Sunday, 5 November 2023

Love is God’s gift

Keep me out of politics 
Keep me out of angst others portray,
I rather remain humble and avoid arguments, that doest elevate my mind, or keep that at bay.

Keep me away from hostile people
The people who say ‘for arguments sake’,
I need rid of those who stir the need to harm,
I love God first, that’s my ultimate charm.

I want to keep myself away from aggro 
A place where people bicker for monitory gain,
I live in a world of love to cause understanding 
Not this nonsense of word misuse that’s so withstanding.

I suppose we need to stay calm and chill
But people today don’t have that concept, so where is their drill?

We need to see love and a balanced mind
Not to make everything a drama, that to myself isn’t kind (that’s what I find).

6th November 2023

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