Thursday, 10 June 2021

Easier said than done (Type 1 Diabetes poem) πŸ™πŸ½❤️

We learn to live with problems each and every day imagine a condition that riles and pulls you away. 

Learning when to keep strong 
Learning to keep balance, especially when the hypos are there, 
working through a pattern of distress, 
this is about balancing of sugars, to avoid any kind of mess.

One day you will get great results 
the following day you will struggle with sugars which spiral out of your mind,
I try to remain positive, but the truth is, you are managing a tide…

It's no one's fault this has happened to us
injecting, analyzing and looking for the best ways to cope,
then there is that thriving prospect, where we try to avoid to go down that slope.

Remain positive despite the pancreas dying, or dead
Need to be strong and find a pattern that works for you, 
remember this is a challenge we look to ensue. 

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Stop chasing

Leave it with God and simply be bold If you don’t believe in him, then I can’t tell you what to do; Free will in life we all have the option...