Thursday, 23 December 2021

Thank you

Thank you for my gifts
Thank you for my friends 
Thank you for providing me humbleness
When once it was my like I did depend.

Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being kind when others turned their back,
Thank you for wanting to help me 
When others weakened their slack.

Thank you cannot he said enough
Thank you is a word said with love and grace,
Thank you Is a word overwhelming 
Yet spiritual and never condescending.

Thank you is a word I can say when replying “no”
Thank you are prayers from where I need to flow,
Thank you for reading this message, remaining humble and kind 
Merry Christmas my friends, from where your hearts have found mine.

23rd December 2022

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Higher power

Believe it or not The higher power truly does exist, Especially when you can’t comprehend, the heart of God doesn’t dismiss. Say your prayer...