Monday, 15 August 2022

How did it change?

We use to say hello to neighbours and acknowledge strangers,
Now we are immersed in our phones to connect elsewhere,
Is this world changing for the better? I say it’s turned out not so fair.

We live in a world of corporations 
People getting ahead of the game,
Actually dismissive to their fellow man
Or is that “word” not allowed to be said from where I stand.

The world is too fast
Impatient in fact, can’t we reflect on the positives,
Or a boss who is having a dig 
You know what?  life is too short 
Therefore I shan’t be apart of this nonsense that distorts.  

Perhaps patience needs to be resolved 
A fierce aggression needs to be slightly dissolved.
Be at peace with God first as friendliness is no longer a chore
The hope in us all can show a little bit more.

16th August 2022 

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