Sunday, 19 December 2021

Our two angels

These two were humble souls
they were humble and kind
These two that we loved
When I reap to sow, they are up above.

My auntie… a beauty
My Yiayia (Nan) was the kindness I knew,
Always providing us with positivity 
And held your hand when facing aridity.

God’s beautiful children 
God’s hope to keep us together, 
They were good, kind and feared God
Whatever you believe, their strength was an amazing rod.

Their kindness is paramount 
There warmth so evident in our hearts,
I love you Auntie Denise and my gorgeous Yiayia 
The world would be a better if you were still around 
You are always missed, especially when our heart beats a sound.

19th December 2021

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Higher power

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