Thursday, 29 February 2024

Spiritual Health…

Some do exercise 
Some also moan
Some say a prayer 
Isn’t an afterlife is where we shall see God on the throne?

Some love to love 
Some love to be cynical and moan,
We are all in a giant melting pot, and not forgetting those who tend to groan🀣.

We look at our own needs 
Including an impact on our knees.
And it comes with a good mill of health
As long as you prayer, you rid any stealth.

Look after yourself 
look to the spirit, body, heart and the mind,
When it comes to your health… the heaven as it on earth no longer become blind!

29th February 2024

The prayerful poet

Yes these following words shall rhyme
They are held through hope, through a prayer 
Thank you Lord it’s not about me, it’s the good news of God for which we share.

We live through new creation
The past stays in the past,
We have all committed sin, during these times that are vast.

I pray for you 
I may not know you, nor perhaps I understand the struggles you face, 
Please Lord help my brother and sister reading this, no speed… they have ‘free will’ to implement haste. 

I need you Lord 
Every step of the way, 
I can’t do this on my own anymore, I am building a village for those who are either happy to leave or stay.

1st March 2024

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Despite what you think

Yes, this is a broken world
Full of promises when others let you down
I am sure with the Holy Spirit the movement to acknowledge shan’t refute any of us to drown

I ran the long road
And did the impatient quick sprint,
And there’s humbling myself in God’s presence without a murmur or a squint.

I stay with you on this journey 
I can never leave your side
Yet through humility I am discrete as to you I shall confide.

You think I am worthy…
When the Father who rejoices is the instrumental peace
As one day I will humbled further into heaven, and where these words live forever at the very least.

29th February 2024

Stay with me Father

Here I am 
I am not found anywhere else?
There is a spiritual battle lurking, please do not stare at the fickle who boast!

Stay with me 
Focus on me,
The word is ‘Love’ and that will be instilled in you 
I need nothing more, from where you can imbue. 

Love me.. that’s what I and everyone needs 
Stay besides me, that’s why my son died for us
Please do not go anywhere else, it’s me who you need to trust. 

Time is precious 
And you won’t go wrong if you do follow me, 
Love you my dear, wasn’t it me who you are suppose to see?

Jason and Andi
28th February 2024

Silent love

I may be distance in presence 
As I need my mind to reset,
I have taken quite a battering, and no one is fighting your corner to beset.

The silence is needed
The silence clearly cannot be heard,
Chat, chat and more chatting 
Please Lord I need action not all this gossip that leads to mindless yapping.

I love you 
My kind needs  relaxation, 
I need this for my sanity, as mindsets are simply lead by fractions.

I am contemplating 
Wondering if I have done right to lead me here
And there will be ‘told you so types’ who enhance ‘cruel to be kind’ fear.

My silence is love towards you
Be at peace and be silent,
Do not take this as rudeness where the silence shall hold
The words will be eventually said, as with the Father all shall be bestowed.

28th February 2024

My Diabetes prayer

Lord thank you for the breath you give me to start the day
I pray for the hypo’s and hypers to not get in the way. 

I pray for the carbs to be calculated correctly
Not try not to second guess before I inject which may cause a fuddle,
And that people around me are calm and empathetic during this mind blowing struggle.

I pray for people to leave me alone when causing chaos to my mind,
My diabetes is a frequent calculation on a constant basis during my activity and in what I eat,
I pray to God that one day will find cure to implement.. and impact defeat.

I pray for others to have empathy and not panic when I am in disarray, 
And that one day a cure is found 
And that my internal organs capture the red blood cells to secrete the insulin which now do not surround.

“Type 1.. #justsaying”
28th February 2024   

Remove the scars

We can remove the scars through an almighty prayer
where others can inflict them, your face shall no longer bare.

Look to the father in heaven
The burns shall be remembered yet pain removed by the source,
You look to the Father in heaven, the enlightening force.

Yes you have been hurt
I am sincerely sad what has been done,
I’ll pray for you relentlessly through the father and the son.

Today you shall recover
The pain has been removed,
Thank you for the person reading this, as the pain through the Father shall soon be soothed.

28th February 2024

Monday, 26 February 2024

Praying and hoping

You mustn’t lose faith
Faith in God is what I am saying,
The essence of prayer is in-captivating and relaying.

Stay right here
Read these words through,
They are for you….yes you!
What’s in the heart of the Lord, is what you are about due.

Stay hopeful
See the favour and light
Your time shall be with the Father, the chosen one within your sight.

The tears will follow from a prayer
The release cannot be elsewhere.

Live to hope
As I hope you do pray,
Today is the time to be with God, just like his child that was born in the manger that miraculous day.

27th February 2024

Moving forward

Don’t be scared 
You shall move forward with aprayer, 
You look to the heavens: “God are you really there?”.

So you rebuke the rude words said against thee
I am with the Father, can’t you see?

You are my friend 
I don’t care what you have done in the past.
I love you unconditionally, your presence will forever last.

You are my friend, a humble soul I shall not lose 
And through the Lord, you shall humble my heart as I know the right path to choose. 

26th February 2024

Sunday, 25 February 2024

I’ll pray for you

I see you on the other side of this screen
Reading these words, some shall ask: “what does the following mean?”

I know words provoke 
Conflict is frequently around,
It’s respecting others points of views 
Yet it ends in prayer in what next is due.

I pray for you for light
Humility, humbleness and love to give
And most importantly stay with the Father in heaven; to eternally live.

I pray for you to learn
I pray for new doors to open 
I pray for you to get through the darkness of days
And even if you have your situation sussed out, then I still pray for you today.

25th February 2024

Saturday, 24 February 2024

Moaning? What does it solve?

Moaning??? what does it solve?
I suppose it gets things off your chest, therefore I behold.

You do get old
You’re not as agile as you once were…
You look towards new techniques, which now you can refer.

Pray..And discern 
Move forward, and then start a new thing to learn.

Rise to the challenge 
Do not hold back,
If you decide to moan, release it, but then leave it at that.

24th February 2024

Your smile πŸ™‚

There is something from God, which brings out a smile
It's through his presence you start to generate extra guile.

Your smile is a tribute to your soul
It raises hope for others, as the engine inside of you  starts to flow.

Kindness and hope brings out your wonderful smile, 
Am I holding back? And then I start to release the tears 
But a smile will follow once confronting any fears.

Here is my hand and smile to raise 
Don't be surprised what God can do, yet still we can't ever stop being amazed.

24th February 2024


I ponder across the night of day
I pray to God first, askjng for what is coming our way.

People have their gifts 
They come from the Father we love and adore,
God gives you what you can handle, nothing else anymore.

We love this road to the new kingdom,
That place where kindness and love is there
God delivers kindness, this is a gift we all need to share.

Hugs, prayers are the way forward in life
Showing recentment causes nothing but strife.

So stay close 
Warm to the father through a prayer,
Your path through the father is hope that we shall not fear.

24th February 2024

I never left you

You are with me 
I can’t see you or touch your face
You are my soul mate, as where there’s a time and a place.

You are right here
Inside my heart,
Yes the tears haven fall down
But through God you shall never ever drown.

You are right here…
Inside, and out,
I feel your spirit that’s more alive, that’s where we all should shout.

The fact is, I am here.. and never leaving 
Humble hearts that is always believing.

24th February 2024

Friday, 23 February 2024

Never lose you

We struggle 
And muddle through,
Wonder how we do get through it? yet God is inside of you.

You are given the strength 
As you try to work it out.
You holla, scream and racously shout.

There is love, and there is hope 
You may not see that at this moment in time, but you shan't dangle on a rope nor contrive..

I love you
I'll give you the biggest hug,
Finding hope in God is like snug in a rug.

23rd February 2024

Thursday, 22 February 2024

Elevation prayer

If you have time to worry then I suggest you pray
Prayer is an uplift, as its presence shall constantly stay.

Love the spirit of God
That brings others up with that bit of hope,
Yes, worry a little but the lift from a prayer does not ever elope.

Pray for those less fond of you
You are you, and they are the person they have turned out,
Bless you in God’s direction
Through him, he loves all your imperfections.

When people don’t understand you
That isn’t your fault,
Prayer for others, regardless how high or low they are
Like I said before, a prayer lifts you that little bit far.

23rd February 2024

Be kind to you πŸ™πŸ½

Be kind to you
And you may ask ‘why would you question that?’
Is that the place you have reached
The father is the guid, so do not breach.

Love is heighten 
The place you shall eventually learn
The love of God is the prayer that you shall discern.

Look to encourage 
A place that we all look to touch,
The father is the life and the way
So not leave him, he shan't ever stray. 

So here you are
You have got this far,
Take your time and speak to the father
That's the desire, and that little bit farther.

22nd February 2024

Wednesday, 21 February 2024


Sex . Actually a challenge and a strain
God speaks to you through his word, this I shan't refrain.

It's not about explosion
Nudity is vile and horrid,
You do not need this in your head, that's exceptionally torrid.

Don't get me wrong 
I love to live 
but the exposure of raw flesh 
Is demonic and is challenging at best. 

Love your heart in God first .
Do not struggle or you shall disperse.

Be kind to you 
God has the right words to say,
Stay humble in spirit, the father's spirit can never get in your way.

21st February 2024

Don't be too hard on you

We are all guilty of this
Putting all your eggs in one basket, then the energy fades to mist.

The mind is clear, so therefore you give it your all
Be careful now.... you may trip up, stumble and fall.

Today has tomorrow to look forward too
Balance the princples for what you want to achieve
Ultimately God has the answers for what we eventually receive.

Take your time And pray each day 
As there are great things coming your way,
Leave the 'nay sayers' alone and hold back a little 
You are a child of God's after all, so don't end up prematurely brittle.

21st February 2024

Starting again

It’s that classic beginning and tired end
Sometimes change is needed, it’s all part of our transcend.

We meet new people at these places
Learn about a product, say for example health…
The time you get institutionalised, you learn it’s a pay check and not fruitful wealth!

Change is important 
Faith brings you the protect to see,
Humble your heart with prayer, and let things simply ‘be’.

A door closes 
A new one opens sooner after
Your belief is restored, acknowledging by all means you are a diligent grafter.

21st February 2024

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Times we reminisce

We look to the past and remember what we did 
We tried to play games instead of using our phones so the latter we sometimes need to rid.

The times we played with Action man or a Barbie doll to provide us with excitement,
Humbling our hearts with card games like snap or 21 for further insightment.

We would play with marbles
Or had a game of pat ball,
We had variation of activity and we would often cut and fall 

Now it's the smart phone
Which I pray to God has a balanced amount,
There are books to read, which strengthen the muscles by all accounts.

20th February 2024

A journey

We all know our lives are a journey 
Decisions are made for better or worse,
Sometimes we do make the same mistakes, is that a demonic disperse?

Don't be hard on you 
The world can do that so easily without a single thought,
You are that good, so don't let others taunt.

Be kind to you 
That's needed through prayer all of the time, 
Yet once you give your heart to God, there is a balance which is sublime.

So be humble
And polite and gracious, 
There is hope where there is the Father
Humble hearts do eventually become that little bit smarter.

20th February 2024

Monday, 19 February 2024

You need to laugh

Well it's a bit like this 
I am from a Cypriot family and therefore going to take the piss.

Well, where do I start?
The family I possess are a mixed bunch,
Combined with articulation, to hardly how to formulate a sentence
As God save me this time for repentance.

With flamboyant and hyperchodriac souls
Who dramatized about everything, they can destroy the enzyme purpose in the body to stem the flow.

They are either into fickle gossip 
Or could be guarded fools,
They are a bunch of: 'he said and they said' types 
To eccentric baby burbing gripes.

Theie accents are broken and often hard to understand;
They talk soap operas, and family nonsense which makes no sense
At the end of the day they are my family after all, as I can't listen to their illiterate nonsense, as I can't stay on the fence.

19th February 2024

Caring for others ❤️

How can we lose sight of ourselves?
Speaking to God is reflection in itself.

So you don't understand? 
Am I better than you? or you better than I? 
I pray to God first and with happiness I eventually cry.

We need to be seldom with negativity
People need a prayer to work themselves out,
So you think this is by chance or free will is always about?

We know the world is broken
Do we think this is the correct path?
I am humble in God's will, as we question 'shall this forever last?'

19th February 2024

Precious time

Thank you Lord
You have provided me with hope,
There are plenty of obstacles, but I am not dangling from a rope.

Thank you for love
Thank you for being kind,
Thank you for my faith in you Lord, as I am no longer blind.

You are my perennial aspiration
The gear of all gears,
I am blessed to have met you Father, despite my angst and fears.

Thank you for this day
And thank you for my friends,
They are my family within you 
It starts day, if not tomorrow
It's my faith in you that humbles my heart and removes the sorrow.

19th February 2024

Sunday, 18 February 2024


Love you my friend 
Through the Father I know you can always defend.

There shall be prayers heading your way
There are moments I know that have gone astray.

We are all different,
That's the part of learning 
I rather prayer to God, especially when I am hurting.

I know you are kind and have plenty of gifts to show
Pray to God first, this is part of the flow. 

Love is power and the way forward 
Don't let the enemy get you, anyway untowards.

18th February 2024

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Thank you,.. so much

You have saved me 
You haven’t deprived I to see,
I look out of the window to learn
therefore contemplate and discern.

Thank you, I need you more
The power is with the prayer, from there I do soar.

Do I need to argue? Perhaps I do!
Not for the sake of it, justice is what I need to pursue.

At the end of the day
From what I say time and time again,
I know you are there Lord, from that Father I resend.

18th February 2024

A life starts

You go where I go
Your life is mine to look out for you
You will embark on a great journey waiting to ensue.

Your heart is where my heart beats
The love of God, shall tread gentle on your feet.

Your life is a blessing and created by the love of God
There shall be questions and then answers received,
You are a blessing my child, that’s what I truly believe.

Thank you for your life
Thank you God for the gifts waiting to flouriah,
There will be challenges along with learnings to hold
You are ‘our’ blessing, waiting to unfold.

“Congratulation’s to mum Amy, Dad Ricardo and baby Eralia” ❤️πŸ™πŸ½
17th February 2024

Learning and discerning

Learning to discern 
Before you leave your house with a prayer
The father is getting closer from the time that you are aware.

Love with hope
Love with strength 
Love with joy inside your heart
Relax with the hope that never departs.

Love with kindness inside your veins
Yes.. there are moments when we struggle and do not know where to turn
That’s the beauty of prayer, when you decide to discern.

Today there is love 
Tomorrow there shall be more,
As long as you pray, the prayer shall be worn.

17th February 2024

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Waiting for God

God… here I am , so where are you?
I know you can do all these amazing things 
I want to see evidence for what you can do…

Yes.. I have sinned
I can’t forget my past,
But now you make me feel worthy, as the future until I meet you shall arrive that little bit fast.

God… here I am
What do you have in store?
I want to hear you speak to me as I’ve had troubles galore.

God… ultimately you have my back
As I have failed time and time again, 
and it may be because I’ve gone round the bend.

I am here waiting to be with you 
And one thing for certain, I don’t have any further pursuits,
So I pray before I go to bed and have this conversion to attain
I know you are very near my soul, something only a prayer can sustain.

16th February 2024

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Following God

Following God is the best thing ever
You don’t have to be smart or even clever.

He takes you in and provides you with hope,
He presents answers to questions that you shall possess inside
He is the ultimate hope from what is the best forward drive.

He is your first and very much last
The blessings through prayer defeats the devils fickle wrath.

The father is your friend as well as many other things,
The love of hope, grace and mercy
Is a relinquish of your past that has been forgotten because it was unworthy. 

Remember today is your place to receive 
But you can only get to that place if you let go..and believe.

15th February 2024

Love within

Love within
Love with all your heart,
You may not like that person, but prayers are where they start.

Love your soul
And love your mind,
Believe it or not, no matter what you have done in the past
The hurting doesn’t always need to last.

We love others and show try to show them the way
If you believe in the love you have for yourself,
There are opportunities of humble and spiritual wealth.

Love you
And say it time and time again,
Where there is love to face
You’ll find that heavenly place…by God’s grace.

14th February 2024

Love only love can win

Through a valentines wish
There are blessings through God’s almighty praise,
He keeps you with a loved one by humbling your heart to remain.

Love is powerful
And everso amazing,
It gives you that moment of hope, and never at all dis-phasing. 

Stay humble 
Stay loved, from when two entwine and stay in love,
Pray with each other everyday
Stay with the Lord, you should never sway. 

Love with all your heart
That shall filter to the mind,
If you feel anger helps? Then pleasw!… what are you on?
The love of a special person is where we all belong. 

‘Happy valentines day’
14th February 2024

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Blessed to those we love

From one heart to another 
God brought us together through poems and his hope,
The path is a journey of loving travel
Lord gives you love in an almighty unravel. 

And love more 
Two heart beats live to form
This to the Father is the total norm.

Hold out to love
Valentines is here 
Loving one another, it’s only the Lord you fear.

Stay here 
Or I’ll come there 
The love of two souls to become one 
Is where a valentines message my dear is more than some..❤️πŸ™πŸ½

Jason x 
14th February 2024

Not a single day…

Not a single day when I think of you
You are right inside my heart, and I know I do need to ensue.

I think of you when I walking down a sunny or even a rainy street
I also think of you even when I have someone else I have scheduled to meet.

I think of you when I am smiling and talking to God
I am thinking of you when I remember you called me: “a little sod”🀣

The point that I am saying, is that we are all thinking of those who are not around
And that the heart is so big, it provides solace and humble ground.

13th February 2024

Monday, 12 February 2024

The most important time, is to be with God

No matter what you believe 
Of course you shall love your family and friends,
Yet, it’s times with the Father which are the moments that transcends.

That time is through prayer
Give the father thanks,
There are always trials and tribulations 
But there are also moments caused by stipulations.

Stay blessed and love those that don’t get you
You are you and they are who they are,
The connection may not meet, so pray afar.

So send a prayer
Say wise words to cause no harm,
Moments are far and few between
It’s through the Father where it can be seen.

13th February 2024

Turning wrong into right…

We do try to do our best to do the right thing
Yet sometimes struggles will make you stumble
I look to God first, now I need that feeling of becoming humble.

Today was a good day 
I spent time on my own reading my book,
Yet it’s the soul of the window is where I need to take a look.

Struggles are there, it’s part of the course 
Some say to others “get on with it” 
Yet the demons enter into the mind,
Speak in tongues, the devil then eventually becomes blind.

Lift your spirit by praying 
You will eventually break free,
At the end of the day, this journey is you, God and then me.

12th February 2024

Sometimes the ones you love need to be strangers

Complete stranger ‘does that sound hard’?
I know things change in life but change is part of the journey
Which means you have faith inside of you, which you are so much worthy. 

We struggle through life, yes I have blamed God in the past
I know that feeling now has been obliterated and doesn’t last,
Me? for example, I have diabetes to manage day to day
And that problem at present won’t go away.

So people come into your life… and some do stay
I know the others that are a drain, then that perhaps needs to go away. 

You do not need to wish them bad 
Or wish them a stressful life, 
On the contrary this tapestry is part of the demons that is generally rife. 

So stay prayerful
Wish them all the best, 
Tomorrow is another day, just enjoy today and accept nothing less. 

12th February 2024

Sunday, 11 February 2024

Here we go…

I am here fighting my best fight
I feel relentless when the strength is there, as I am ready to enlight.

I look to you
As you too shall look towards me,
I am not going anywhere now, yet you need to be.

I work hard
I tried to do what’s right for me and others around
And if they don’t understand me, then they can take the morale high ground.

We are here
Yes, the blows will hit hard,
I stay still, reflect and learn what I can for good
There is a great person inside of us, just say: “could have, should have and would”.

11th February 2024

Start of a new week

Stay here, praying and fully blessed
I stay with you my child, words I capture from the heart….and then confess.

Remember I love you
Your heart is full of joy,
We are all holding it together through the acts I deploy.

Say your prayers 
Love everyone with the spirit to lift,
You are held together through a gentle gift.

Pray and learn
Especially when others hurt your soul, 
pray for them, they too need to have their angst to go.

12th February 2024

I go where you go

I go where you go too
And i’ll never leave you. 
Why? Because you are inside
You showed me a way to fight and be true to my heart and mind.

I’ll never leave you, despite I am not here 
You are filled with the spirit of God, which is always shared. 

You hold what I hold 
And you are not blinded by fait, as I am here,
You are protected by my spirit, from what is calm and fair.

The truth is they never leave you
They are in the heart, until we meet these loved ones again
This is a simple message speaking to you… which is my duty and honour … my beautiful friend.

“To the ones we shall lose and have lost… they never leave us”
11th February 2024

We give you thanks

Thank you Lord, that you are so amazing 
You are so comforting and never at all hesitating.

Thank you Lord, as you love each and everyone of us
Thank you Lord, for it’s you and your disciples that we trust.

Thank you Lord, I pray for this prayer to reach others in times of need.
Wasn’t it your son who died on the cross for each of us to believe.

Thank you Lord this day starts and ends with a prayer, 
And I thank you never ending, through these words that I wanted shared.

11th February 2024

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Lovely meeting you

Lovely meeting you
I know there is hope when the heavens pursue.

You brought intelligence, light and conversation 
There is balance in us all, through levitation.

You are sweet and honoured to ask what I was reading. 
I was simply over listening, which led to interceding.

Start blessed and full of light
The time your have on this earth, shall shine very bright. 

To Jade stay blessed ❤️πŸ™πŸ½
10th February 2024

Others perception

People’s perception does not count
They will judge and try to make you feel sore,
Ultimately God is your judge, you need him…nothing else more. 

People’s judgement can hit the heart,
The heart is sensitive 
But the soul is spiritual
The prayer I have for you is more than just lyrical. 

The filter of words, like: “I don’t get him or her”
Is that meaningful to you?
After all, you are a child of God the humbleness shall arid anything morbid or blue.

Remember you are the father’s child
Others degrading opinion has no detection
As I said before, the Father is your judge, and that is your reflection.

10th February 2024

Julianna’s day

Hey.. birthday greetings to you, at a place we all can rejoice
You are a beautiful soul and humble being, through the sound of the Father’s voice.

Thank you Lord for this special soul who held me when I was very low,
I thank you so much for the gifts Julianna’s possess
You are thriving young lady, so much more….as the has made you blessed.

You are too blessed and delightful
Humble and caring towards all that you meet,
You look to the Father’s love through a place you will retreat.

You are wise and loving 
And have humility in abundance,
Happy birthday to our beautiful friend Julianna 
A gracious friend…like no other.

10th February 2024

We all need this…

We all need this feeling 
Yes, that’s right:’hope’
No matter what stage you reach
There is optimism 
especially when God free willingly teach.

We need this feeling
No matter what the odds are,
There is a fine line between victory and defeat, which isn’t far.

I hope you love me 
I know I love you too,
Our souls shall rejoice with hope and action 
God is speaking to us all of the time, that’s the satisfaction.

If you opt for pessimism, then great! Walk that way
I rather live on the premise of hope, that sanctification can remain.

10th February 2024

Friday, 9 February 2024

What do you want?

What do you want?
The flash car as well as the loving family?
Perhaps wanting it all possesses its tests 
You are a child of the almighty, through that I confess.

You look to the stars and find peace
You have all the answers to the questions 
Especially when you ask:”Why are things not going my way?”
I am trying my hardest, but it’s here that you need me to stay.

I do love you God
I want to love people through peace and through my heart,
Therefore, I am not scared anymore Lord, for what I have waiting for me? The Lord’s lead is the lift from where I need to start. 

Times are wholesome 
And kept for us to learn,
Where there is promise of hope, these things naturally yearn.

9th February 2024

Thursday, 8 February 2024

I am here living for God

Hey, yes you!
I want this journey to stand still.. but I know it can’t
The fear of life is more than a chant.

I am here Lord
You recognise my heart,
Actually you know more, where I do not depart.

I love you Lord
You encourage me to love friends and family…near and far,
The glory is with you Lord, I am here waiting for this perennial star.

I love you father 
And yes, you are our entire light,
I have said this countless times Father, through you, it’s a challenge and also a delight.

9th February 2024

Not a ‘was’ but still is a ‘is’

Think about it
They leave you
And you don’t think they shall return,
Hey.. the Lord loves you, I shall prayer for our hope through a humble and stable fern.

The fact you have never left me
Yes.. I won’t see you tomorrow, yet still
But you are right here in my heart.. no angst to cause damage or fickle thrill.

Relax, take your time 
People can’t take that away,
God has your protection fully, the line of strength you endure shall be okay.

My dad, Nan and auntie.. they are still here
They passed away in 1994, 1997 and my Dad was last year
They are still in my soul, what else could I possibly fear?

8th February 2024

Loving prayer

You are in my thoughts
As you get on with your day,
Spare a moment to follow Jesus, the saviour in every way.

Thank you for being you
Despite the troubles you once or currently faced,
May the heavens open to your heart and soul
May the words of blessings never lose its flow.

Love one another 
And love your spirit with Jesus inside,
May the heartbeat follow the spirit of love
Just like the birds flying above.

Embrace the day with a momentous prayer
Remember we are all his children, so love one another from the fruit we should share.

8th February 2024

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Looking through the rain

Hello…, how are you?
Holding it together without inflicting verbal pain,
We are meant to be the Father’s children? Shan’t we restore, and begin to abstain.

The rain pours
as the sun shall revitalise our hopes,
There shall be no more sorrow to focus on, through the eyes of a glided rope.

And so when the weather is cold and rain is aligned 
You need to pray first as the kindred spirit define.

Love your neighbour as you would want to love yourself,
Look past the past the serious situations and don’t let the rain intervene
Stay blessed and humbled, as that shall make you become serene.

7th February 2024

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Think about it!

Think about it!
What do you want to do?
Scared of a challenge that you cannot afford
A leap of faith which needs to be prayerfully adored.

You need to fight the pattern
The current one taken place,
Discern your thoughts towards a prayer
Think about, none of us are not going anywhere!

Please give yourself a chance
Accept the gifts that you possess,
Time to let go of thoughts, and leave your phone alone, which takes away a lot and denies an almighty mess.

You have a journey to endure
You deserve hope, and so much more.
Stay blessed and write down your thoughts to answer your prayers 
There is hope to let go of the answers, which you are seeking over right here.

6th February 2024

I see a light

I see a light in you
I feel God’s humble presence, that’s the road we shall go through.

You are stunning
But what I love about you, is your heart
I need the father together, we do not need to at all depart.

You are beautiful
Your smile raises mine,
I pray to God endlessly, you are divine.

You are a child of God 
A woman I love and to become bold,
Please hold us together Lord, this lady is a gracious at a time to hold.

“For Grace…. Xx”
6th February 2024

To find that calling

There is a calling for us all
I pray for you my humble friend 
There’s that moment you need to just keep still and simply the part of a transcend.

Look at your options. Look to what you like
Yes, we all need money, but turn the page for the next task that you capture through light.

Pray for it, there is a calling
Do you like music? Records,? art? writing or caring? 
There are gifts inside of you that faith is always sharing.

Look to your wants 
Leave your phone or other gadgets alone, 
Don’t rely on Google or those AI tools 
And embrace the positive qualities you possess, as you are no one else’s fool.

“For my mate Steve..”
6th February 2024

Monday, 5 February 2024

My friend.. Yiayia Florenza

She was my grandmother 
Calm and polite,
She was beautiful and amazing in sight.

She was my ‘Yiayia’ 
Translated as ‘Grandmother’ in Greek,
She was my friend and there was wisdom for what she did speak.

Those who judge 
They can leave me alone, 
She as a monumental child of Christ, would keep you safe and never left alone.

She was my place of peace
For where I see our God, 
There was this presence about her, which made a glum day fully bright 
Thank you Father, she was the essence for what you see as right.

‘Yiayia Florenza.. my friend and honoured to be her grandson x’
6th February 2024


Don’t give me time… give me love

I want to grow in love, not fall
I rather learn the lord’s journey and feel the essence when I become tall.

I want the spirit to rise inside my heart, and embellish its growth
There is a pattern emerging through prayers to become close
The result is to be with the Father, the one who fills our heart the most.

Love me love me and love me
Don’t we all deserve this feeling,
There is perennial hope through Christ
And you don’t need to tell anyone that twice.

Give me the Father to focus on
I know through him there’s nothing else wrong,
I pray for love, and almighty spiritual lift
The blessings you receive, is through the Lord’s love.. that comes with.

5th February 2024

The day God touched my heart

I’ll never forget that feeling
One deemed relationship to the next,
Failing on many terms and others making it worse by making you feel even vexed.

That time occurred
The father showed us all the way,
You may not able to ‘see it’, yet the path is there for you to relay.

You are not average, you are kind, strong, humble and bright
Lift yourself by praying to God, he has a tremendous amount of might.

Simply pray, it’s easy to do
It’s loving and caring and simply letting go,
Even when the devil tries his luck, the Father makes him timid and slow.

5th February 2024

Sunday, 4 February 2024

All the Creators children πŸ™πŸ½❤️

We are all different 
Some do not understand we are not the same,
And some emphatically do,
The road to your discovery is what we see in prayer and therefore pursue.

We are all different with gifts to the heart and mind
I am seeking the Father’s journey, as blind faith is more powerful uplift, in what you discern to find.

The road is long
Or perhaps could be short,
Life needs prayer to the Father, as this life elsewhere cannot be bought.

We are all precious through God’s love
And where prayer is key, 
Remain hopeful and merciful through the Father’s eyes
Today I say ‘god bless you’ and no further goodbye.

4th February 2024

Saturday, 3 February 2024

Encourage, encourage and encourage

Tough love
What does that mean?
Are you honoured to inflict, hurt coming from the seam.

So we push, push and push further 
Looking for ways to move forward and evolve,
Encouragement is uplifting, even when you become old!

And make things work,
Encouragement is a sign of belief
Not the other side of the coin, where there is no relief.

So become bold 
And say it from the heart,
Uplifting messages need not depart.

Stay with me, and yes, you are that good 
I know that the Father in heaven would encourage his words and develop as you should!

4th February 2024

Two souls one heart

Two have become one
These are times we rejoice in the Lord’s name
We are humbled and refuse the devils distain.

You are blessed and reached by the Father’s cries 
Stay humble with him, there are gifts that shan’t be a surprise.

Uplift each other 
Uplift the calling from God,
There is plenty to lean towards, when he gives a gentle nod. 

Your spirits shall be exalted 
The Lord shall lift you to remain firm,
Embellish these new beginnings; therefore  pray and discern. 

“Congratulations to Florence and Jean Marie”
3rd February 2024

Times change

One minute you sit in a place
Expecting nothing, yet then BAM! there is an embrace.

Fortunes change 
Love becomes clear,
‘Thank you Lord’, that is what  I would say
I am holding onto you because I know things shall turn great
As the whole world has a lot on its plate. 

Thank you sweet lord 
You are kind and forever evolving
As I acknowledge the change which leads to your solving. 

Thank you for change 
Times do, for better and for worse 
Humble your heart through pray and humility 
Thank you Lord in grace and dignity 

3rd February 2024

Friday, 2 February 2024

Blessed encouragement

Stay blessed as the father fills you with zest.
Stay with hope, and dare you dangle from the Devil’s rope.

You are kind and very gracious
You never need to be ostentatious.

You are clear and bright
And have the father within your sight.

Never let go
I am here all of the time,
Love from a friend and Father, who has taken a moment to write this rhyme.

2nd February 2024

Thursday, 1 February 2024


There is a dream 
when all things are humble and stunning 
The words on a piece of paper, is Christ driven through almighty running.

Be kind to your wants
May a prayerful lift bring you joy,
I was like that once when I was a little boy.

Stay humble and remain with God
Holding the light in front of you ensures the spirits stays,
May the guile and strength within 
Is a gracious uplift and a glorious win.

Breathe in and out 
And make things work through discerning prayer
Thank you wholeheartedly, from these words that have always been there.

1st February 2024

If I can hold you now

I want to see you
Hold you ever so tight,
I need to speak to you Lord
The pen is mightier than the sword.

Lord I need you
My prayers are on there way,
I need to keep moving forward Lord, from where hope is able to reach
We learn to evolve dear father, and avoid the Devil’s leach.

Lord please protect my friends 
I love them dearly and relish them most, 
Humbleness is enlightening, as I raise a glass to you Lord as you’ve always been a magnificent host.

I thank you
You are humble with mercy and grace
Looking towards this next chapter of life, as heaven reaches out through its embrace.

1st February 2024

Bring forward the angels

Lord how do you know?
You know when I am struggling where I end up slow.

I thank you for the people you lead me to speak,
Yet it’s through your words is why we endlessly seek.

Lord I thank you for bringing me this friend 
Time is limited as I look to you from where I transcend.

Lord you are my priority as tomorrow brings a new day
Protect my beautiful friend Lord, that’s all I need to say.

1st February 2024

Togetherness in Faith

We unite together 
And pray to God through free will,
And hold him closer to the heart
From where grace and mercy is merely the start.

We are brought together
And find a way forward in order to rejoice,
Hold God with all your might through the eternal love he brings
Accept the harmony and beauty from what he sings.

Be prayerful each day
Love God first and keep him near,
My hope is eternal and that only him for whom I fear.

Love him endlessly 
Love him with the connections he imbues,
Thank you for providing this connection as prayers are moments to ensues.

1st February 2024

Praying for hope

Lord, I know you are great
Often we fall down, which can lead to a type of fate.

Lord I love you, and we give you thanks
I am on this journey which I do not know where it leads
But arriving to you is a blessing indeed.

Lord, I do have troubled days
And when I pray, you pick me up
I know there is harmony in your verses and nothing else can ever interrupt.

Lord you are the ultimate winner, 
even though your son paid the price on the cross, 
As when I pray for others pain to be taken away
I know by his grace, I shall humbly stay.

1st February 2024

It can happen to anyone

When you pray, what do you crave?
Looking to the stars, and glide like a wave?

I need to tell you this, it’s from the bottom of my heart…
pray and stay blessed through humility and grace
And humble your heart without the gossip which bleeds the haste.

Stay with God
Stay with his light that shines,
Times might be bleak through the struggles we face
Yet praying is beautiful and uplifting, a touch full of grace.

Here I am, wishing you well
We have not seen eye to eye, through the conversations which have fell.

Love you…regardless 
Pained with anxiousness that is harmless,
Stay close to your soul, as God is someone we all share
Loved in a passage of manifestation at a time we all need to comfort and care.

1st February 2024

Rush rush

What panic?
Strain on the spirit and mind
Finding the spirit of God never needs to become blind.

“I don’t get them” I may hear
It’s only God who judges, that’s my healthy fear.

I walk this path which my faith has been laid ahead
I first say my prayers and then read my bible, before anything is led.

Your road is long
But your faith turns brokenness into strength,
So what if you don’t get on with everyone! it’s through humility and God where you can circumvent.

1st February 2024

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...