Thursday, 18 April 2024

Diabetes - a day in our lives

I hear those words:  ‘I couldn’t live with that’
I suppose if your temperament is erratic with a fiery impulsive alert, 
and avoiding the political blindness where Insulin is no longer available to convert.

The pressure of this condition is endless 
There’s life to deal with too…
As you need to stay calm and attained 
This condition has many challenges and causes many strains.

You learn to be calm and if you explode it’s because the sugar lows are impacting the mind,
Can’t they find a solution to turn on the tap to release insulin and breakdown the blood sugars for energy to arrive? 
Not this “ahh” response as I want to feel alive.

I pray for a cure for us all
Learning to move forward and avoiding to stall,
I know our bodies eventually breakdown, for us with this condition where all organs are affected,
God did make us humble yet this cure needs to be implemented.

“To all the type 1s and 2s with diabetes”
18th April 2024

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