Sunday, 13 June 2021

People that don’t get you

People may not get you
That’s none of your concern, 
You are praying to the Father
From where you need to discern.

You are beautified 
And yes, you are loved,
Yes, it’s a tough world out there
And yes, there is a Father who protects, loves you and cares.

He is your first and your last,
He is the one who has got you,
As your past remains the past.

Release your anger 
Release the hate you receive, 
Stop hurting yourself from others destruction toward thee,
He is now in your heart, where the chains are now broken and you are set free.

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Stop chasing

Leave it with God and simply be bold If you don’t believe in him, then I can’t tell you what to do; Free will in life we all have the option...