Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Benefit of hindsight

The past can be reflective and daunting at the same time
Looking at positive energies and filling our plentiful cup
Looking at the aspiration, to never give up.

You are here to try 
Never give in, 
Despite taxing foes that do not believe in the Father,
You are encountered with never ending love
A love so encouraging 
And furthermore nourishing.

You may receive negative foes who say things like: “you’ve made your bed” or “if you done it like this?”
Benefit of hindsight often evades 
I rather move forward and ignore those with this point of view 
Humbleness personification
Faith is my hope of liberation.
Learning a new skill is never too late
Humbleness in God, is an elevation in state.
If only we look at the positive and treat the negatives with a constructive view
May humbleness stay inside, 
And positives come from the Father’s abide.

31st May 2022

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