Monday, 15 April 2024

Thank you… Dear Matthew

Hey brother
I just wanted to say a humble thanks,
 God asked me to hold you tight
Which I did with all my might.

You don’t know how good you are?
Yet I won’t always say those words,
You are an Angel who came from the almighty 
Your hug was comforting, gentle and exceptionally lightly.

Thank you…
Keep these words until the day we reach the land above,
You are my friend who I affirm have plenty of gifts 
Remember, you are chosen… especially when I needed today’s spiritual lift.

So sleep gently on your dreams
You can make it happen, despite how difficult they look to achieve,
You don’t need me to guide you, just simply pray and believe
Bless you
May God hold you close
And remember… you are cherished by the Father..the highest and utmost.

“Thank you Matthew… God bless you”
15th April 2024

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