Saturday, 13 August 2022

In time

We will overcome this test
May not feel like it right now, 
We have to change our spending strategy
Rather enter into a endless calamity.

This time shall past
Yes, people are scared,
And rightly so 
Pray to the father
He shall provide you with solace and a spring
There is movement when praying to him, especially when you sing.

We all feel low
Don’t take it for granted when others  struggle,
You are different from them, so do not judge
Show the love in your heart, which can never budge.

I love you
Yes you… I don’t care what you have done,
There is a father in heaven providing you with hope
And the gifts he provides are unique, the ones we feel we don’t deserve
He is a loving Father, who provides you with strength with a steely nerve.

13th August 2022

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