Saturday, 30 April 2022


You are my love
You are my hope,
Kindness and hugs shown 
Love eternally thrown..

You are the mum who showed me love,
Forever accepting the struggles which I faced,
Kindness of joy, which are best placed. 

Love is power
Power is love,
My eyes look at you with comfort to your soul,
Openness and your guidance showed me the way
God has his angels looking over you, for where I want to stay.

Love is hope
Hope is the light I give to thee,
Forever there is aspiration, from the father, the one in three.

“In my prayers”
30th April 2022

Test of time

Reach your pinnacle…
So how can you be cynical?

Accepting defeat 
As well as your wins , 
The hope of victory needs to be assured
Blessings to us all, ignored which is lured.

Believe in you 
The reason you are here,
You are scared of life, the point? Total Fear.

You are my friend 
Accept that prayer coming your way,
Yet do not upset my God, the one who saved me from the trenches arrayed.

I do love you 
That word hits hope for us all,
Regardless how angry you are with the higher power
Work out your salvation, for what I devour.

30th April 2022

Your time

This time belongs to you
You, the person I am writing this for,
Angry with God? Why?
I rather pray, it’s inevitable we all cry.

Your time will come
Believe me or not,
There is hope for you… yes you,
No one, but one shall over take the Father’s pursuit.

Love him
Simply love him,
Words fail me when anger arrives,
Does it help? Will it cause you to survive.

Seize the day
Don’t let anyone refute,
You are that good
God made you, the free will is yours 
Allow the love of him hot you… for it forever pours.

30th April 2022


The love of the Father will come with breaking 
You’ll think it would be easy? but it’s never forsaking.

No anger
No disruption required,
The devil shall not win
Through his cantankerous sin.

You are the best Father
Your son won the battle, we were too scared to face,
He’s love for us, in God in form of man
His stand is magnificent, I am truly a fan.

Love is God 
Hope lives on
Be kind to each other during these days of waning
Our hearts broken, for him… the devil, we shall be containing.

30th April 2022

Friday, 29 April 2022

Child into man

We start from parents 
Some do love, and others are scared,
And some relish the journey the parental journey, they once feared and dared.

some children receive kindness and love
Some struggle with the guardians they get,
“Why did I get these to bring me up?”
I want Jesus to take this away..
Calm this down lord.. there’s going to be hell to pay.

Be kind to your children 
There is no need to hurt like you have,
Yes show them discipline and the example you portray 
At least they could possible stay humble, and learn from this array.

Love is the winner
That resentment side has no place for a Child’s heart;
Where there is God, then pray and that will allow the tears release
The devil is a liar, he shall tame this nasty beast.

29th April 2022

The good and not so good

Back then, we used to take our time
Now everything is a frantic rush, 
Programmed for failure, which is a bit too much.

Back then, the speed wasn’t so great
Even when we went fast, our phones wasn’t with us to take the bait.

We were more humble in spirit 
Less like machines,
God’s said this would happen
And we do nothing to prevent the relentless surge
Now we are reeling in an unnecessary purge.

Back then…We listened to happy songs through soul, rock and popular culture,
Sorry.  I am being a little critique now, but times now have a bit more vulgar.

I pray one day we do not implode
Through the pain and speed we inflict,
And what is our answer: “I do not know why.”
I simply pray for us all to stop for the reasons I sigh.

29th April 2022

Thursday, 28 April 2022

It needs to stop

What’s getting done?
A kid shot, does anyone really care?
Sadness surrounding and we are so aware.

We all know the words has gone mad
And why is this a trend?
Whats so frequent, and causing harm that prevents any mend.

It’s sheer madness
Yet we live in times where “sick” means good
Is that a natural saying? I don’t think Jesus said he would?

So enough is enough!!!
Stop this madness which causes pain,
Provide encouragement and direction 
As “cruel to be kind” can be a damaging stain…

“Another murder in London; We all know there’s also murders in Africa and other places across the world… love needs to overcome this often seen broken world…. Hate you have no place on this earth”

29th April 2022

It must be true (Godly poem)

Love your enemy 
That defeats the devils aim,
You are following the almighty God of powerful love
The aggressor is tamed, from no less than above.

You can’t win a battle without God’s direction,
You can’t do this alone, you will simply struggle
Praying is the arrow to spirituality achieve
Where God stays in you, you shall always receive.

Time and time again he proves that he is the creator of Good
People are loving, believing in God’s magnanimous heart,
The real deal and the only way.
So in him, you rebuke the devils attack 
From there, he has your once weak but now strengthen back.

Don’t refuse him
There is no point to follow that path,
If you believe and simply pray
Then you shall reach a humble goodness, and through him you shall stay.

28th April 2022

God’s timing

Timing can’t be owned
Timing moves forward,
Timing is concept of the mind
What is the past, you cannot retract, nor find.

Time to fall in love with God
That’s the time I want to spend,
Kindness in man is time forgiving
Time loving each other is the concept worth living.

Time needs to be special 
Only a special moment in time we look to remember,
Stay kind in the time you face
Time is never yours and difficult to 

Time is savoured
Time can be imbued 
Time can make you lose focus from God’s message, which is always fuelled.

28th April 2022

Wednesday, 27 April 2022


Find a good thing to do
Or find something to make you laugh,
Basic natures we should seek,
Then life takes over and then gossip reaps.

Even the sound of the word is dangerous
People talking behind others back,
And then those words gets to that person, which has damning effects 
Will the gossiper, then look to reflect?

I suppose I have a gripe with this action
Very toxic, nasty in fact 
Then again, you have the right to remove yourself from that forum
I prefer to stay still, read an interesting book, my humbleness removing boredom.

Live your best life,
Excel what you do,
Do not hold back, and kick the nay sayers to the curb 
If you find these words offensive? Sorry about that…
At least these words focus on you, 
rather than talking about someone else, which I rather not ensue.

“Did I say I do not like gossip🤣”
28th April 2022

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Birthday to an Angel

I’ve told you what I am about to say many times 
My heart was the devils
He had my spirit 
And everything else that came with it.

You took me under your wing
You provided me with love and peace,
You echo my qualities, as your love tamed my beast.

You gave me hope 
You provided me with food,
You gave me focus when I couldn’t see
I was from a culture that was supposed to honouring inside of me.

Thank you is such a little word for what you have done
Yet the hope of God inside of you 
Gave me the prosperity to no longer feel glum.

27th April 2022

“Happy birthday Nikki. Remain blessed”

Fight or flight

Are we suppose to quit?
I am sure that’s not part of the deal,
Do you pray daily?
If you do, good… if you don’t try it
And when you do, there is nothing else like it.

Move forward
The words I say daily,
Biblically you are always encouraged 
Where cynics need a grip,
Where do they get their incentive from?
Possibly from being bitten?
The tonic are from these words which I’ve written.

Say a prayer
Try to avoid judgemental souls,
They have their own battles to manage
And from the end result, there’s always come damage.

Put God first 
The only way to keep yourself settled and when needed, still 
The art to keep moving forward is to let God deal with the fight,
Otherwise, you are trying to win on your own terms 
And when that happens, you won’t allow the Father to discern.

27th April 2022


Days of old 
The Joy of tears,
God’s holding you close
There’s no shame in his fear.

Brace the day
Carpe dieme,
Those words said before, in an intense workout at the gym
And realising God’s within you, regardless of any sin.

You can’t lose 
And even if you felt you have,
Remember, God has this victory sewn up
And the Devil is too naive to know 
How can you feel beaten now, we can only continue for us to grow.

Look at these words 
Said many times before but in a different way,
There is victory which has his name written all over it, this is the kingdom which I prefer to stay.

26th April 2022

Do you know you?

Questions are part of the course
And we know without questions, there cannot be answers,
And if they go too deep
There is a seed ready to reap..

Why do we do what we do?
Balancing life, a job, a family and other things which you can
There is humility and hope we need to take a stand.

Do you run away from you
No shame if you do,
Yet you are pondering questions from which the answer that you are scared to face
There is the Father’s hope which you can embrace.

Don’t be scared
Leave this battle with him,
So you have messed up you royally, more than you can ever imagined..
Is there no way back?
There is a father in heaven who loves you so much, he doesn’t want the goodness he offers to ever lack.

26th April 2022

Child growing up in the 80’s

We had penny sweets
Space invaders 
And plenty of gum,
Pop music uplifting and having fun.

No distraction with smartphone 
We now can’t live without,
We had funny haircuts and rarely cared how we looked 
‘You tube’ was some one going inside a tube for a prank
And fizzy pop soda stream us what we simply made.. and drank.

There was ‘Chips’, A-team and superman 1,2 and 3
These times there were no phone, as we were that bit more free.

Generation game
‘Cheers’ and ‘just for laughs’ were the weekend trend,
And there was ‘magpie’ and ‘the art show’
And there was ‘heart beat’ where you often see a pencil flow.

There was super Friend’s and sesame street
On Saturday morning,
Where have these times gone 
Now I feel I need to be yawning 😂😂.

“Childhood growing up”
26th April 2023 

Monday, 25 April 2022

Why look further?

Look to your faith
And what joy does that bring?
I tell you something, toxic behaviour can put in the bin.

Love that prayer of mine,
I pray for you reading and all around,
There is peace in my heart, and a gentle sound.

Prayer steadies the storm
Erodes chaos and unnecessary form,
This behaviour, these days considered as the norm?

Why not start your day with a peaceful prayer?
God holding you together, you may deny that, but these care truthful words I share.

Love who you love
Do what you do…
Keep yourself praying
And embrace what you need to be obeying.

26th April 2022


When you divide
You feel sadness, 
When you cry for joy
That isn’t madness.

You run the race
You cannot stop,
It’s all through the father
You no longer need to deal with the rot.

I love to love
Is that so bad?
Anger towards your brother and sister!!!!
Or do you find ideology a trend?
I prefer to encourage…and mend.

Love will win
And can never lose,
As long as you sight the Father,
That’s the only one you ever need to choose.

25th April 2022

It all goes to him

The gifts are provided
Glory to the king,
Your part has been done 
From the victory for which has already been won.

I love you Father
I cry, I know you love me too,
You give me that focus, from what we imbue.

You show us love
You give us a strong will to win,
You are the only person we can truly rely on when times are bleak
The father we commend and constantly seek.

We cry “why? Where are you God”
“Not far in front of you”, you’ll say
Hope comes with the stormy tide
Take a step back, God controls this ride.

25th April 2022

Writing a poem

Writing a poem comes with a connection;
Actually you are near to pain and someone else’s imperfection. 

You look at the world as it currently stands?
Looking for answers, where narcissistic behaviour releases;
Don’t you get it? The Devil shall be beaten to pieces.

The pen flows
The questions fly out,
This is bigger than a boxing match, where the gloves have the final shout.

Remember the poet can feel the pain,
Meaning someone is praying for you
And where the heart connects to the spiritual part of the brain.

25th April 2022

Sunday, 24 April 2022

The start

The week starts here
Say your prayers
The devil has lost,
Due to his foolishness it came with a cost.

So remember you are amazing
The best of you there is,
Learning to lift yourself up, should never be missed.

There is a great version of you in there
No one, but no one should say otherwise
There is a father that loves you so much, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Love is the answer
Negativity has no place in your life,
I have said this in countless poems to affirm the word,
Stay on this road, it’s amazing and learning
The Father shall hold you, through his consistent discerning.

25th April 2022

In Christ we grow

I can grow by looking at my faith
I can grow by loving the thought of hope,
I can grow by loving the king in my heart
I can grow by knowing who I am in Christ, from the start.

Words of encouragement are needed
Words of encouragement need to be understood
Relate to faith like the son of man often would.

Love to love
Hate put in its place,
No more arguments
And no more need for haste.

Being understood comes from the Lords guise
He’s love for each and everyone of us should never be a surprise.

Hear these words
They are strong in spirit and soul,
Loving each other is everlasting, and constantly slow.

25th April 2022

Disapprove arguments

I dislike the thought to dispute a view
If kept in respectful circumstances and holding back a clue.

People are not perfect
But in God ‘s eyes you are worth it,
Keep focused
The light will shine
Holding it together, shall keep the focus in line.

Love is the key
And when your guards are down…
Don’t let go and hold the path of God with light
A never ending hope that flourishes so bright.

A smile is there behind the tears
Leaving the hope, without the fears.
Do I need to say sorry? not sure that I do
I am simple me, for the passage I ensue.

24th April 2022

If I hold back

I pray to the father 
Because if I get angry I let the devil win,
I rather follow you father, and avoid any other sin.

Yet it’s human behaviour 
Looking to you as a saviour,
Trying my best to move on
But others pointing my faults, from where I prevent to do wrong.

I am me and you are you
Yes I do not talk about certain stuff,
I am sports man, a little bit tough.

Want me to change? 
Well, I leave that to free will and God
As long as I stay humble and hopeful 
I try to avoid being angst and woeful.

24th April 2022

Don’t hold back

There’s a path in life you may face
But one thing for certain, the Father is aware of your trace.

He loves and cares for you
That thought keeps me alive,
I know within my heart there’s no hope until you look to him and strive.

If your own people fall you….
Especially in your time of need,
There has to be a Father who keeps you focusing, from  his son that bleeds.

You love me
And I love you too…
Why would I trust in flesh? During struggles what they provide
Believing in gossip and toxic view
God, is the three in one 
The perennial gift… for when he gave us his ultimate son.

24th April 2022


Loving God is the first way to finding trust
Yes, guard your heart to toxic waste
You are beautiful to him, from there, there is no haste.

It’s all about building 
Learning to grow,
If you look towards others, you may become slow.

Be kind to your heart
I’ve said that time and time again,
As long as you move forward to find forgiveness within you
You may have done nothing wrong, but your heart needs to pursue.

Go with him 
It’s the only way we can learn,
Negativity does surround but you can bat it back
Avoid the stress from others, leave that to the Father, he shan’t slack.

24th April 2022

Saturday, 23 April 2022

Diabetes… the art

Diabetes is like an art
Never disconnected and humble from the start. 

Do you learn? Yes I do 
So you make mistakes? Yes quite a few.

Highs, lows
Lows and highs
Pattern frequently face a challenging turn 
Take control, but become not too stern.

Pray to God 
He will one day find a cure;
And if you look after your diet, you’ll feel far more secure.

23rd April 2022

Lovely day

A great day chatting to a dear friend 
A wonderful heart, which I know I can depend.

Your kindness and patience is second to none
You are sweet and wonderfully fun.

I am there too to hold you when you feel distressed 
But I know in my heart you are truly blessed.

Thank you Laura 
You are humble and real,
You have strength and love combined 
Remain as you are and grow beautifully refined.

“To my beautiful friend Laura x”
23rd April 2022

I know God is with me

You cannot see it
And there’s belief in your faith, 
Well done coming forward 
and there is a tide awaiting
At least there is no unnecessary debating.

The love of God brings you to places you never think to reach
Their is his love and guidance 
The place I rather shout out and preach.

A world of speed 
People not wanting to let others down,
You will grow with that word ‘love’
Where that other word ‘hate’ shall hold you back
Pray for those who disapprove of you, from there you shan't slack.

I am tell you I love you
God loves you that much more,
If there’s a message here that touches
Then goodness in you, through prayer that never crutches.

23rd April 2022

Friday, 22 April 2022

Hold in there…

I cannot say much I love you
I am holding you close to my chest
You know I am with you and you know the father is the best.

I am the champion of love 
I am the hope which beckons still,
You are my hope to accept 
And the guidance for which I detect.

Love is love
And the  hate is removed
As long as I hold you close and tight
There is God with all our might.

Thank you for these words
They are fluid and insightful,
You are my worship to hope and forever my delightful.

22nd April 2022

Thursday, 21 April 2022

Weekend starts here

Nothing to fear
And bless you all
You have God in your hearts, to prevent you to fall.

Start the day with a good sweat
A gym workout…
Focus on you, isolate and pray to God
From there, there is Love directed your way
Please try not to ever sway.

Be kind to your heart 
Be kind to your needs,
Be kind to your questions 
And stay prayerful with your confessions.

Love yourself 
But do love God first,
If you pray with all your heart and mind,
There is always hope… and no tyranny to find.

22nd April 2022

True forgiveness

Some of the things that come out of their mouths,
What we say to our children to cause utter trauma
Then reiterating to say what you say is valid 
When does that make sense for what is languid.

You wonder why,
How did I land myself with these,
Yet God was protecting, when at times it wasn’t a breeze.

I hated life, I hated them 
Am I meant to keep these feelings inside?
Not at all, get it out, there is a particular ride.

I went to the gym
A raw killing machine,
When all I wanted was a hug and the end of this nightmare called a dream.

You wondered what you did to deserve 
I can only thank God, who was by my side,
As long as I love him, then forgiveness gets a little easier 
As I pray those those thoughts subside.

“From the heart… 

21st April 2022

London life

All or nothing 
People face choices through consequences,
There’s blame culture 
And Mental health is so common 
And there is day to day, we need to be top on.

But you have to live
You mean getting skint and being drunk?
I suppose we need to try these things, without being too blunt.

Race, culture.. we are all part of the same mix
Divide and rule, has NEVER been a healthy fix.

What does that solve?
Anger and no light. And this is acceptable behaviour?
Look close to home, the one you need to find is a saviour🙏🏽❤️

21st April 2022

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

When ‘that’s the problem’ is said’

We learn 
We grow
We face challenges 
And sometimes we are slow.

We say “that’s the problem”
No solution is then said 
It’s about taking a stand 
These are simple words from which is led.

Talking the issue 
Dragging out the debate,
Gas and air, that’s all it is 
Personally someone needs to tick from a list.

Moving forward 
Leading towards the solution of light,
Others embracing chaos and want no answer
Thinking this will be solved? and they think that’s the enhancer? 

21st April 2022

He tells me

I can’t take credit for these words 
They come from spiritual epiphany,
The love I have for God 
Holds me together when I cry inside
I know through him, I shall never subside.

I need this literacy 
Like we all need love,
Hate has not place on this earth
The heavens rising above.

I want to write
With every fibre of my being 
I am no longer blind from what I am now seeing.

I stay humble 
I stay true
If others do not agree the words I say,
Then I’ll just pray for them; that shall keep our humility all day.

20th April 2022

In my eyes…

In my eyes you are perfect
God’s blessing, and totally worth it.

I see potential…and my greatest love
Only the fear of God which I see in your heart,
His love for you shall become a part.

You are courageous 
Loving to the most utmost high,
If I don’t speak to you, I feel an ending, and from there I shall sigh.

Gifted, pretty and totally brilliant 
Humble and ever so resilient.

You are kind, wonderful and humbly set 
Allow God hold you close furthermore, especially at a time where you need to reset.

Love to Divine 
20th April 2022

We are all different

We are all different 
Some play it up; and others down,
I sometimes get why others do the escalation,
And then there are the quiet one’s that don’t need the frustration.

We all have an opinion 
We can’t avoid that;
Acceptance of different temperament and “the way it should be?”
For those who are blind, does not mean they cannot see.

Kindness to your heart
You don’t know what battles I have faced,
On the brink of pride killing me 
And the empathy of others unable to see.

If you want drama, remember there is a consequence with that,
Do I care about you? Of course I do, but you need to appreciate you
being angry with the world won’t help…
Yet love of a higher source through a prayer
Does mean the Father is protecting you, and will care.

“Love yourself through a prayer”
20th April 2022

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

You held me

You held me when I was weak
You took me from the shackles when I saw everything bleak.

You gave me time
A roof over my head,
I wanted to die, but you restored my faith in others
Despite what others said, as I thought they were my lovers.

You said I am good
When I thought I was bad,
I received negative comments when crying for help;
You were my guide, the person whose energy I slightly sapped
And yet you gave me belief, especially when I ran around the first lap.

From there you were my rock
No toxic words came from your mouth;
The Love of God entered into you
From that moment of despair, I then knew.

20th April 2022

Life’s questions

Why did you put me here?
A question often said,
I know God wanted me to be in his presence 
As my faith in him, no longer makes me hesitant.

You have given me hope
When I thought no hope was around,
Yes, I have my bad days, now the prayers often surround.

Kindest with God’s love is the only way forth 
You can argue with him, but he shall win…
Especially if you hurt one of his children, of unnecessary sin.

Remember none of us can predict the future
That job lays with him,
As long you continue to love and pray to him, and live the best faithful life you can 
There is always hope for you inside….. just give him a chance.

“Stay blessed….”
20th April 2022

In his presence

In his presence you feel you manage the stress
I know times like these feel a frequent test.

People no longer laid back
Escalating at every opportunity,
Need to find Faith with the avoidance of hostility.

You only receive kindness if you show the way
It is only through the Father you can see the light
It’s only through the Father we can all unite.

No more anger
No more sorrow to confront,
Pray to him, during your highs and lows
Others negativity shall erase the erratic blows. 

19th April 2022

Monday, 18 April 2022

Why cry his name?

When in doubt
Whose name is said from your lips
“Oh God why?”
Desperation often from a meaningful cry.

We all come to him
Some will do their best to refute,
Blesseth the Father when in a struggle
It’s more than being in a tangle, when looking for a cuddle.

I struggled and cried when others I thought would be there, but weren’t 
Can you blame them trying to be God? 
Well the fact we aspire to be like him, can be a fight through a primitive rod.

Stay humble
Learn to fight the battles worth winning,
If your brain is going a thousand miles an hour
It means the Father wants you to work hard, but don’t grow weary to scower.

19th April 2022

Missing you

Do you remember that day
You laid your hand on me and said a prayer,
I thought all else has failed but you genuinely cared.

You took me to the Father
A place that I was totally unbeknown,
Now I feel confident in spirit from what  he has shown.

I miss you Peter
Your beautiful smile lite a thousand rooms, 
And your presence is frequently missed 
As God took you from us for your protection 
As well as sculpting you through eternal perfection.

Missing you is selfish from my part,
Yet thank you for praying for me that Saturday morning after the gym,
I now have a relationship with the Father 
From the kindness of your brotherly made me become less harder.

“Miss you Peter “

18th April 2022

Constantly assessing

Constantly assessing 
And then there is life; 
You need a balance human and avoid unnecessary strife.

Constant adjustments
And trying to embrace continual change,
And there are these things called hypos 
Which disconnect your management of mental health
Facing changing from an almighty stealth.

Recaptured your strength 
And learn to turn wrong into right,
As these are a series of never ending fights.

Embrace your life 
Pray with all your heart through the Father’s guide,
And you love him forever, which I manifest as well as confide.

18th April 2022

Changing your ways

Change your ways 
You are still young but recovery takes too long
Need to adopt a way you need to stay strong.

Declining the bodies mass,
Now you need to stay healthy 
Not that thing they call financially wealthy.

Love God first 
Your drive will automatically change
If you keep arguing with the Father
You will wind up focus and a tad deranged.

Focus on the positives
You have plenty of those you can find;
If you don’t believe in what I’ve said 
You are no less of a fool, but you are very much blind.

"The message is “believe”

18th April 2022

To Jason

Hey… this isn’t for me 
It’s from the Father looking after you each step of the way
I have these words that I really want to say.

Remember you are beautiful
You are humble and sweet,
You are the pearl of my eye
And yes, these words could make me cry?

You are amazing
And Brilliant too…
Loved by us all 
and especially from where the heavens imbue.

This moment I wrote these words 
They came from the highest power you’ll crave, 
And from this day forward, you shall continue be on a crest of a wave.

“Lots of love to Jason…xxx”
From Errol, Sharon and family x 
Author: Jason 
18th April 2022

Managing a condition with God’s love

How do you manage a condition like mine?
I remove toxic behaviour which I now define.

It’s a struggle but you find a way for it to work
Others have their ten penneth to say;
And think they have a solution
Yet the person with the condition has the final conclusion.

Others wanting to get drunk 
Sure that’s what I’ve done in the past!
Thinking I was letting go and now that behaviour wouldn’t last!

I now have a balance and if others are bad for condition I need to manage?
They are unhealthy for me, therefore can cause much more damage.

In a world full of chaos, a person with diabetes  needs to find a grip,
And there will be people who you think they’ve got your back, but they won’t be any help as selfishness causes a flip.

Don’t feel bad if you push others away
If they are not good for your long term condition? Remember you (and God) have the final say.

Living with type 1 diabetes 
18th April 2022

The joy of hope

Capture the love you have inside
Finding the Father you know that  will be kind.

Moving to a place 
Where you are a child and a man,
There is a pattern forming here, and that’s part of God’s plan.

Never look at the past like a great ride
Learn to move forward and deflect the danger from pride.

Remember you look forward
These are words I say to myself too,
We are all on a journey, as the Father is the only one that knows what is in front of you.

18th April 2022 

Sunday, 17 April 2022

God loves

You know you are walking down the correct path
The father knows when the devils leaves his wrath,
The father deflects and stems the reaction
This hope in faith is not a margin of any detraction.

Move forward
Keep focusing on the light,
There is hope in the Father 
There is hope with your new beginning 
You’ll actually feel you are on a new road towards winning.

Love nudges off hate
Hate can’t overturn love,
Keep your eyes solely on him
There is hope inside our hearts, especially through a prayerful win.

Tomorrow is forgotten 
And today brings out a stunning array of light
As long you capture the truth of his heart 
And that this Christian walk is more than just feeling smart.

17th April 2022 

He knew

A celebration 
An uplift of humanity rising,
The sacrifice of the son was hurtful, and somewhat surprising.

May love enter your hearts
May the joy of this victory sustain,
There is love in all our hearts for what does retain.

Remember this is joy and sadness in one
The crucifixion of his trusted son,
He took our chains away to give us a chance 
His hope for us all is a glorified stance.

There will be judgement when we reach the powerful gates
And his love for each of us is a testament of his faith.
Love him, 
Accept him more
And remember this momentous time 
from the son which overcome the pain which he faced
And that our love of the Father has never lost its pace.

17th April 2022  

Saturday, 16 April 2022

The Devil moves in

It can take anything 
A word innocently said;
The Devil’s angle is hard to have sometimes read.

You think you’ve got it sussed,
Even this hard nut to crack
The devil will move in 
Especially if there is a moment you slack.

A friend or a member of your family hurts you,
With a nasty array of words
Your honesty wants to hit them profusely 
As their lack of wisdom is evidence so, so loosely.

“The hate” I really want to let go,
Before I would hurt myself as I felt worthless through a mother’s soul.

Do you fight and keep on top of your game; 
Now pray regardless, as it’s only the Father who has the right to tame.

16th April 2022

You gave me a chance

You gave me a chance 
Which I didn’t deserve
But your endless mercy and grace
Has brought me to the kingdom to face.

Loving us is insurmountable 
Loving you is never a chore,
I am eternally grateful you took my chains
And the gifts you frequently pertain.

You defend me when I am weak
And you bring me people to love me; and I return my care,
I know you are a wonderful father; for the whole world to share. 

The “word” was with God
The only way to go,
You took me away from my failings 
And the blessing that shine.., and show.

16th April 2022

Friday, 15 April 2022

Loving to love

Don’t get me wrong 
We all can love and care,
Don’t hurt God’s as he has plenty to bare.

Overcome humiliation 
That’s part of the deal,
But don’t understand his children get stronger
Tell me now? Do you want a fight?
Fists are nothing, especially through God’s loving might.

The road is long
And we do need the support,
The part of prayer is the persistence of strength
Humility, kindness and guarding from God’s almighty length.

Believe through times of humiliation, hope and guile,
It doesn’t matter what others say
His word is the ultimate…. And shall forever stay.

16th April 2022

A day in the life with God

I wake up and pray to the highest of high,
I can’t feel low when I know he is there,
As I ponder on life through a hopeful stare.

I love the Father
I thank him each day,
I pray for friends and families I love
And even those I don’t know… or even stray..

I want to love him with all of my heart
We cannot lose him, when he has been there from the very start.

I love to love
And know he is right there,
How can you go wrong, when he has always been with you… everywhere.

15th April 2022

Communication (following the word)

So simple 
yet at the same time we could make it a struggle; 
Time to look back in conversations when it turned into a muddle.

So you throw your toys out of the pram because you felt you are misunderstood,
You need to look towards praying,
You know with God you are humbly staying.

You learn God’s word 
You eventually find God’s light,
You know you’ve been chosen to win this spiritual fight.

People attacking others 
Putting others down,
At least with the Father the breath you breathe shall provide hope, rather than helplessly drown?

15th April 2022

It is over…

He knew this was coming 
A day he will save us from the sins release,
Taking on our shame when the devil thought he had won 
but the Father had him in his sights through the rising sun..

That day we took his life
Little did we know he would rise again,
Allowing peace in our hearts and for all to transcend.

When you feel challenged 
When you thought there’s no win to achieve;
Just believe his son who took on the pain
A new opportunity, through him you can sustain.

You live this Christian walk
Yet he took it upon him to walk with the cross,
Death he overcome; and remember? This is the Devil’s loss.

15th April 2022

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Learning so much

I am learning so much 
I am learning to love again and reach out to trust
I want to be with you.. from where I am sitting that is a must.

Tired and old
But you keep telling me I am not…
I need a level of serotonin as this word from the Father tells he has ‘begot’.

I need you today
Not tomorrow or the day after
I see the qualities in you, and where God had captured in your pursue.

I love you more tomorrow, more than today
Meaning?? love grows more and more when I am with
As the price of his son, has given us a lift.

14th April 2022

Put him first

Put him first 
Never second or third 
He is your hope, your anchor 
The champion that lifts
He is amazing conqueror and offers amazing gifts.

When you look at the Father
His light lifts a thousand rooms,
Your negativity shall leave 
And through him you positively receive.

“He’s never there for me…!!!”you may shout
But do you pray with your heart each day?
The more you are angry with him, do you think your negativity goes away?

Put him first
Not second or third… 
The hope and gifts you do receive, is following the word to ultimately believe….

14th April 2022

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

He came

You cannot deny it
His presence challenges us all,
And never lose focus on him; especially when you fall.

Your kindness for weakness 
That’s not the path you need to take,
His humbleness, love and shining light
overcoming the amidst of a spiritual fight.

The earth is a challenge, where people are struggling to be polite,
Loving each other is better than a fight,
Party politics is turning people against each other 
I refute to delve in the consumption 
The world is about love, as well as his redemption.

I believe in this afterlife, come join me?
A place where sin shall forever be rid,
The purpose of his resurrection 
Paying the debt that we shameful hid.

14th April 2022

You may never had

You may never had support
Yet the Father is your love,
He wants you to get close
Where others failed, he was the one who loved you the most.

Why me?
I cried each day…
People old enough to know better;
Yet they are children of God, unwilling despite fighting 
showing to the Father, and forever sighting.

Don’t hate… love
Despite the trials you’ve endured,
There is a love for you, truly unmatched 
He has your heart, just allow him to catch.

Love is the driver
Love outshines the survivor,
You shall move forward with his grace 
And overcome the Devil’s angle by refuting his face.

13th April 2022

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

The things he overcomes

He overcomes depression
He overcomes your dislike towards others,
His love is so powerful
As we pray amongst sisters and brothers 

He tells the Devil he has lost 
And commands to leave his children alone,
With almighty prayers from our hearts 
You are a warrior from the fight which he shall finish and that the devil starts.

He tells us to pray for our enemies 
He tells us to love them despite what they have done,
He is your cornerstone and wonderful rock
You will relish his love and deflect and any timid ‘mock’.

Remember he says you are kind, when others say you are not,
He has the final say from the times he has said he has begot.

Love him
It’s the best thing you can do,
Once that love reigns in your heart, 
that so clued devil doesn't have a chance… nor a clue.

13th April 2022

Until I met you

Until I met you I never thought I could ever love
Yes, I believed in God, and yes I do love him
Yet my love for you has removed my want to sin.

You are God fearing 
I can’t wait to spend my life with you,
You are amazing, and a magnificent soul
Even your pimples don’t throw my enthusiasm away
You are my beautiful African queen, where I want to stay.

Your warm heart is beautiful 
Your smile lights a thousand rooms,
My destiny is to be with you at God’s grace
You took away my stone heart which I thought was in that torrid place.

Thank you for being you 
Thank your parents who one day I shall meet through the grace of God,
I will protect you my darling 
And we shall remove the Devil’s rod.

12th April 2022 

This chance

It’s more than the lottery
It’s more than winning your dream car,
If you believe in a higher power, your faith shall reach a place so beautiful and not that far.

The light leads out of darkness
The positives always outweigh the bad,
Nasty people have never had emotional intelligence
Thinking with evil and sheer negligence.

If you think I am talking to you 
Then obviously I’ve hit a nerve 
I am now serving the father, that’s where I serve.

Do you think alcohol will take it away?
I know what next words you will say..,
“You use to do that sordid thing…”
Yes that’s right, now the Father has brought me in. 👊🏾

12th April 2022

Monday, 11 April 2022

That word….. Hope

the words above we need to leave 
Love is the opening; and shall not deceive.

We try our best 
We need to pray to God.
“He ain’t going to pay my bills” 
Yet it’s through his guidance you shall overcome these hills.

During of uncertainty 
Blind faith often challenged, 
If you know what day brings, that would help
Rather than controlling your future, which causes a yelp.

Stay balanced and loved 
Stay humbled even if you reach the limits of your goal,
Love is the direction 
Leave it with a prayer, that’s never a distraction.

Say hello to a neighbour 
Bring out the best you that you can be,
Even if you didn’t go to the gym this morning 
Remember, you humbleness is a gift….and it’s free.

12th April 2022

God’s heart

From the beginning through to the end 
The Father is watching over you, from there you shall transcend.

The moment of truth, we all need to face 
There are constant dark times around 
Yet the good news is here, isn’t that profound.

Searching for hope 
Searching for the here and now,
There is eternal love, from which we take a bow.

Keep growing towards him
Yes..? the father way up high,
Adoration to this special message is a relief, rather than a cry.

11th April 2022

Sunday, 10 April 2022

My beautiful friend Laura

A beautiful soul that’s what you are 
Caring and considerate, a place others that are far.

A gifted soul
Full of joy,
Humble and loving 
Gracious and never shoving.

Stay blessed my friend, you are so real
God loves you so much, and that isn’t only surreal.

You brought the best out of me
For that I shall never forget
Your kind nature brings out best mindset.

Love from a friend 
11th April 2022

You would think

You look at people around you
And wonder if they are positive or truly care?
Especially during these times when concern for others is literally quite bare.

I saw my relation having a health concern
And the person who I thought would help actually made it worse,
A hypo is a condition I wouldn’t wish on my enemy, it’s a literal burst.

God protects you 
He makes sure it’s all attained,
When you think there’s nothing out there to love you
His defiance is way, way above to remove anything blue.

Care should come from a guardians love
And if that person is rigid and doesn’t understand, 
Let the Father work on them, through the defiance they shall stand.

11th April 2022

At the devils cost

You can’t lose when you see the Father,
A place more humbled, well he’s is….. rather.

So start the week with love
Move that other negative thing away,
Hold yourself closer to the Faith that is stable
Where you are humbled, and more able.

Love yourself 
Remove those who say negativity away,
If there is no solution for that other person, that negative shall stay.

Pray for those who are struggling to find an answer 
Pray that they get closer to you,
Eyes wide open, the devil never really had a clue.

10th April 2022

Finding Solace

Bless you love
I will protect 
In my name you are humbled and perfect.

You are going through a change 
And yes, love is there from people who care
My eyes are watching you, as I’ll make sure you are treated fair.

You are humbled
You are kind and truly loved,
No one shall lower you esteem
You are in my thoughts and gentle on my dreams.

Be kind to yourself 
As for protection? I shall always be there,
Kindness subtle on your heart
And strength angles for this new start,

So have a blessed week
That I am always there to speak,
From this new journey, you are no longer weak.

10th April 2022 

From the shackles

You took me from the shackles
And made me whole,
You’ve now got my heart where his presence beautifully shows.

You took me apart 
And rebuilt my love to all,
You saw me struggling and prevented me to fall.

Your name is great
And you made mine to be kind,
There is nothing that surprises you
And even surpasses the quests you pursue.

You’ve taken me to a world 
From where I was once lost,
Now I appreciate your kindness from the son who paid the ultimate cost.

To Debra
Love your brother Jason
10th April 2022

Remove it

Remove it..
Toxic behaviour to knock others
We are here to encourage, and love one another.

It gets tiresome 
Politics is now treated as a sport
Isn’t our behaviour meant to do good, from what we are taught.

“Do it to them before it’s done to you.”
The negative words spoken about others, trying to do good,
Wasn’t it Jesus who made our lives joyous where he could?

Love, love and love more 
You may look at the negative and turn those words around!
Jesus made us humble, through his sacrifice which is renown.

10th April 2022 


We live in a world with lots we can use
And other forms of media 
There needs to be a balance and clear humble sight
Used for good, is the aim to do right.

Words that are said to put others down,
A frowning expression which caused conflict
And the bitching towards one another turns off the flame that was once lite.

A connection is required
And encouraging words needs to be said,
God in your heart from poems we live for, and read.

Tease out the good in others 
My sisters and brothers,
I prefer to be a guide to shine
In the Father you shall always look to refine.

10th April 2022

Saturday, 9 April 2022

Forward x

You shall get your foes that do not care
They will end this message Immediately 
As they truly do not share.

They are out for themselves 
“Selfishnesses” is the word it’s called
Humbleness is a balance and embraced is where’s its walled.

Love is great 
Love is brilliant 
Love is powerful
Love is so wow and embrace, and full .

9th April 2022


Friday, 8 April 2022

Gods word

The time has arrived 
God has never left,
Patience among us, you shan’t feel bereft .

Kindness leads to awareness 
Mindfulness is simply consideration,
Learning the way God works
The time to be in his presence is everything that it’s worth.

Peace in our hearts 
Joy shall be refilled,
The work of the Father is never finished
And the prayers for one another shan't diminish.

Once you believe 
The heart of the Father then begins to regain, 
Credit to you to open to his mercy 
and remember in him you are constantly worthy. 

8th April 2022 

It’s all about the love

It’s about love
Not that other erroneous word,
Live in a world of hate, how absurd.

Shine your shine
God has this fight,
The book of Exodus says it in 14:14, isn’t that true?
The Father is the only one to pursue.

That simple four letter word brings us hope
That negative anger needs to slide down a slope.

Be kind, show love with little or much 
We are all needing of the Father’s.

We are ready to becoming stronger and stronger 
The devil’s aim has already lost as the narrative shall exude longer.

“We are God’s children…. Here to win in his glorious name.”

8th April 2022

Wednesday, 6 April 2022


The time has arrived
52 weeks has come and gone
The moment of truth is where this legacy comes from.

Selby the reigning champion
And there’s Trump in the mix
A rejuvenated Williams and Higgins performing 
And their is the hot favourite Robertson out for the warning.

And there is Allen an Irishman who can quickly switch it on;
And there is the Rocket aiming for a equalling seventh 
A simple genius of the game, 
Once exhilarating at full speed 
His accuracy and skill is a joy to watch and others he can supersede.

And there is Bingham a journeyman not to be taken light
And last years runner up Shaun Murphy who is clearly ready for another fight.
So the marathon starts and there is obviously going to be a winner 
As long snooker takes the glory 
from this never ending and jubilant snooker story.

7th April 2022

Stick to your own? Why?

Love is love 
It goes beyond  the struggle;
If you meet your soulmate and you fall into this beautiful well 
be ready for the story that I am about to tell.

“Everyone to their own…” what does that mean?
Such a broad statement to say….
If love is a culture then humbleness is the blend to stay.

Love yourself and others cultures 
There is so much out there to learn,
Avoid marginalise your opinion of other people
Then blame culture isn’t helpful, which is so, so feeble.

I love my woman and she loves me too
It’s about connection in culture, love, life and art
Never lose sight of each other, from the very start.

Disliking is not part of God’s plan
He loves you all unconditionally that is part of his wants, 
So when it states “stick to your own”, what does that mean?
It’s about togetherness, learning and loving
Humbleness in the heavens which should never be shoving.

6th April 2022

Time to worry? Then it’s time to pray

Take your time 
Really take your time
hasn’t the last 2 years showed that?
Or should we rush again and get ourselves again into that spat.

What do I mean?
I mean do not rush…
There’s enough chaos when the devil attacks
You won’t prosper once he gets onto your backs.

If you worry then pray for negativity to go away  
Pray for the vexatious stories that needs to be put to rest
The anger of the wretched, shall face the last hour of the Father’s test.

Try not to worry
Politics will always be around,
Some are in dangerous positions of power
And some simply dislike you for no reason
My answer to that, there is a Father in heaven with the first and last words
All this worrying shall only make you disturbed.

6th April 2022

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

When you think people understand?

Sometimes life brings challenges
People you thought understood, just like the way you expect people cared would?

Living with a auto immune prober
Often brings questions to the table,
All you want is to have a normal day
Parental guidance doesn’t at all stay.

So you fight, and more importantly pray
It keeps you humble and keeps the devil at bay,
When facing Hypos and hypers when people who know what you have do not care
Stay with God always, he can make you thrive, and not grudge a bare.

Diabetes a condition we dislike having 
Others lacking empathy, or consideration or simple emotional thought 
Even your family lack understanding, as their ignorance isn’t taught.

You learn to be the boss of this 
And you do need support every step of the way,
One day there shall be a cure, but until then, show understanding.. do not let them fray.

For caters who lack understanding 
6th April 2022

Be kind to you

Times of dishevelment 
Times of struggling within,
There is hope, there is kindness 
There is an unwanting of others blindness.

Be kind to you
Yes you! the orchestra of a pattern that leads you away from haste
The kindness within you, that requires no pace.

Kindness to you is simple
But we make it hard.
Politics comes with a struggle
Kindness from the arch which comes with of a huddle.

 Never lose you
The stranger is in the light that loves you so
The body, heart and soul, where you are created,
Humbleness, kindness and love
All the great ingredients, and calmness to remove the debated.

5th April 2022

Monday, 4 April 2022


It’s easy sometimes to stay alone
You don’t need others dramas that constantly drone,
But we all face this battle 
A struggle within
Does this mean you are living in sin?

No way…
You are protecting your heart,
God’s plan for your is to remove toxic behaviour from a place you need to depart.

People bringing negativity into context
Words you can disregard, therefore put in the bin,
Sometimes you are in a space where those that surround you are no longer your kin.

May the day glorify you
May God’s love reign down in your heart,
He wants to perfect you….bit by bit
The angels around you shall make sure you are definitely lite.

5th April 2022 

Therapy by words

I find writing a release
A spiritual awakening 
A time with God, who is never forsaking.

I love to write
It’s for others and I,
Sharing knowledge, or focusing on one another 
Moving forward and growing spiritually like any other.

I use to cry, always asking for God; when he was always there 
It’s more humble when you pray to him, he has so much to give and share.

I love to love 
And aspire to see the King,
As long I stay with him, there is so much you can bring.

4th April 2022

Take your time.. the art

Often a contriving word in this platitude of impatience, 
A mate says to me “take your time, hurry up”
I rather dismiss their impatience rather than get caught in their impatient rut.

Time is something we don’t own 
But is seen as precious,
Learning the art of time
Measured clinically or often sublime.

We take our time 
We learn to stay strong with others needs in mind,
Isn’t patience a quality which is humble to calm the chaotic mind.

We learn patience 
We learn to keep strong 
We learn to keep motivated 
Timing of the essence can become long
as humility is the cause to prolong.

3rd April 2022

Sunday, 3 April 2022


The question of questions 
And then we look towards a state,
Who can help us, when times can lead to unavoidable fate?

You learn to move forward
Perhaps try the gym?
Then that involves strain,
Breath, move forward and then eventually you shall sustain.

I’ll be lost without it
Perhaps an obsession this may sound,
Learning to become strong and then moving forward 
Striving to get the blood pumping and protect others, like a loyal steward.

Health, the only one we’ve got
“You got to live” I hear others say,
What does that mean, burning yourself into submission 
An waking up with a sore head….? Well I’ve done that.. that’s really going to help my condition. 😉🤣

4th April 2022

We must keep on trying

This message is as much for me than for you,
Looking for solutions when others create a problem to figure
Wind up merchants who later get tangled and disfigure.

I am not angry from these words, God has shouted out 
He said to me write with these words, and I’ll make sure you have plenty of stout.

Be strong with vexatious foes,
They do things from the devils cup,
That’s why you shall never give up.

Pray each and every day 
The father in heaven shall defend you and fend the foes away.

Be kind to your spirit
Fight and fight with all your love and might,
There’s a father in heaven who is that bit more bright 😉.

“Aspired by God and loved by his children.”

3rd April 2022

A Christian with diabetes

I don’t blame god 
Actually he protects me,
He never gave me this condition, actually he gives me wisdom to see.

Hypo after hypo 
The records show I am in range…
Little do others know
When health is shown on the outside, the sugars are plummeting and often contrive.
Don’t feel sorry for me 
Most people I know are pretty impatient,
I pray to God to take this away
My heart is growing for a cure, 
And eventually the challenge of the condition shall no longer lure.

I only thank God he has kept me intact
And directed me to a good few people who want me to be attached.
Pray that all people with this auto immune challenge no longer strain
And the prayers towards them, and their condition no longer constrain .

“Living with this condition can tire you, then there are fast people who are blind to your needs. Gods got this covered”

3rd April 2022

When you look at him❤️🙏🏽

The feeling 
And that ultimate view,
The searching for a perennial clue
The questioning 
The almighty we need to be constantly confessing.

Stay positive 
Stay humble with the Father in your heart,
Remember you are going on the highest plain
Believe me? You are not going at all insane.

The feelings of encouragement and love
The place and the humility you go towards
Blessings from the father is kindness that never falls.

You train hard 
But you can’t do it without the love of the utmost high,
There are always tears of joy once the breaking of him in you he lays.

3rd April 2022

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Loving to love

You can look at a person and simply judge,
What’s the point? It leads to a grudge.

I am a person of love
A person who needs to give,
Not financially… but with emotion
God driven with a huge amount of devotion.

Judge me by my emotion
Where often I pray for those who judge,
I can’t change who I am, neither shall I say sorry or to be nudged.

It’s about loving each other
Love is not only the past, it’s the future of any light,
Here is my hand, and also my heart
Don’t we have enough nonsense to deal with in this world, let’s have a brand new start.

2nd April 2022

A prayer for a season

Pray for your loved ones 
and for those who don’t understand you, and decide to judge,
Helpless through understanding 
Or prefer to be vexatious and a little withstanding.

Pray for the ones you hug
Pray for the ones who tug,
As long you learn right from wrong 
There’s a place in him you always belong.

Love the father everyday
When you feel low, he is not far away.
He wants you close to him 
He doesn’t want you to pontificate and be at a whim. 

Love is the place you need to reach
Love your past, is often what you teach.
If you runaway, there is perhaps a reason 
Turning the other cheek comes forever in a season.

“Love yourself”

2nd April 2022

Friday, 1 April 2022

Our love

Blessed and beautiful 
Gifted and loved,
You are an Angel
Where my heart is captured and love is true
I can’t wait to marry you.

I need a hug
A wife’s hug,
Someone that loves me all day and night
I want to kiss you and avoid any fights.

My eyes are tired
Yet my love has strength
We have a great road front 
As we look towards humble length.

I can’t wait for us to be one
Fighting, fighting for our paths to meet
The devil tries to separate us always but our hearts in God shall retreat xx

1st April 2022

All the best

All the best in pastures new
Enjoy your day for whatever you pursue.

Stay hopeful
And prayerful as well,
Your uplifting spirit is a privilege to tell.

Stay blessed and focused 
May light shine on you and your families way.
And from the joy that you show 
Shall bring happiness from the kindness which you consistently glow. 

When the next page turns 
You shall flourish with prayers in your direction,
And keep smiling with the energy you manifest 
Best wishes from where we profess.

1st April 2022

Diabetes stigma

Perhaps it’s because I am sensitive Perhaps it’s because I am outspoken and in-tuned, Perhaps the hypos are getting on top  and others ask q...