Monday, 15 August 2022

No matter

Vexatious spirits loom
You pray for that human who does not believe,
One day, just one day… they shall receive.

Their perspective shall change 
They are no longer that controlling, or deranged.

If you don’t get it? pray for them 
They don’t get it..  they don’t know that spiritual place.
If I relayed on man, I would be doomed 
My own don’t get it, so I prayed for their closeness to the Father each day
Balanced in heart, the spirit is their.., dad long as you stay?

Impatience will challenge the most timid of hearts 
Where there is God, there is ultimate hope,
A place you once never believed.. 
thank the father, who wants you ‘in’, 
now the heavens open, rebuke the devil who is no longer within.

16th August 2022

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