Wednesday, 28 February 2024

My Diabetes prayer

Lord thank you for the breath you give me to start the day
I pray for the hypo’s and hypers to not get in the way. 

I pray for the carbs to be calculated correctly
Not try not to second guess before I inject which may cause a fuddle,
And that people around me are calm and empathetic during this mind blowing struggle.

I pray for people to leave me alone when causing chaos to my mind,
My diabetes is a frequent calculation on a constant basis during my activity and in what I eat,
I pray to God that one day will find cure to implement.. and impact defeat.

I pray for others to have empathy and not panic when I am in disarray, 
And that one day a cure is found 
And that my internal organs capture the red blood cells to secrete the insulin which now do not surround.

“Type 1.. #justsaying”
28th February 2024   

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