missed 
My hand is there,
A Father in heaven who wants us to be okay,
Remember to pray at this time, I promise the time with the Father shall always remain.

It’s about love, love is where the Father bolts
As I enter into a peaceful place, I thank my children and grand children today
Humbleness towards  each of you is a blessing to shine;
Protect them Father, as I know in you I, shall always be fine.

“God bless you my beautiful Father”
18th September 2022

Repentance and love

It’s that simple 
Caring, loving and showing kind,
There is hope in each of us, whom we shall eventually find.

There is hope in us all
We don’t need to drink a galleon of beer,
Just repent and give yourself to him
The words I announce are far from feeling dim.

Love in God is repentance 
Simply say he is LORD, I promise he won’t leave,
Yes, you shall have your debaters who are not quite there
Their academia is something they prefer to share.

A blessing required 
There is a God who is there to believe, 
Stay humble, loving and all the way 
Prayers are the Father’s wishes, you shall take credence from the love which shall stay.

18th September 2022 

Saturday, 17 September 2022

Exceptionally well done

I knew you would do it
We all had faith, so exceptionally well done
You have achieved, now move forward 
There’s no holding back, it’s your time 
Blessing you, knowing that you shall be fine.

There were people praying
Despite what you believe,
That is the word, which connects to what you shall achieve.

Keep going
That’s a trait we all admire
There is spirit within you, and its not the devils fire.

Keep aspiring 
Keep going towards 
Keep believing in you, there’s no point looking at a righteous gain
Exceptionally well done Hayley, a new door has opened, I shall now retire to refrain.

“Well done and God bless…Jason”
17th September 2022

Friday, 16 September 2022


A great Maestro of a true elegant artist,
And as great eras come to an end  
Reminiscing your greatest, from where we can all transcend.

God’s spirited Angel
An almighty presence which exudes 
Your striking of a tennis ball is like no other who can wonderfully protrude.

All those years 
This is simply a thank you for all you have done,
You are humble in spirit, and sure you would say “Tennis has ultimately won”

Your work is not quite done 
Your presence needs to stay intact,
Your artistry, passion and fire 
A beautiful contribution, from what we all witnessed and desire.

From 2003 Wimbledon win , through to that epic final against Nadal in Oz,
Thank you for these brilliant and special times 
God has blessed you with gifts so gracious and sublime.

“Well done Roger… love to you and your family.🙏🏽”

16th September 2022

Thursday, 15 September 2022

The weekend arrives

You must give yourself a pat on the back
The weekend you have reached,
In God you are humbled, and his word is always there to teach.

Stay focused on him
I say that time and time again,
This world saw him arrive first and he shall be last to leave
Stay humble in his mercy, you shall find a reprieve.

Think of those who struggle to survive day to day,
Do you pray for them?
If you do? Then keep up with the momentum
His protection is through your prayer, where he touches damaged intention.
Be kind in you,
Be kind in your love,
Be kind in his mercy for all does eventually past,
Procrastination doesn’t get you anywhere fast.

A pray is caring for you and others,
We are here, a family, sisters and brothers,
Remember, we shall rejoice with encouragement through his light,
He shall protect you eternally, stay with his pray, through this spiritual fight.

16th September 2022  

His presence

You look towards you, the question you’ll say: “I’ve done the hard work, I made it where I am due to my solid faith in me, 
the truth is God’s love guides you to see.

Yet free will apply
And believe it or not, you are his from the moment you arrived
And through his love you shall have a chance to strive.

Through God’s love there is always hope
The devil is a cheat 
A false array of hope,
Your humbleness shall defeat the tyranny of a satanic dope.

There are prayers to be said
Humbleness, is a joy and nothing less.
Fighting through the earthly norm
The blessings from the Father, shall never be torn.

He loves you 
Please remember this truth…
The time to stay humble and lifted 
It’s through staying on the Father’s side, 
prayers of love, enjoy this spiritual ride.

15th September 2022

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

There are battles to overcome

There are battles we often feel we cannot face
In God, there’s hope for us to beat this insane pace.

You are blessed
You need to go on,
You can’t always say no, 
There is nothing wrong from where he belongs.

Yes… there are hostile times 
Yet adversity in humanity we will embrace,
This is the time for you to shine,
God inside of you shall exalt,
The past treachery will halt.

You will never stop
Your breath doesn’t stop until you reach the kingdom, our new home,
The battle has been won and evil defeated
Your time with the Father will face challenges to always overcome
That is why we call the Father the 3 in 1.

15th September 2022

Tuesday, 13 September 2022


The day awaits
I don’t care if it’s gloomy or raining,
I’ve gone for my morning run
Looking to the Father, from a place he has already won.

I pray for you to be blessed
Moving forward when challenges are amidst,
The Father fully inside of you, simply admit….
He shines a light on you, it’s simply for you to submit.

The heavens await 
God is always present to embrace your love,
He’s love is great
And yours is welcomed inside of him too
Blessed are the stars and clouds in the sky
The humility of God’s presence shall never go wry.

Love is God
And God cares what you have entered, despite the mist and flog from the past
He shall humble your spirit, and your old self has perished for he works endlessly fast.

14th September 2022

Monday, 12 September 2022


“Get over you.”
Sorry, these needs to be said,
Holding a grudge, what’s the point?
It simply makes your ill, you need prayer and for a moment be anoint.

We all need to hear this 
Holding back and trying not to resent,
You only get inflamed and eventually hellbent.

I know we need to talk things out
People hear things with an argument waiting to be aired from there voice,
Where others just make a statement without an answer needed to be said,
It’s a balance of conversations, and personalities that can be challenging to embed.

It’s life
We live in times where sadness is frequently mention,
The thing before, the news was always there
We progressed with a little more humility, through the circumstances which we bared.

13th September 2022


I was hurting 
Terribly in pain
I didn’t believe in a higher hope,
I didn’t consume to prevent this slope.

“Why did you give me these two…?”
He said to me: “I wouldn’t give you something you couldn’t handle?”
I give you the belief in my direction; to prevent yourself to loosely dangle.

I give you hope 
I give you belief,
Yes, there shall be challenges, which appear not a relief.

You have strength
From the prayers requested,
You are using them for my purpose, that is what is tested.

I said you can achieve
It’s through prayers to believe,
Thank you to remaining on the right side
The devil doesn’t know what he’s doing, actually…..he has lied.

12th September 2022

Day at a time

A day at a time 
That’s all you can do,
Hypos and hypers are challenging, so you need what you need to do. 

Someone the other day said an arrogant remark
“I don’t record my sugars”
As I, with type 1 always need to do
Ignorance is bliss, as I am pleased the enzymes are managed by the insulin, you automatically pursue.

This is difficult 
I even hope the people I dislike, never face this struggle,
Calculating carbs at every given cost 
And you pray for a balanced life, even through a hypo loss.

Testing, calculating and correcting 
And that’s even before you inject, and eat,
People think it’s easy to manage
Well their insulin regulates, so how how does there demands meet?

“Living with type 1”
12th September 2022

Sunday, 11 September 2022

Remember the god who loves you

Whatever you may think
from the time you wake,
You live for today 
From the moment the Father humble your break.

Because it’s blind faith
You don’t always believe,
Yet he is the Father of miracles for you and I 
Yet to him, it’s part of a duty to prevent us to sigh.

One God, almighty love
He is the rock, when we are fraught
“Why are bad things happening…? I’ve done no wrong” often cried
God is taking care of it, the bible predicts the future from the free will of others tide.

You may feel low
Or perhaps you can’t stop laughing,
This day he’s hand is always there,
From the moment you breathe, he will place you with an Angel to provide so much more to bare.

12th September 2022


I pray for your healing brother
You are held by the humble Father,
The hope and the pain
The strength inside of you shan’t wane.

You are cared for by the best
The loving Father
Who cares for you no less.

We pray for your protection 
We pray for your light,
We pray for your humility to imbue God’s love
You are held with sight, healing is touched and enlight.

We pray for you with hope
We pray for you every day,
We love you my brother, the Father’s healing shall never go away.

“God bless Dickson”
Jason and Divine


I use to ask God…

God you are so brilliant
You are my benchmark, and you are ever so resilient.

You bring me hope
even at the time I want to punch 
I want to hurt himself when others abuse,
Now I am humble, as I disregard others negative views

You are so bright 
When I thought I was brighter,
I am more humble now, even though I have a spiritual fighter.

You don’t hate
You give me the strength to love,
You are the aligning Father, when I want to learn and shove.

You were there 
When others couldn’t deal,
Even though I can’t see you, I know you are real.

11th September 2022

Calmness within

We often don’t say these words, I find
We are often faced with confrontation we often want to avoid 
Yet with prayer, we are humbled, elevated and then Boyd.

You look to calm
You look to the sky,
You look at what’s all around 
With God inside of you, there is something so profound.

There is goodness in us all
Don’t ever beat yourself up, by saying “you are not worthy”.
Stay humble in spirit through the grace of God 
There is optimism, through the Father’s prevalent nod.

People thinking they are above others,
Silly words often relayed,
We are one in the body of Christ 
There is victory in him, and yes of course, you in him are of course more than nice..

11th September 2022

Saturday, 10 September 2022

Humbling heart

Humble your heart
Hold what is true,
The truth is not in the eccentricity 
God causes humbleness, along with levity.

You may be loud
Or perhaps quiet,
You are his, so please give your heart
His truth is the beginning of a new start.

Don’t say ‘no’
Simply repent 
From the final word he says
Give yourself to Jesus, and love the passage, as well as his ways.

This is hope for us all
I thought no one cared,
Yet through an accepting heart 
He is always aware.

10th August 2022

The world we love

We love this world 
Because it has capacity for good,
Give yourself to the Father 
The son prays that you would.

Loving each other 
It’s that simple to do,
Haven’t we all made mistakes 
God is inside of me and you.

I knew the Father was my friend 
When everyone turned there back,
He knows I was bursting inside and started to repair where there were many cracks.

May this world shine on you
Because the Father in the heaven will rejoice,
This world has capacity for kindness, love and perennial hope 
Yet never deny the hurt inside
And appreciate their is a Father who will deflect the devils fickle tide.. 😉😘

10th September 2022

Friday, 9 September 2022

At Rest

I am now asleep 
At peace
I shall be with my husband, my rock
My time has arrived
70 years of ruling I have embraced and survived.

I have served my country
I have prayed each and every day
I have said my speech on Christmas Day
I will see my children again,  I am sure they will be okay.?

I have loved my country
Yes, at times we are stretched,
My kingdom is now the Father in heaven
I am a child again, at total rest 
I now understand through your prayers, I shall feel no less.

Thank you for your words
Simple, yet effective messages recited
I am now at peace, where in the Father I am humbly foresighted.

“R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth”

9th August 2022

Thursday, 8 September 2022


We live in a better world where people are always mixing
People loving each other, rather than looking at skin
Accepting each other through cultures understood
Rather looking at skin tone, which Jesus never could.

We blend 
We speak
We learn and find out we have lots in common, because we give each other a chance 
And not judging each other, like a heart pierced through a lance.

Divide and rule
That is what it was like before…
People saying “stick to your own”
What does that mean in fact?
You may have nothing in common, so where is the tact?

Embrace and love
Culture is where it’s at,
Conversations of hostility is too much in this day and age
But then again? The father has always wanted us together, not this nonsense dividing rage?

9th August 2022

Words of gracious love ❤️🙏🏽

Propaganda and meaningless agendas…
People looking at problems rather than success,
Yes, we all face challenging times 
And face many losses, whereby we learn
God is our benchmark, therefore we shall discern.

Yes, we all face a somber mood
But that will eventually lift in time,
It’s not always about getting on with it, it’s how in the Father you refine.

Pray for positivity
Pray to God through your free will,
You are loved by him immensely 
The day you wake up… is part of this celebratory.

My words will stay
And in time my body shall decay,
Yet through hard work and dedication 
There is a spirit in each of us, yes, a predication.

“Stay blessed…. Jason xx🙏🏽“
9th August 2022


We shall never forget you
A Champion we shall always remember,
A lost of a Queen 
A mother, a grandmother and a great grand mother who was so proud
A glorious monarch , your majesty…. you lifted any looming cloud.

A last deep breathe now taken, 
An Angel arises to hold this Lady, and our beautiful Queen
A person whose reigns is commendable and unforeseen.

Condolences to her family 
A nation trying to understand this greatest of lost,
God holds you close, where we felt there’s been an enormous cost.

The Angels will fly her to heaven 
Solemnity brought with a light which shines our greatest hope,
Our Queen…. Elizabeth is now at rest
A matriarch who has prayed for us all…and was almightily blessed.

“Rest in peace our Queen, God bless you and your family 🙏🏽“
8th August 2022

The art of health

If you neglect yourself, then you are told off
Or if  you over train, then you get told off for that too
But as long as you remain healthy, that’s the art of staying spiritually wealthy.

You know what works for you,
None of us are fools…
Praying to God each day to cure an unavoidable disease 
That’s where you take credence, to take ownership for what you want to cease.

Be kind to your heart
Show a sound temperamental view, 
It’s all about prayer and balance to imbue
Humbleness towards health has always been inside of you. 

Sod it!! “It’s my life I’ll do what I want”
Then consequences are received 
God loves you so much, your heart is his… please believe.

We are in a fight to go nearer towards the utmost high
God I love you so much, I promise I’ll look after myself until I die.

When it’s time to leave, then I thank you for welcoming me home
A new life
A new spiritual health I shall adore
Look after your health forevermore. 

8th August 2022

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Type 1 diabetes….with a twist

Yes, I suppose you got to get on with it
But you are monitoring all the time,
Wouldn’t it nice not to calculate when you eat?
Remember, you guys are great examples and frequently avoid defeat.

So you have your bad days?..
Life is full of questions and answers to overcome,
We are brilliant what we have to achieve daily
Little wins should be considered greatly.

Praise the heavens 
You are doing great,
Even if you feel you can up your game?
You just need to get on with it and leave the poor sugars behind
There are always answers to solutions, well that’s what I find?

Remember, we are smart, yet on that edge 
Believing in our ability to have a better life with focus in mind,
Yes, there are challenges awaiting
We aren’t into this political debating, just making this condition work 
Moving forward is so, so key,
One day they shall find a auto-immune cure, then we shall finally be free.

“Living with type 1 diabetes”
8th September 2022


It’s about the way we look at life
Yes, we need to say no, when yes feels needs to be said 
Yet if someone is draining your spirit, don’t always feel you are easily led. 

People shall take
Some don’t care for others at all,
It’s all about them, no one else
They need to be prayed for, yes afar
The goodness from God is never holds barred.

Remove the negatives 
some people are apart of that,
Restore the strength in you 
The Father does not miss a thing
Show a act of kindness in perception you shall bring.

How do I know they are genuine?
We are all fraught with guilt and sin,
Some embrace that negative trait,
The thing is, they need credence 
A sign of hope
A sign to attain 
A sign of understanding. An embellishment to humble your spirit and never allow the devil to Bane.

7th August 2022

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Reaching out

All you need to do is pray
Its quite uplifting, and keeps you at bay.

May the Lord shower and protect
He shall always be perceptive and correct,
May the tears break through, this is time is for you
The humbling Father who has always been inside
The almighty protector who flicks the devil to the side.

He is there
So Why be angry?
We ain’t meant to live forever.
We are suppose to reach his kingdom…
So repent, 
this is the message his Son boldly sent.

He loves you all
And you… yes you! The person who is reading this right now,
What’s the point being despondent?
Does that truly help?
Personally you need to surrender and lay it down 
If you rely on the hope of man, you may hinge of tears from a clown.

7th August 2022


The story of health never ends
It’s the only thing in life that challenges our inner peace
All or nothing, that comes in the very least.

Bless you
Humble you with the hard decisions you’ve had to make,
You are exceptional at what you do
The NHS through you is a destiny you chose to ensue,

You expedite a meeting 
Get it out of the way,
Hard talk; a trait built through many years mould
Seeing through others, to ensure the health economy doesn’t unfold.

Stay humble
As this new chapter shines,
You shall never be forgotten by me and others who gave you a steer
Determined decisions, you needn’t fear.

“Well done Blake… stay humble and love to you and your family.”

Love Jason & family 
7th August 2022

I am alright

I love you my children
We shall meet again,
Thanks to the father, you and I will hug, kiss and be on the path to totally mend.

Sorry I went away
It was my time to be with the Father,
He called me to be with him
He’s decision is final and the ultimate win.”

I just want to say I love you
More than you’ll ever know,
I am not leaving your side
As there shall be seeds to reap and shan’t collide.

I am here
In your dreams each passing wake,
I love you Divine, Dickson and Hadassa 
This message is to say the Father’s protecting me like a stream just like a beautiful lake.

“Divine, Hadassa and Dickson.  I am keeping an eye on you.”

6th August 2022

Having empathy

So much love to give
And so much to release through Godly time,
The hope from the Father is for you to repent and give,
It’s our time to talk to the the spirit, to humbly live.

Imagine a world without sorrow or pain?
And not saying those negative words through ageing cynical rifts,
God is the all cumbersome modifier who enhances our lifts.

Never say “no”
Especially if you doubt the system in place?
Pray to God, he is always their
If you know the almighty is comforting, where his loyalty is there.
Words to encourage 
Words to reach out to us all,
Why doubt the spirit, his decision is final
And humility within ensures his son’s arrival.

6th August 2022

Monday, 5 September 2022

I Asked God

I asked God: “why me?”
An irate surrounding “that can’t be?”
Around fiery people
People I rather avoid
Yet the Father built me into a warrior, not to be toyed.

Of course, I am polite, no reason not to be
The foundation wasn’t there 
Guardians too immersed into themselves, I resound“boy I just want to be free”.

The father says “you’ll find peace, I promise you that”
I am too human at times, where impatience lurks in my soul
The Father says: “you are mine now, don’t dare let the Devil take control”.

I asked: “why do I have cards dealt like this?”
He replies, I’ll protect you my child, the love I have for you shan’t go amiss.”

6th August 2022


God says forgive
Yet pride can prevent you to live,
Kindness can be a struggle at times
Especially when you pray afar
Balancing humility with God, can be blocked by a star.

Pride can be the Devil’s weapon
Over and over again, he will use the same tool,
Yet in the Father in you is far from a fool.

The strength is God within you
Humility comes with balance and love,
And love possess insight for what is strong
The son from the Father’s pathway is not far long

My eyes love God
He protects myself and others from the years of pain felt,
The humbleness in the Father can nullify the poor cards dealt.

5th August 2022

Looking at hope

I miss you love
My tears are welling up,
But for certain, I shan’t ever give up.

God is our hope
God is our vessel,
The day we are finally one, 
is the goodness achieved from the Father’s son.

And ultimately God,
These are attributes we look onwards to bolt
We shall ensue, through an almighty volt.

We deserve to be happy
We deserve to hold each close,
If risks are taken, then we do it together 
My love for you shall overcome this stormiest weather.

Loves Divine Matila Fwany xxx
5th September 2022

Not on God’s watch…

You feel alone?
Not on the Father’s watch,
Looking for answers, which are hard to find?
Just speak to him, there are answers in front of you when you act in kind.

Your peace is there
So do not deny,
There is humility in the Father, which you ought to beware.

I’ve been there,
Hating for the acts man has made,
Yet through his spirit, you can overcome the tirade.

There is a watch God provides
Looking over everyone of us, when we think we can’t survive.
We try our best and give merit to ourself 
Yet it’s God’s gifts that provides us with perennial wealth.

5th September 2022

Sunday, 4 September 2022


We never stay the same
No matter what.
You have a person with patience, guile, battling qualities and one with style.

You learn to progress 
Especially through the pain,
God is holding you close 
That motive you need to maintain.

Keep praying
Shining his light on thee,
Humbleness comes qualities 
Especially Him inside of me.

I said no to his help
Time and time again,
Producing an exalting message of good
There’s no doubt, once you pray.. he would.

5th August 2022

The day I knew he was real

Back then, I hated life
I hated the world 
Assuming no one cared I thought
The father is the perennial, which I need not fought.

My tears ran down
What on earth was going on?
I felt so weak.. now unbelievably I felt strong.

You punch
You want to truly hurt
The world is such a damaged place,
Yet prayer is the answer, which provides love and space.

I pray for love
The kindness which is an act,
May the word of the lord, become a humble fact.

4th September 2022

When I face fear

When I face the fear
I know you are near.
You bring me joy
When others make me out to be bad,
When I concentrate on you, I no longer feel sad.

You are my strength 
My first and last,
If others have no provision to turn
I know your son shall return.

We keep focused 
We keeping fighting towards the ultimate prize,
When your son returned, there shall be no surprise.

I was hurting 
Facing remorse,
I am a child of God first, I shall no longer feel worse.

4th August 2022

It’s doesn’t matter…

It doesn’t matter about my pain
Jesus faced and managed to contain.
His presence was strong 
And took an almighty hit 
We were ineffective and were in bits.

We look at you every day 
You defeated the devil, and he went away.

The truth is with hope
And hope is with God,
He took the pain, I couldn’t manage 
You as a human was looking to cause damage.

Bring on the earth
Bring on the hope,
I pray for those I deplore
You are berthed from a higher power, you are no longer raw.

4th August 2022

Letting go… no disgrace

Letting go
Isn’t about failure
Neither it’s bout defeat?
It means you are passing on the baton
So now you can retreat.

Pride before the storm
The aim. To keep positive and attained,
There’s no disgrace, from being refrained.

People get knocked all of the time 
It’s part of life’s tests that eventually becomes sublime.
Looking at defeat? Not a chance
God loves you that much, you shall enhance.

The fight for victory 
Comes with letting go,
Somethings are worth fighting for 
And from when God speaks to you to pursue
There is a blessing from him, waiting to ensue.

4th August 2022

Saturday, 3 September 2022

I said to God….

I asked to God once: “why is this happening to me?”
I  hurting tremendously, sad and distraught
I am putting all the blame the Father.. yes, I made it his fault.

I take that right bank.  I owe him my all
And that is still not enough, his soon took the ultimate fall.

Yet victory was his son’s
Who took on fickle flesh,
And where maturity is required from us all
That’s where the Father brings out our zest, to stand tall.

I cannot blame him anymore
In fact I am staying with him, to the very core.
Forgiveness and love, one of the many ultimate acts 
Timing from the Father, is quite miraculous… and amazing fact.

3rd August 2022

How we met

God brought us together 
That is as clear as day,
Staying hopeful in heaven
As the answers revealed for the coming what may.

I was going to have a third drink 
The devil said: “Go on, this is your time.”
The father said “no, a limit is there to protect”
That’s why in the father we are now sober, and in him worth it.

I listened to God
The best advice you shall ever received,
Burning the candle at all ends 
The spirit within the Father is where it transcends.

I take no credit from that moment I helped,
Clearly you received a strong arm from God,
An act so defined in peace and kindness 
Yet it was his guidance, which came from faithful blindness.

He blesses you every day
I say that with the utmost love,
He’s eyes staring at you, which shines above.

Tears of joy
Often arrive,
from that moment God intervened,
A humbleness captured us inbetween.

Love from a dear friend 
3rd August 2022

Thursday, 1 September 2022

Tired… but fighting

You never say ‘no’
Only until the father says,
Moving forward
Learning each day
I won’t be at peace, until the tiredness slays.

And what is it? until the tiredness hits 
Looking to move forward, taking the blows,
Remember you are his child now, the devil is a foe.

You strive to victory 
Humbleness achieved,
Yet the battle isn’t over
Until you really start to believe.

You are open-minded when you enter that fore
Love of God is always there to grasp,
It’s simple, just to believe and know he is their
God has always loved you, now it’s your time to share.

2nd September 2022

Today it’s about love

Harsh positions you may shall be
Humbleness in the Lord
We look to see.

I need you now, and yes your door is always open
You are trying you best, and still blaming God
I hope you are close, he spares the rod.

You are humbled
You shall be alight 
You  are his vessel with an almighty plight.

Stay humble Guys
The father is always there
If you think the door is close
Then there’s so much to see, for has rose.

1st September 2022

Love yourself more than you can accept

People can be fickle, And there are those who are considerate and polite, There are those who are smothering, when the other person can’t se...