Friday, 29 April 2022

Child into man

We start from parents 
Some do love, and others are scared,
And some relish the journey the parental journey, they once feared and dared.

some children receive kindness and love
Some struggle with the guardians they get,
“Why did I get these to bring me up?”
I want Jesus to take this away..
Calm this down lord.. there’s going to be hell to pay.

Be kind to your children 
There is no need to hurt like you have,
Yes show them discipline and the example you portray 
At least they could possible stay humble, and learn from this array.

Love is the winner
That resentment side has no place for a Child’s heart;
Where there is God, then pray and that will allow the tears release
The devil is a liar, he shall tame this nasty beast.

29th April 2022

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