Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Time to worry? Then it’s time to pray

Take your time 
Really take your time
hasn’t the last 2 years showed that?
Or should we rush again and get ourselves again into that spat.

What do I mean?
I mean do not rush…
There’s enough chaos when the devil attacks
You won’t prosper once he gets onto your backs.

If you worry then pray for negativity to go away  
Pray for the vexatious stories that needs to be put to rest
The anger of the wretched, shall face the last hour of the Father’s test.

Try not to worry
Politics will always be around,
Some are in dangerous positions of power
And some simply dislike you for no reason
My answer to that, there is a Father in heaven with the first and last words
All this worrying shall only make you disturbed.

6th April 2022

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