Monday, 21 June 2021

Closing doors

I have to leave you alone 
I find the conversation unhealthy and toxic,
Yet it’s my faith in God which always helps
cynical views make me want to yelp.

We live in times where conversations consistently drone 
Is it an age thing? Where people become ‘more’ cynical?
I am at an age where I want to reach my pinnacle.

Positive words are where I am at,
Not drinking stupidly and forgetting the night before,
My time with the Father refutes me from becoming sore.

People talking about others, where encouragement needs to be put in place,
My brothers and sisters who feed off negative energy, i beg you to stop this now!
Here is your brother, whose now praying afar, 
A humble God fearing soul who looks to turn wrong into right 
Here is my poem,  continue to work through this spiritual fight. 

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Stop chasing

Leave it with God and simply be bold If you don’t believe in him, then I can’t tell you what to do; Free will in life we all have the option...