Thursday, 2 December 2021

If you know about diabetes…. Do you have it?

Living with a condition where you need to be analytical each and everyday
You need to stay strong and firm, but that isn’t always the way.

You need to calculate food 
Avoid having hypos, especially when stressed 
Then there is the balance of life, where others could try to make it a mess…

The condition is like no other
You assess, stay vigilant and humbled at all times 
Avoiding the politics of life where others put you to the sword
The way of life is humbled because you need perspective at all times 
This is more than a poem, it’s a way of life which is defined.

We all have health concerns 
But this condition is more than a full time job,
You can’t just ignore poor eating, or a lack of exercise traits
Actually this condition has made me more aware, especially for my mental states.

 “Living with type 1 diabetes” 
2nd December. 2021

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