Wednesday, 27 April 2022


Find a good thing to do
Or find something to make you laugh,
Basic natures we should seek,
Then life takes over and then gossip reaps.

Even the sound of the word is dangerous
People talking behind others back,
And then those words gets to that person, which has damning effects 
Will the gossiper, then look to reflect?

I suppose I have a gripe with this action
Very toxic, nasty in fact 
Then again, you have the right to remove yourself from that forum
I prefer to stay still, read an interesting book, my humbleness removing boredom.

Live your best life,
Excel what you do,
Do not hold back, and kick the nay sayers to the curb 
If you find these words offensive? Sorry about that…
At least these words focus on you, 
rather than talking about someone else, which I rather not ensue.

“Did I say I do not like gossip🤣”
28th April 2022

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