Saturday, 5 June 2021

Run closer to Faith

When running I pray to God
I pray for his children as my focus brings me closer,
The cardio tests my heart when running up a hill
Yet it’s his faith in me that’s made my spiritual quest and gracious steal.

I never stop running 
I love keeping fit,
God wants you to work hard in everything you do
And his love, moving forward, is just a glance of the clue.

I am not upset when others have a grip at me,
My protection when running and praying inside 
This is the ultimate Father, the one you can openly confide.

Praying when running up a hill, that’s done 3 times a day
I feel protection from his almighty love
As he is always holding me inside,
A priceless motivation, from when the Father gave me hope and anger subsides. 

5th June 2021

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