Wednesday, 1 November 2023

My friends

Personally I don’t know how they tolerate me?
Actually I can be quite confrontational, but then again I shut a conversation down to set me free.

I want to see God
The best place I want to return,
This time on this planet I am grateful to have learnt a lot, yet I rather discern. 

My friends are lovely, kind as you can be
They have qualities of impatience; but haha, they do have a guide 
Their kindness are the qualities that I chose to confide.

Thank you God, you have provided me people to care and love,
I pray for humility and their spiritual growth,
Thank you God for their banter and kindness, the qualities that touches me close,
Angels ascend towards me, to test through the spirit I grew into the most.

1st November 2023 

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