Thursday, 30 November 2023

Thank you…

Struggling to find a way through
I need faith in God, that’s not a clue.
Understanding the reasons where there are challenges which keep us alive
From the moment you pray for hope; and that you are able to survive.

Thank you Lord for the friends that came to the rescue,
Respecting peoples kind intentions 
And the freedom of inner and humble reflections.

Thank you for my friends; you provided me with love and warmth to feel secure
Looking for that opportunity which is just enough, and not too much more.

Thank you my friends 
God has brought us here,
I can focus on the next move as faith removes the fear.

1st December 2023

I am here waiting for you… my son

I love you son
I know you are not far,
Holding my hand through the channels of each gazing star.

I love you boy
I am here watching you every second
My love for you is rich, and often beckons.

I love you my son
Every step of the way, 
You are always in my thoughts, that feeling shan’t go away. 

I love you my child
You are my child through the son of man,
I love you and our family, from that’s where I humbly stand.

“Love you Dad… Anthony”
31st November 2023

Releasing grief

I can still remember you…like if you are still here
The tear falls down and you need a hug to share,
Lord hold me tight, I know you want too
I am still figuring out the pattern and the imbue.

I miss him
My best friend,
the Lord had to taken him, for that I can transcend.

His wit, his laughter, the way he reacted
A buoyant soul, as he never retracted.

Loyal to a fault 
Humble as can be,
Yes there were flaws, but isn’t that inside of us to see.

I am simply missing him, yes, that’s right? My Dad
A beautiful human being, I am pleased to have truly had.

“Miss you, you git…. X”
31st November 2023

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Not knowing where to turn

Pray to God if you are unsure
You are his after all, as your appearance may come across as demure.

Day to day the prayer achieves a win
A win you least expect, as long as it defeats the cardinal sin.

Be patient with those who are patient with you
You may lose yourself in the mist, but refute to feel blue.

Turn to God, it’s the only way
Tomorrow brings us happiness, which through the eyes of the Father shall stay.

31st November 2023

Be patient with others

Learn to be patient for you and those you love
This is a message for me too, as sometimes I do not shove
So pray from the place that you find you are, 
God is humble rejoicer that comes as close for you or afar.

Listen to these words 
We have all said what which I am about to mention before,
Lord I do love you, yet this world faces many trials 
And overcoming impatience does take quite a while.

Be kind to you
And be kind to those that you love,
The prayers are forever transcending 
God is holding you close, and patiently mending.

So be kind to this world
Even if it’s struggling what’s taking place day to day,
The prayers are always with us, as that moment of humility needs to stay.

30th November 2023

Love only love

The prayer is there
Love is from God, and we all ought to share.

I love you more than you know
Caring aligned with kindness, as we all need to grow.

Love is kindness 
And kindness show’s tremendous about of love,
Heaven shows many moments of hope 
And prayers shows beauty, despite the challenges dangling from a fickle rope. 

Thank you God you are our king 
You bring us goodness through humbleness 
and kindness through insightfulness.

30th November 2023

The sun is shining through a prayer

The light is out
The cold is here,
By God’s grace there are always option for prayers
Others shall accept you, others may not care.

The temperature is cold
Yet the light is glaring,
Focus on God, love him with all your might,
This is focus and there is humbleness that’s so bright. 

Sorry you have been through this struggle 
Times like these you need is a a hug,
People who you think would be there through your troubled times and that lug.

Humbleness in light
Humbleness in peace,
Love of God is eternally holding 
Blessed and beautified and unfolding x.

29th November 2023

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Yes… I love you

Yes.. I love you
That’s through the almighty king.
Don’t feel alone at all
There is goodness fro, what we can dutifully bring.

Yes life has its ups and downs 
The struggles are in the mist,
The beauty of others is a blessing to accept
The highest of love is God’s gift, which is perfect.

Don’t be scared, let’s him in
You are his after all, no time to delve in that other thing ‘sin’.

You are here one minute, gone the next
He is my friend dear Lord, 
The ones’ I choose to care
Thank you for the prayers, when the blessings are everywhere.

28th November 2023

We shall pass each other

Moving forward we all know is key
Family and loved ones, despite the hurt; where one day you’ll be set free.

The road is long 
The path is not entirely straight,
There is a time to reflect, and a time to lead towards fate.

The road is humble
The path has set its way,
Yet we keep praying, as the emotion inside shall harmoniously obey.

Thank you Lord, you are the one who humbly keeps me at peace
As I choose the next step precariously, 
And hold on with prayer through gregariously
The time shall pass, thank you God for you are holding me near
There is you to now focus on, as vexatious haunts has nothing to fear.

28th November 2023

Monday, 27 November 2023

Praying and staying

Praying each day 
Helps to defeat the devil through a spiritual lift,
Its essence is magnificent, and a blessed gift.

I Love you my friend
Praying for you when life go through turns,
Not knowing what to do next, avoiding inflictions from prayers you discern.

Days are there for prayer
Humility to manage through the guidance when the Father is there.

He wants you to open up
He wants you to leave him with the battle, so you no longer feel disrupt,
Tomorrow is a fight but you shall achieve through him
The devil has already lost this battle, he was never your next of kin!

28th November 2023

The first poem of the week

It’s always hard to release through an array of words
A set of a word pattern releases, and humbleness once it’s heard.

I write these words, which are inspired by God
I have friends whom I love, and they love me
It’s through you Father through where I ought to be.

The words are humbling 
The words are in place,
How do these words manifest? It’s through the light and the embrace.

Thank you Father, these words offer hope and truest form
The world as it stands right now, is through a humble love through many a storm.

27th November 2023

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Praying today.. just the start

Holding onto the light
Pray and stay with me,
Holding us together, The Father has set you to flee.

You are my direction Lord
You are the only way,
Humbleness with an almighty prayer 
Bringing you towards, the Father is constantly there.

You start by saying: “Can I pray for you?”
Lots to do, yet it’s the Father who gives you free will to stay or simply do.

Stay here Father
I need you more than ever,
It’s the surrender of Faith that delivers you, and it’s not because you think you are clever.

26th November 2023

Struggling with this condition

Lord I do struggle with this
I want you close and rather you did dismiss

Dismiss? This condition of course 
Sugars plummeting low 
As there’s moments I prefer not to show.

Good bye one day, I’ll like to say to this diabetes strain
Humbleness I rather contain.

Stay hopeful there is light 
The balance of insulin isn’t what I see as bright,
Yet it keeps me alive, I will say that
Pray to God for a cure, for the time hope is where it’s at.

“Living with type 1 diabetes”
26th November 2023

Busy life’s

What can I say?
A life so busy but then all of a sudden to it suddenly stops,
Looking towards new opportunities, heaven is what you have already look to have got.

Times are challenging 
Speed is part of this madness we face,
Let’s stop for a second, leave the chaotic ones’ to work out their haste.

Noise is part of this busiest of times 
Prayers are required when love is the hope we look to define.

Thank you God, our eyes are open wide shut 
There is always a challenge as well as a ‘But’.
Thank you for the love and thank you for my life
The wonders of this new chapter we are about to unfold
Thank you for calming Father, there are plenty of moments to become.

26th November 2023

Saturday, 25 November 2023

There for you brother

God spoke to me 
He asked me to reach you,
You were their for me when I dared
I know you are a brother who has always cared.

So as these words are directed to thee
Praise the Lord for what we can see to free.

Brother, you are loved and protected as times when you face a wane
You shall pull through this and have plenty to gain.

Brother I am their for you
It’s through the Lord’s word there is ample of love from these times 
I am holding you brother, as calmness and prayers are refined.

“For my brother Nick x”
25th November 2023

Tired today….rest all the way

You work hard and possibly reap the rewards
The fact is that you are reaching towards God, that is always towards.

Today you look for light
But clouds are possibly in the way
Allow God to move inside you, he’ll have the final say.

He is your protector 
The one who delivers you peace,
There is a turn of humble fortune, the one who doesn’t provide you the least

Stay humble 
Stay with him all the time,
If you refute, he accepts that 
But more often than not that isn’t where it’s at.

25th November 2023

Despite what you think?

Despite what you think!
Despite how the weather makes you feels,
God is love; and he has you today, 
look to the skies, there is hope to avoid dismay.

Life wasn’t going to be easy
Life will face its ebbs and flows,
God is love, like I said before…
Look to the promises which you shall have galore.

Remember you are good, actually great for what shall be,
There is goodness in balance, God has a path he wants us to be.

Love is kindness 
And kindness holds your reign, 
Prayers are directed towards you, God is the lead for us to sustain.

25th November 2023

Friday, 24 November 2023

Rest and love

Rest and head towards thee
There is hope inside your dreams, now just simply take a breath to be.

Rest for God, and work when he tells
The harmony of hope is a direction to embrace 
Glory to God, he says when it’s the time and the place.

Rest your eyes 
Love with all your heart,
Humble your presence with joy
Glory and passion for which you can rejoice.

Rest and imbue
The place we long to be,
Heaven is our calling, surrender your heart to Faith as you shall eventually see.

24th November 2023

Thursday, 23 November 2023

I’ll stay with you

There are times of every year
There is so much you can fear,
Yet I am here Lord, with a delicate tear.

The world is challenged with hope
We need to stay tight with love… avoid the slope.

I am holding you close
Lord you are the almighty, 
through the land of what is taken lightly.

You cannot leave God
He is there through thick and thin
There is a truth through Faith, that overrides sin.

23rd November 2023

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Learning and praying

Todays prayer….Bless each and everyone of us
We work through this life day by day,
Questions are always looming, yet it is the prayers that are held and never in the way.

Today I will pray for you
Meaning I care and want you safe, 
Nothing is secure during these audacious times 
Politics not well managed, the word ‘instability’ comes to mind. 

Today’s pray is a lift
As I relay these words to each of you, 
I am praying with all my heart, the defects of the devil doesn’t have a clue. 

I love to pray, it’s a release and spiritual fight 
God is our key and our light, 
seeking a solution where there is an answer that lifts each of our sight. 

22nd November 2023

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Hoping and growing

What can you do when others don’t think highly of thee?
This what you should do, stay with God, his forgiveness does set you free.

The heart can face a difficult challenge from time to time 
Seasons shall face their struggles, 
as you may fall in the trap as well as a puddle.

You shall fight
And one day you shall see the light,
Light which comes from the source
The deluge of humility through an enlightenment of remorse.

Love is love
Light is hope
Growing is the way forward to repair
Love God first, he is always there.

21st November 2023

When the light arrives

There are days where you are looking towards something to arrive,
Actually simply pray, you’ll soon feel alive.

There is love waiting, accept it is yours to cherish
Refute the devils attack, he rather you go and perish.

The Father loves you everyday
There is hope in this belief, the other fickle motive shall make you stray.

There is love 
And there is light,
The prayers heading towards you shall release fight.

God is love 
And love is from God, 
There is no better feeling than his approving nod.

21st November 2023

Monday, 20 November 2023

When the devil attacks?

You could one minute feel alright 
Then he just appears,
Who? The devil of course! He lure you towards any thrills.

You shall feel awful, and may want to pick on others 
This wasn’t the idea my friend; not for your sisters and brothers. 

A struggle can be devoid in warmth
Where a love for others refutes any form of taunt.

The devil won’t win
He knows that he can’t,
Praying and defeating his desire
Shall release you, when he hasn’t got a chance to hire.

20th November 2023

How many can I write?

How many poems shall I write?
Actually I am speaking to God, often in a spiritual fight.

Facing trials and tribulations for what is my next move
Looking for answers to questions I pose, from a place I could lose.

Fighting the battle I have day to day
Asking the Father questions, as he only knows the way.

Speaking in fellowship
Speaking to find the light, 
Often in the mist of a torrential fight.

Seeing mental health on the rise
Should this be happening in day to day,
The last few years has seen many a dismay.

Lord, I love you 
Every step of the way, 
May the heavens open, as my tired eye look to you in what comes what may.

20th November 2023

We all need to ask questions…

We all have questions that many of us won’t be able to answer
The humblest of the truth shall remove that garish chancer.

Life has been tough
Pushed from pillar to post,
Controlling others through your own will
Shouting out, asking what’s going wrong?
Lord it’s you where we all belong.

The prayers are holden
They do not stray,
I need the faith of the Father, as the lead towards tomorrow conjures another day.

Thank you Lord, you are strong in the light that we see
As long as we prayer every day, the belief inside of us shall simply be.

20th November 2023

Dear Lord… you were right

Dear Lord, you are perfectly right; nothing is perfect
Yet through your son, you have taken me on and you are humbly worth it.

No point looking back, just go forth
It’s easier said than done, therefore I shall retort.

You hold me close, despite how often I push you away
I am remaining humble from now on Lord, I urge you there is a place for me to stay.

You surround me with Angels
To refute any political rife,
I am protecting myself, through you Lord I have this spiritual life.

You were right Lord, all of this time
I humbled my heart by releasing these tears 
As from now on Lord I can see you without any heighten fears.

20th November 2023

Sunday, 19 November 2023

Blessings to all

Thank you God for providing me with hope
A quest, a travel and an entirely different level to hold.

Blessings for each of us 
Each step of the way,
I am holding onto the Father, my head is where I shall lay.

Thank you Lord 
You light my path to see,
I bless those I love wholeheartedly, from there I can simply be.

Blessings are honoured 
Blessings are part of our quest,
It’s simple sign where Jesus is best.

19th November 2023

Staying humble

Ultimately we find our way
Trip and stumble, God has the final say.

Thank you God, you have always been here
Looking this way and that
The answer you give is comes at the drop of a hat.

Thank you Lord, some days I am lost
I don’t know where to turn….then your answer came; through the son man my belief has retained.

Lord you do protect our souls
As we prayer and surrender
Love you wholeheartedly, the humbleness of defenders.

19th November 2023

Saturday, 18 November 2023

When I prayed

When I prayed
It was for you,
I didn’t do it for me, I did it to pursue.

When I saw the light
I know others perhaps couldn’t see,
I am not aggressed anymore, I just want to be with you Lord….thee.

Yes, there were times I wanted a fight
I was angry dear lord, yet you had the overseeing might.

I want your humbleness and my parents wisdom
Yet it’s through you Lord I see words relayed 
Don’t feel unruly, and avoid to become dismayed.

18th November 2023

Friday, 17 November 2023

Looking over you

Title: Looking after you

Yes, I am looking over you
Caring and sharing as I am now at peace with God.
You are on this journey as I shall keep out an eye
Yes, I am ‘96 today, but I am not ever going to say goodbye.

“Levendi mou” I love you so much,
Held and protected by the Lord 
Here is my hand, not anyone else’s foreword.

I love you my child
I am here to stay, 
It was once said: “I am not a ‘was’ and remain an ‘is’,
Levendi mou I can see you right now, so there’s plenty to humble yourself and for you to endow.

I love you…
Everyday I know you think of me,
These times I am in heaven, the place you and I shall stay, as well as be set free.

“Happy birthday Auntie Eleni x love Magtha”
17th November 2023

It wasn’t suppose to be easy

It’s been said, these past and present struggles we faced
So read this and keep up with the pace,
Life wasn’t suppose to be easy
You face the trials at the time just before your breath becomes wheezy.

Doesn’t mean you can’t be kind and humble
So look to the future before you take a stumble.

We all make mistakes, that’s part of life
Even if you make the same mistakes again,
Stop, reflect and pray to the Father, whose mercy shall resends.

Yes, there shall be struggles 
There will be hope when the storm calms down,
So learn from the struggles and refute to drown.

17th November 2023

You said to me….

Who said it will be alright?
Actually we are caught in fickle and spiritual fight.

We stay with wisdom
Which we lose from time to time, 
yet you are the one who is in the ascendency of their prime. 

So we take a step back
That’s where humbleness is placed, 
The haste of impatience serves no greater embrace. 

Your time is here 
Please do not fear, 
Stay patient and truly kind, 
It’s more than patience, which most of us are struggling to find.

17th November 2023

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Life’s answers

We may receive good advice
Kind or indifferent to feel attained,
There is peace with God, where there is a lot to maintain.

Life’s may provide you a parent with wisdom, or one who is severally direct 
The fact of it all, it’s humbled when it’s worth it.

Life’s full of questions, a conundrum of what’s right and wrong
It all may end with a song, where philosophically is the place the answers do belong.

The fact is, life has many questions,
Places you will find but don’t know how to treat
There is a question at the end of it all, dear Lord looking forward to the day we do eventually meet.

16th November 2023

A day at a time

Title: A day at a time

What for?
Today is here, what could you do any more?

Stress? Pray before you start that feeling 
It’s hurtful I know, but humbly revealing.

A day may turn out okay
Sunny, cold or mild you shall find..
Peace with God, that’s a day you should imbue and deliver what we all should mind.

Relax and try not to delve into politic satire
There are wind up merchants around us, they do eventually cease up and conspire.

16th November 2023

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Finding you

There’s no clue, the Lord DOES exist,
Pray with all your heart, there’s not a moment he shall miss.

He shall find you, that’s a guarantee 
He is the light through the darkness,
The calm before the storm
An emulsifier to arid negativity that shall be torn.

He will love you endlessly 
A champion in the corner which you fight,
This can’t be done by man or woman alone
It’s he, the Father, who’s sitting on the throne.

I pray for the person seeking these words
Bursting from the hips, where struggles cause a manic disturb.

Love with prayer
The light shall arrive,
Darkness is simply a moment from the place the Father does surprise.

15th November 2023

Finding you

There’s no clue, the Lord DOES exist,
Pray with all your heart, there’s not a moment he shall miss.

He shall find you, that’s a guarantee 
He is the light through the darkness,
The calm before the storm
An emulsifier to arid negativity that shall be torn.

He will love you endlessly 
A champion in the corner which you fight,
This can’t be done by man or woman alone
It’s he, the Father, who’s sitting on the throne.

I pray for the person seeking these words
Bursting from the hips, where struggles cause a manic disturb.

Love with prayer
The light shall reach,
Darkness is simply a moment from the place the Father does preach.

15th November 2023

My brother thank you

Brother, thank you for your prayers
Thank you, as I love it when we exchange stories, 
as the Lord’s Prayer shall reap its glories.

Brother, thank you..
You are humble and so caring,
I pray for your health and spiritual baring.

Brother, bless you from this is where the thanks is relayed 
You are a child of God mercifully, his heart in your spirit has dutifully stayed.

Brother, thank you for my brother Lloyd
A humble servant, and wholeheartedly respected
And from your spirit is wonderfully perfected.

“To my brother Lloyd”
From your brother Jason.
15th November 2023


The end is almost there,
Working hard possibly? as your dues are the one to care.

The start of the week is now left behind,
God has this pattern worked out, as the challenges ahead are seeking a divine.

Monday, Tuesday and now Wednesday has arrived here
Have you prayed today? You may require God to help you steer.

Thursday and Friday have yet to come
Praying endlessly, it’s the Father who has humbly overcome.

What have you done to reach this stage?
The future is yours, now enter onto the next page.

15th November 2023

Diabetes day

Yes, another day to celebrate 
Diabetes day it is,
Lord please get rid of this condition, which I rather happily dismiss.

Lord, you NEVER gave me this grief 
My pancreas stopped producing insulin through the red cells in that area,
‘The islets of Langerham’ which the secretion is called, and the aim to inflict a deluge of hysteria.

It’s a struggle day-to-day,
Temperament is required to manage the struggles you may have to confront 
Whereby, struggles are aimed to be humbled to be perfectly blunt.

Day to day our struggles should be educated and not dismissed 
I pray to God for a cure, that’s on my bucket list.

“Celebration of Diabetes day”
14th November 2023

The smile does come along

Love God first, that brings a smile to my face
Not this political satire, they have nothing to trace.

Yes it’s raining and looks dim,
Looking to the skies 
And not the blindness of goodbyes.

I love you,
I don’t know your story 
Pray to God he shall protect you with his glory.

Did I say smile?
Yes I did,
It’s a loving word, the frown I rather rid.

14th November 2023
Happy Diabetes day 

Monday, 13 November 2023

Memory Lane

I walked down Dad’s memory lane 
Something to relish and from now I shall continue to retain.

It’s the first birthday he is now not around, 
I feel my heads in the clouds yet I feel I need to keep my feet on the ground.

I visited Hoxton square as well as the street
As well as ‘Monica’s church’ and the school across the road 
Thank you Dad, there are places I now want to enter into the zone.

Yet doing this served me well;
Drysdale street he would often mention,
The beautiful soul are memories of retention.

Miss you on this day that we celebrated every 52 weeks,
You are still in my heart, and yes one day we shall spiritually meet.

“Happy birthday Dad xxx love you.. you git😂”
13th November 2023


Just chill
Simply relax,
Learning to wake and start to ‘do’
Warming the blood inside the veins; therefore I am ready to face life’s many pursuits.

Chill and reflect
Some people can’t be calm, as they may need to be held,
That’s where prayer steps in, especially from the moment I have surrendered, and felled.

A day God has held my hand
Not sure what the day has in-store,
Thank you God, I know you can protect me a little more.

The day works through 
Where the time never leaves, 
Prayers are key towards any start of the day
I know when all is said and done; all shall be okay.

13th November 2023

Sunday, 12 November 2023


We rely on time to love
We rely on time to learn,
We rely on time to earn
And then pray for time reflect and discern.

We learn to grow
Rely on time to exude,
We move forward to grow
And if required, take your time but don’t become too slow.

Time is precious
Time is releasing,
Time is humbled for all to find 
Time is cherished and can be seen as also kind.

So wait,
Don’t go too fast, find your way
Be around positive people, those who shine a light
This is God’s timing, he has already prepared you for a spiritual insight.

12th November 2023

Let me see?

Let me see? Those words which are often said
Sometimes manifest into something, which is often moved into your head.

Mean what you say
And say how you feel,
Politically correct? Possibly not, then this could be surreal?

Tomorrow is a day you look to achieve 
Finding facts, but ultimately it’s God you need to believe.

You find a way, as the answer is not yet discovered
Breaking down the facts, without drama entering into the mix
Humbling your heart and learning how to fix.

13th November 2023

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Common sense out the window

Walking with your phone in your hand
Well… I am sitting in a corner on my own writing these words,
Only leads to tripping on the curb.

Common sense, that’s all it is?
Am I being rude? Not really, speaking honestly without any dismiss. 

The balance is there 
The mind needs to enter into that light,
just like it was before, 
walking through the streets, without head banging.. anymore.

So what was I saying?
Yes, putting your phone in a safe space without it being abused,
Those LED lights ruminates the mind 
Yet in theory it can procrastinate and make you confused, well, that’s what I find😎.

11th November 2023

Sitting here in silence

Sitting here in silence 
With the world passing you by,
Love is your driver, as you don’t need to know why.

Sitting here, working out my next move
Will it be a good day? 
Or shall I pray to get into the spiritual groove to stay?

To speak in your mind to the Lord,
Asking questions, which encourages the mind to become alive,
Loving whole heartedly on this path we all ought to thrive.

We look to stay calm 
And find the answers from the clues, 
Sitting in silence does humble you, from the light we seek for, and the avoidance to choose.

11th November 2023

Just for one day to be in heaven

I know we will ‘ALL’be tried;
Judged by the Father whose in our hearts 
Yet for just one day I would like to feel how heaven truly starts.

Would it be peaceful?
Or a party that won’t ever stop?
An aridity of pessimism shall be no longer, 
A stable feeling that shall make you righteously stronger.

One thing for certain you will feel constant love 
And that the feeling of humbleness is where your feet on clouds shall raise you to floating above. 

The world have no arguments 
Just a balanced debate, 
I pray for you all that in heaven is your blessing and guided fate.

11th November 2023

Friday, 10 November 2023

Travelling through

It’s only time until we take the next step
The passage is spiritual and humbly reset;
So the struggles are there to overcome 
the passage maybe long, as you shall feel a sense of being numb.

You find a way
Exude the fear and the dark,
Face the battle to the light when you start to embark.

Travel, find your way
The son of God also the same,
No home to turn too, yet disciples did eventually came.

You look on this path
All struggles overturned,
The light is diminishing one minute and not the next
The travel continues, as the love we see shall be set.

11th November 2023

The eyes open…

It’s that moment when change takes place
Call it a ‘law of attraction’, the time things calm down through little faze.

You look for something to change 
And it’s God’s timing that always suffices,
His love for you is overwhelming and it’s nothing you’ve done which compromises.

So when the day is love 
And the day imbues joy,
And if that isn’t taking, then please pray,
There is hope in the Lord, which opens light today.

Look towards today
There is hope and there’s light,
If there’s something you want, don’t hurt, just love the fight.

The fight is spiritual
It has a start and a end,
But as long as you pray with love through your veins
The blessings shall show through a belief in the reigns.

10th November 2023

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Missing you

You just have that moment a song, a book or even a word said,
Miss you,… you old sod, why are you not saying: “good night” instead?

My tears fall down, I rather those waters stop
But you Mr A Andrews, you have captured my heart… such a lot.

Yes, we all need to go, we are not here forever and a day
It’s just that moment of wanting my Dad, why did you go away?

You cracked me up with the outlandish words you flamboyantly shouted,
An array of gibberish, but I didn’t care because he was my Dad,
It’s obvious I do miss him, and ann exceptional lad.

Tomorrow I shall be much calmer,
As his memory lives inside of myself, and all that he knew,
Love you Dad, THAT MUCH in my heart, forever inside you continue to grew.

“Missing my Dad, Andreas Andrews, my friend and Dad”
9th November 2023

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Love wins

Black, white or yellow
You look to the stars where Love has always brought delight
No race can overwhelm, as love wins this fight.

You can overrule love through narratives said
God has long ago sent out this message, the other vexations surely need to be laid to rest.

Stay real 
Be open and fight to win this ’Love’ war,
People struggling to accept others; surely how can this become at all bore?

Love wins over hate, race and demonic messages relayed
Stay with the hope we should love one another, God’s word shall always be obeyed.

9th November 2023

Trying to sleep

Trying to sleep
I can’t keep at all still,
Lots on my mind, as I am aiming to find ‘what’s the drill’.

Trying to relax and simply close the eyes
I am not into this poetic story, nor do I need to be surprised.

Trying to remain still 
Holding back from uncertain thoughts,
A sense of maturity is prayed for and no other haunts.

Keep me relaxed dear Lord
I am unsure what the future holds,
If this is halfway to the end, then please.. go ahead and allow this journey to continue to unfold.

9th November 2023

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Sometimes you just need to say: ‘Goodbye’

They say family is for life
Actually it’s God who has that judgement call,
Family can potentially disappoint you, so be prepared by them is to ‘perhaps’ possibly fall.

You can love them
But more likely shall lose their faith,
Talking from experience, I have sampled sometimes a bitter taste.

I am pleased to say ‘goodbye’ 
It’s the only place to keep me sane,
Getting into unnecessary refutable discussions has caused myself to embroil into a difficult constrain.

These words can sound harsh 
These words can also become true,
If others grow into their selfish needs, then it’s God I prefer to imbue.

8th November 2023


You start the this week
But soon the weekend arrives near,
What have we achieved this far, or is there anything to fear?

We look to the week
And there seems a promising road ahead,
There is an angle you may see through, an opportunity laid in its bed.

The time is precious 
That is so prominent for what we see now,
Then we do take risks moving forward, a danger that is possibly frail.

Take this moment
Reflect..and try not to look back,
As long positive words are said
You shall now try to move forward… and say the final words: ‘well said’.

8th November 2023

Today you are humbled

We look towards today
That is all we can do,
Looking for an answer, that’s the next path we can go and flew.

Today you are blessed 
I pray you see the light,
Seasons are temporary if you allow the devil get his claws
There is a moment of contemplation, through an often gasping pause.

Today we believe 
It’s a good place to be, 
Even if there are struggles in the mist
There is a pray in your direction, through the words that are not bliss.

Today you are held
You are never felled, 
Concept of thought, only the Lord can be the one who has told you to be yelled.

7th November 2023

Monday, 6 November 2023

Stay with the moment

Believe it…we have all lost our focus
Gone of the rails
Whereby, losing our place
Not knowing where life gone, when we should look to embrace.

We have been there
So don’t beat yourself up,
Or allowing others to do it for you,
Personally they don’t have a clue.

It’s all about love
Not about the payment you think you can retain,
Hope is God’s want, a humble stance to sustain.

Say goodbye to people ‘that’ you think will support
When truly it’s for me, ,myself and I;
Harsh words I know! But preventing for you to cry.. 

7th November 2023

In order to believe

We have all made mistakes
In the past or at the  present time
the humbleness is best and imbued through a refine.

We take our time 
We and do try to make it work
The goodness is glorious 
And never allowed as notorious.

The past shall not last
And the debt has been paid,
The glory in front is a wonderful gift that’s laid.

Stay humble and sweet 
The fight shall lead to a retreat.
Tomorrow will bring a new day 
Stay humble, don’t go away.

6th November 2023

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Love is God’s gift

Keep me out of politics 
Keep me out of angst others portray,
I rather remain humble and avoid arguments, that doest elevate my mind, or keep that at bay.

Keep me away from hostile people
The people who say ‘for arguments sake’,
I need rid of those who stir the need to harm,
I love God first, that’s my ultimate charm.

I want to keep myself away from aggro 
A place where people bicker for monitory gain,
I live in a world of love to cause understanding 
Not this nonsense of word misuse that’s so withstanding.

I suppose we need to stay calm and chill
But people today don’t have that concept, so where is their drill?

We need to see love and a balanced mind
Not to make everything a drama, that to myself isn’t kind (that’s what I find).

6th November 2023

Welcome a new week

Welcome to a new week
Plenty to workout and plenty to seek.

You look to a new day
A day that shall start and eventually fade,
You fathom the highlights to remove the shade.

Things may have changed
Or things may have stayed the same,
As long as you say your prayers, the day shan’t become at all lame.

So enjoy what’s in-store, like I said there’s plenty to do
As long you stay prayerful and humble, the light shall ignite the waiting clues.

6th November 2023

An Angel coming home

Look after our Angel father
She left too soon as far as I am concerned,
There are prayers heading this way, from where wisdom is, that shall be discerned.

Thank you for your protection
Thank you for showing extreme loving kindness,
Thank you for your calming presence, and avoidance of any earthy blindness.

I hold thanks for the warmth you brought us each day
I thank the Father for the warmth that shall protect us humbly today.

I thank you Lord for taking this beautiful Angel home
A cherished love I shall never forget, as her children possess the Angels and never be kept alone.

5th November 2023

God is there

You pray
You learn to hold faith,
Some say it’s within you
It’s the Father I rather hold onto, that’s what I ensue.

The prayers are real
They are there every step of each of our path
God is fighting the demons that haunt you, that’s why the devil’s lie is a wrath.

You move forward 
You learn to find a humbleway,
Then all said and done you say: “Ahh my God”, then a pray begins to stay.

The fight is God’s to deal
You look to passages in the bible, a live book I find, and it’s so surreal.

God is there all the time
Protecting those you love, and those that you pray afar,
The hope comes from the battle, where the Father is to bar.

5th November 2023

Some things are not meant to be

Some things are not meant to be 
The stages of life will slow you down, that’s what I can honestly see.

I am not saying ‘give up’ or that kind of thing
You are looking for solutions amidst the politics, which is often placed on a string.

So you begin to slow down, and then take a chance and let things be
You are not conceding defeat, that’s only for God to see.

These seasons are set to try us
The thumps we taken on the chin, 
Heaven is with us solely, the eternal living we are about to bring in.

5th November 2023

Today’s society

People rush
People now speak so quick,
Balancing lives we require
We need to get out of this influx of mire.

People will bump into each other
Due to hasten speed, 
Can’t we take our time anymore?
Or those who lack patience shall become forever sore.

Patience we mostly lack
Or you hear those words:
“I don’t have the patience for that”
But we have the impulse like a crack of a bat!

Take your time 
Relax, and chill as money doesn't need to take over,
It’s your time in prayer we need to hold
Rather than this angst of speed, the devil has scold.

5th November 2023

Saturday, 4 November 2023

The time is here

You just never know what life has in-store 
sometimes you ask for less, and perhaps some occasions you crave for that little bit more.

You look to God at times when you were in a muddle 
especially in an awkward situation, which started when you were part of a promising huddle.

So life comprises of all heights, shapes and sizes, 
and to be honest lots come across in many surprises. 
You look to work through the situations which arise
And you pray to God that you want to compromise. 

So love today 
Relish what you do have,
Humble your heart first, and peak when you start to feel glad.

Tomorrow is a day which looks after itself when it eventually comes,
And when today ascends, 
we begin to follow and then transcend.

Before anything is done, pray to God first, 
The marker is to hold all things together,
The day will flourish through love and joy 
The memories rekindled when I started at the time when I was a little boy. 

4th November 2023

Friday, 3 November 2023

I was waiting

I was waiting sleeping bedsides my beautiful dad’s bed
A moment to say I love him again, for the cherished moments we all have fed.

Yes, we did fight 
Bickered, that sort of thing…
He was my friend,  person in the 1960s who frequently singed.

Don’t get me wrong? We fought like tooth and nail,
Yet in our love, I would be honoured to go on a boat with him and now go for a sail.

Yes, he was a stubborn old git
But like his children, nieces and nephews, he was awfully fit,
I say goodbye to him, but only for today
The memories of this wonderful Dad of mine shan’t go away.

“Love you Dad”
3rd November 2023

Having a hypo

Guess what?
Having a hypo is a struggle and a half,
And when you do have one; you don’t feel half daft.

The sweats, the eyes sweeping 
And then afterwards the sugars run high and you start sleeping.

You try to balance, because in fact, that’s what it is
Then you face this nonsense day to day,
Minute by minute, then there are the struggles of the hyp…lows
And stem any of the nonsense… and the almighty blows.

This hypo stint, all of us type 1s do endure 
We look to avoid these struggles when feeling awfully low,
Taking on the diabetes fight which most people don’t understand, or know.

I was told not to speak about my diabetes one day
I want to rest my pancreas, now, the red blood cells have gone away,
So as I rest when filling my body up with sugar carbs 
As I pray to God I no longer have to face any further injury as I devoid any harm.

“Diabetes stories from lived in experiences, love moi” 
3rd November 2023

Time for you

Life is precious
But on occasion we abuse it terribly,
This is for the all or nothing types 
The ones who could have a challenged gripe.

Life is to be loved and cherished
Despite what others think,
Caught in the moment of austerity and then be on the brink.

We stop unnecessary actions because that’s what the inner voice says,
Then again we are looking for a spiritual answer, 
that’s where we look to seek and then become a chancer.

Take your time 
God is holding you with dear breathe,
Can we all just love and rejoice each other, in the deepest and challenging wreath. 

3rd November 2023

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Why do we say: ‘why worry?’

Why do we say: ‘why do you worry?”
Does that give you permission to have an argument and eventually say that word ‘sorry.’ 

We all get frustrated from time to time 
Not knowing our worth where this life shall lead,
Humbling our hearts to where God has planted our seed.

We worry? That is commonly said 
There are plenty of books which try to lift our souls and humour our hearts and deflect any forthcoming blows.

Worrying is a strain to the inner spirit
Through the Lord your prayer is coming within it,
Staying humble and staying upbeat
Try stop worrying now, and begin to retreat.

2nd November 2023

They are up there talking about us

They are up talking about us
They are not in our presence, but their love was a must.

They left us too soon
Well that’s what we think? 
Praying to God for they are in peace 
It’s the memories we never forget in the very least.

I miss my Yiayia and Dad
But they shall be in heaven having a good gossip about us all, 
The times we saw their smiles, 
could last in our hearts for quite a while.

One was fiery, the other pretty chilled
Yet the goodness from their hearts brought joy that was filled.

2nd November 2023


Hey…how are you?
Someone asking me how I am, isn’t that what we all suppose to do?

Politeness costs nothing 
Kindness shows its worth,
Today there’s a smile 
Perhaps you wake up out of bed in the wrong frame of mind 
Meeting God, that’s where I am humble and kind.

I miss my friends and family that pass
How did I get a good relationship with them? Yes, by being polite,
I am here holding onto a balance with all my prayerful might. 

Politeness is key
It sets you on a passage to be set free, 
By the grace of God you are worthy and will be set free,
Say your prayers, show kindness all the way
Pray for your foe, perhaps start today??

2nd November 2023

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

This walk that I shall take..

We all have choices
They call it ‘free will’,
This can become your plan, or is that too surreal?

The walk can be joyous, humble and on occasion kind
Yet we live in a world that can be fickle and become ready to grind.

You pray to God to look for a good life
And perhaps argue with God for what steps you are about to take,
You are humble, worthy in the eyes of Lord, yet also prepared to break.

You look to the Father
And look to the depths of your sanctum to see if this makes sense 
And where the eyes of your window ask’s you ‘are you standing on the fence.’?

2nd November 2023

My friends

Personally I don’t know how they tolerate me?
Actually I can be quite confrontational, but then again I shut a conversation down to set me free.

I want to see God
The best place I want to return,
This time on this planet I am grateful to have learnt a lot, yet I rather discern. 

My friends are lovely, kind as you can be
They have qualities of impatience; but haha, they do have a guide 
Their kindness are the qualities that I chose to confide.

Thank you God, you have provided me people to care and love,
I pray for humility and their spiritual growth,
Thank you God for their banter and kindness, the qualities that touches me close,
Angels ascend towards me, to test through the spirit I grew into the most.

1st November 2023 

Things do work themselves out

People come 
and people go
I don’t want to stay at this speed, so perhaps I should go a little slow?

The pace of life is evident to see 
Take your time, all good shall be.

Pleasing your boss? I rather not
Getting on with people, that’s what I call the niceties of life
Guarding your heart, there’s an essence we do entice.

Thank you God, you have given me this moment to write 
The words flowing from the heart and the head 
I don’t aim to offend, but if I do? Sorry, the words have already been said. 

“Have a great day and a great life”
1st November 2023

A good team behind you

Day to day you live a life aimed to assert Living for the moment you no longer want to change or even divert. Day to day diabetes changes wi...