Tuesday, 5 April 2022

When you think people understand?

Sometimes life brings challenges
People you thought understood, just like the way you expect people cared would?

Living with a auto immune prober
Often brings questions to the table,
All you want is to have a normal day
Parental guidance doesn’t at all stay.

So you fight, and more importantly pray
It keeps you humble and keeps the devil at bay,
When facing Hypos and hypers when people who know what you have do not care
Stay with God always, he can make you thrive, and not grudge a bare.

Diabetes a condition we dislike having 
Others lacking empathy, or consideration or simple emotional thought 
Even your family lack understanding, as their ignorance isn’t taught.

You learn to be the boss of this 
And you do need support every step of the way,
One day there shall be a cure, but until then, show understanding.. do not let them fray.

For caters who lack understanding 
6th April 2022

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