Monday, 2 May 2022

Training and praying

“It’s alright for you, you are fit!” I hear
I reply: “do you know my journey? I had plenty to fear.”

So I started a quest to get strong and prayerful
Waking up each morning, and say: let’s do this…
My eyes are weary, perhaps have a coffee?
 No.. hit the gym, strength and begin rowing ready hard
By the time you are due your next exercise, there no holds barred.

I said to God “why is this me.. 
I am failing life, and no one cares?.” He said you are ready for this step
Go at it, you will struggle with lots of pain
But your personality shall balance your madness into becoming sane.

Please keep going 
The job is not done…
Complacency isn’t part of the deal
May God enter onto your heart, when praying and training 
He is a loyal Father and loves you more when you are staying.

3rd May 2022

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