Saturday, 17 June 2023

Miss you mucker

Miss you mucker 
I know you are not here,
You made me chuckle especially when you took the piss out of me, 
when there was plenty of chat from words that are not today considered as free.

I miss you cheeky grin
Those words no one else could get away with from saying,
Now I am looking to the summer morning, mentioning a few words… and simply praying.

I miss you so much
But I do know we shall meet again,
There is hope in everything you did
Even my naughtiness you did well to have find a way to have hid.

So now it’s that time 
Saying goodbye is not an option,
Actually I am say “hi” again
“So stop beating about the bush” I can now hear you say, you were more than my Dad, you were my friend.

18th June 2023

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