Monday, 22 April 2024

Learning a new life (Type 1 Diabetes poem)

It was the Easter of 2003
I started a job with the NHS, 
An organisation which prevents or cures many health impacting tests.

That time of year I started to feel thirsty 
As I wasn’t sure what to do, 
I was going to the toilet a lot, as this new journey was about to ensue. 

I found a way, but don’t get me wrong…this disease is awful
Especially where hypos are so impacting  
And life with it can be everso distracting. 

To be honest I can’t wait until a genius finds a cure 
Where we face dangers, day to day 
As I simply pray this feeling and condition goes away.

Still I have learnt so much about I 
I try to remain assertive, balanced and calm,
And where the bullies and cowards want to do that little more harm.

So I pray one day for a cure
Where this condition shall be no more,
May the heavens upon us, keep those who are focused and where the insulin shall regenerate inside, and shall no longer slow us.

“Living with experience of Type 1 diabetes”
22nd April 2024

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